Lu Yi walked out of the steel passage and saw the four guys

"Haha, what a boring resistance!"

The four mutants were not powerful mutants at all, at most one or two levels. How could they resist Lu Yi?

The four mutants were all controlled. Seeing Lu Yi ignoring them, the expressions on their faces changed. With a cold face, they attacked Lu Yi.


A ball of green liquid was spit out by a mutant, and the target was Lu Yi.

Lu Yi did not hesitate to turn his body sideways and avoided such a ball of liquid.

Such a ball of liquid was either acid or some other liquid, which would not have any effect on Lu Yi, but Lu Yi still dodged!

It was because of disgust.

This was similar to spitting, and Lu Yi did not want to have any contact with other people's saliva.

This mutant was spitting, and the methods of other mutants were not much different. One could grow spikes all over his body, and one arm could become very soft, like plasticine. The same, the last one is very fast, they are all equally useless!

They are OK against ordinary people, but dealing with Lu Yi is just courting death.

Except for the one who spitted, the remaining three were still courting death and provoking Lu Yi. They actually got close to Lu Yi and wanted to fight with Lu Yi!

Especially the mutant whose arms were like plasticine. He seemed to think that his arms were very resilient. He waved his arms and shook them like noodles, and then he was about to lock Lu Yi's upper body.

But before he could really do it, Lu Yi flicked each of his resilient arms lightly.

Just like several grenades exploding, his resilient arms were directly bounced away by the powerful force and smashed onto the steel wall next to him, and turned into a puddle of mud with a snap.

The mutant's reaction was also weird, as if the arm that turned into mud was not his. He ignored all of this. Although his face was pale, there was still no expression on his face.

"What a strong control! Stryker did a great job. All those years of research were not in vain!" Lu Yi couldn't help but sigh. Although he sighed, Lu Yi didn't hold back on these mutants. He quickly flashed by the four mutants, raised his hand knife and gently chopped them off the back of their necks.

With four clicks, the four mutants fell to the ground, their necks twisted strangely, and they lost their breath.

The four times Lu Yi had just chopped off their necks, so they looked like this now.

Then Lu Yi didn't stop at all. His figure was like the wind, flashing behind the soldiers, waving his hand knife one after another, constantly falling on their necks, reaping their lives.

Some people tried to dodge, but every dodge was useless. Lu Yi's hand knife could always penetrate through the gaps, chop on their necks, and end their lives.

"This is just the beginning!"After killing all the soldiers in front of him, Lu Yi suddenly looked up and said to a camera.

On the other side of the camera, Stryker was sitting here, looking at Lu Yi under the camera.

When he heard that this was just the beginning, he panicked!

It was not because of this sentence, but because of the way Lu Yi conveyed this sentence. Lu Yi's words were not conveyed through the camera.

Instead, they were directly instilled into his ears in another very secret way.

It was like a devil whispering in his ear, making him shudder.

He had to admit that he was scared!

In the past, he didn't scared when facing Professor X; he didn't scared when facing Magneto!

But only when facing Lu Yi, he was scared!

Looking at the screen, Lu Yi was standing in the center of a pile of corpses. He seemed to see the appearance of the devil. He now regretted why he accepted the provocation of those people and cooperated with those people to launch nuclear bombs against Lu Yi.

But it's too late to say anything now, Lu Yi will not let him go.

Stryker suddenly stood up and said,"No, we can't just sit there and wait to die!"

""Yuriko, stop him!"

He hurriedly gave an order to a female secretary beside him, and chose to leave without hesitation.

He planned to hide temporarily, and wait until Lu Yi forgot about him or Lu Yi was killed before coming out. He had lost the courage to face Lu Yi.

He even abandoned Yuriko, one of his most proud works, just to buy more time to escape.

Yuriko was controlled, and she didn't feel anything about Stryker's abandonment of her. She just wanted to complete the task assigned to her by Stryker. After twisting her fingers a few times and making a few sounds that sounded more like metal friction than bone friction, she rushed to where Lu Yi was now.

She wanted to stop Lu Yi.!

But just as she walked to the door, before she could open the metal door in front of her, a loud bang was heard as the metal door in front of her shattered. The metal door, which was at least several dozen centimeters thick, was kicked into pieces by a powerful force, revealing a hole that people could pass through.

But this is not the key point. The key point is that Yuriko, who was just trying to stop Lu Yi, was hit by the piece of metal door fragment, and her body was carried by the metal door fragment to the metal wall behind her.

Although her skeleton is made of adamantium like Wolverine's, her skeleton was saved after being hit like this, but her flesh and blood were completely shattered, and her flesh and blood were blurred, no longer in their previous state.

"Ah, I didn't expect you to be standing behind the door, I'm so sorry, how are you? Are you okay?" Lu Yi walked into the room from the hole, saying without any apology on his face.

PS: Please give me some evaluation votes, I haven't touched them for many days, and they are only a little over a hundred.

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