Legilimency is a special spell that can enter a person's emotional memory, which is also known as mind reading.

Using Legilimency, Lu Yi could have entered Stryker's memory, but Lu Yi did not do so. Stryker's memory was nothing interesting, so it would be better to directly extract the relevant thoughts. This would be enough, and the effect would be the same. After the thoughts were extracted, Lu Yi did not store them, but touched the thoughts with his own mental power.

An image appeared in Lu Yi's mind, which was Stryker's memory. Lu Yi watched the memories in Stryker's mind as if he was watching a movie.

"What are you doing?"Lu Yi can see Stryker's memory, but Natasha and Coulson can't. Natasha expressed her doubts at the right time.

Her task of collecting intelligence on Lu Yi has never stopped, and now is no exception.

"Extract memory!"

"Extracting memories? What a special method!"

"Why are you interested?"

"Yes, can I see it for myself?" Natasha gritted her teeth and said.

She was going to try it herself!

"Of course!"

Lu Yi's eyes gleamed, and he threw the thoughts lingering on his fingers to Natasha, sinking into Natasha's mind.

Natasha only saw a change in front of her eyes, and then she felt a sense of weightlessness. When she recovered, she had arrived in a room in the base.

People came in and out in an orderly manner. Stryker, who was supposed to be kneeling on the ground, also stood up from the ground. He sat on a chair at some point, looking at the screen in front of him, processing some things.

"Where is this?" Natasha subconsciously put her hand on the pistol at her waist and looked around.

"Something is wrong, something is wrong. I suddenly appeared here and didn't cause any movement. There is something wrong!"

Natasha moved lightly and walked to the side of a staff member. After a slight hesitation, she stretched out her hand to him.

Unexpectedly but also reasonable, Natasha did not touch the staff member. Instead, her hand passed through the staff member's head. The staff member seemed to be completely unreal.

"This is really magical, maybe this is Stryker's memory!"

Natasha combined the information she knew and deduced the truth. She stopped talking nonsense and planned to continue watching.

This was her request. It was not easy to get this opportunity, so she couldn't waste it.

Natasha looked at everything around her intently, fearing that there would be the slightest mistake. Everything was so harmonious.

Suddenly, a discordant scene happened.

A sound similar to a ring interrupted Stryker's current action, causing Stryker to frown and click on a shaking pop-up window on the computer in front of him.

"I told you not to bother me!" Stryker said to the computer screen.

"Sorry, sir! But someone from the military is here and wants to see you by name!"

"Really? Then bring him here!"Strike's expression changed slightly and he said.

Then, the scene changed and a man walked in with a general.

"We need your cooperation!" The general said straight to the point after dispersing all the people.

"What cooperation?"

"The United States is now facing a huge threat. A powerful existence, whether it is a mutant or a super-powered person, threatens the security of the United States. As an expert in mutant research, we have provided you with a lot of funds over the years. It's time for you to give back!"

"Is this your personal opinion or the President's?"

"It's not the president's idea, nor is it my personal idea, but the idea of some knowledgeable people in the military. They are afraid of that existence and choose to compromise! What do you think? Do you want to compromise too?"The general stared at Stryker and said

"No, I won't compromise! But……"

After Stryker stopped talking, the general looked better."Don't worry about anything else. We will take care of it. This operation is very secret. No one will leak your information. We will ensure your safety! The president will not find any problems afterwards! After that, whether the operation is successful or not, you will get our support. Don't you want more mutant research? We can support you too!"

The general's words made Stryker very moved. After thinking for a moment, he finally did not refuse.

"What should I do?"

"Provide us with a mutant who can make the opponent lose consciousness and an adamantium box!"

"I have roughly guessed your plan, and these are not a problem, but what if the plan fails?"

"Don't worry, we have backup means, and a nuclear bomb is ready!" The general said to Stryker with a hint of madness on his face.

At this point, the memory ended. The general and Stryker in front of Natasha quickly became illusory and floated like mist, followed by the surrounding environment.

Finally, Natasha felt her body suddenly and quickly rise into the air, and then she saw Lu Yi and Coulson with an anxious face again.

Natasha raised her hand to stop Coulson who wanted to speak, turned her head and said to Lu Yi in a low voice:"I really didn't expect it to be like this. Don't worry, we at SHIELD will definitely not let them off!"

"It's a good idea for you to have this idea, but I don't need your SHIELD to avenge me!" Lu Yi looked at Natasha jokingly and laughed.

Looking at Lu Yi's eyes, Natasha immediately realized that her plan had failed. After a helpless smile, she could only pray for those generals, hoping that they could die beautifully.

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