Surrounding Natasha and Coulson, the major led a team of soldiers to the front of the fighter plane.

""Ready your rocket launchers!"

At the command of the major, the soldiers behind him each took out a rocket launcher, carried it on their shoulders, and locked onto the fighter plane.

Natasha and Coulson saw it and were anxious. They wanted to speak up to stop them, but seeing the soldiers staring at them, they dared not and could only watch helplessly.


The major gave another order, and all the rockets were fired at the same time.

The rockets dragged long flame tails and rushed towards the fighter planes not far in front of them.

Seeing this scene, Natasha and Coulson felt that their eyes could not help but go black, and there were only two words in their hearts, it's over!

Of course, they are not talking about Lu Yi here, but all the people in this base, they are all finished.

Natasha and Coulson smiled bitterly at each other, their faces were the color of pig liver.

They could almost imagine what would happen next, it would definitely be a river of blood.

The rockets were fired at the same time, rushing towards the fighter planes, but before the rockets really touched the fighter planes, a figure suddenly flashed out, suspended in the air, facing the rockets.

Two pillars of light that penetrated the sky suddenly appeared, swept quickly across the sky, and all the rockets were swept.

Boom! Boom! Boom...

The rockets that were swept exploded in an instant, violent explosions sounded, and flames appeared along with black smoke.


Seeing the flames and black smoke about to cover the figure, the figure suddenly took a deep breath and blew it towards the flames and black smoke.

The cold breath came out of the figure's mouth and gradually spread in front of him, blowing the black smoke and extinguishing all the flames. A thick layer of icicles appeared on the ground because of the cold breath.

In other words, the figure didn't blow in the direction of those soldiers. I'm afraid they have been frozen into popsicles at this moment, and any random knock can make them shatter.

"It seems that your communication is useless!"The figure saw Coulson and Natasha who were surrounded in the middle and said to them.

Coulson and Natasha saw the figure, which was actually Lu Yi, and also heard his words.

However, even so, they dared not say anything.

The soldiers around them were very panicked by Lu Yi's appearance and performance, but they were not panicked enough to give up their mission. They still surrounded Natasha and Coulson.

"Do you need help?"Seeing their embarrassment, he asked them.

Natasha and Coulson nodded desperately.

If they were not restrained, they could still stop Lu Yi. They could not miss this opportunity.

"Yuriko, save people!"

As Lu Yi finished speaking, Yuriko suddenly rushed out of the fighter plane's hatch, waving her slender adamantium claws, and rushed towards the soldiers who surrounded Natasha and Coulson.

Ta! Ta! Ta...

Those soldiers had seen how powerful Lu Yi was, and they didn't dare to be careless about Yuriko who suddenly rushed out. They opened fire without waiting for her to get close.

Bullets were released, but Yuriko was like a civet cat, jumping repeatedly on the ground. All the bullets fell into the air, and not a single bullet hit her. After several jumps, Yuriko was already very close to those soldiers. In the horrified eyes of the soldiers, Yuriko used her slender and sharp adamantium claws to pierce the heart of the soldier closest to her.

Killed with one blow!

Then, Yuriko grabbed the soldier and used him as a cover, quickly approached other soldiers, and began to kill other soldiers.

The agile Yuriko kept jumping beside the soldiers, and each jump would take the life of a soldier.

In just over ten seconds, all the soldiers who surrounded Natasha and Coulson were killed.

The other soldiers wanted to stop them, but Lu Yi was blocking them in front of them. They could only watch and were powerless to stop them.

"Kill them all!"

The major seemed to have never dreamed that this would happen. He roared in anger as he watched his soldiers die.

The other soldiers couldn't help it any longer. They picked up guns of various types and weapons in their hands. They didn't care whether Natasha and Coulson's identities were really problematic or not. They started to attack frantically without distinguishing their targets.

Natasha and Coulson were ordinary people and didn't dare to take the attack head-on. Although Yuriko was a mutant with amazing recovery ability, she was in pain after being hit and didn't want to take the attack head-on. They all chose to find cover and block!

Only Lu Yi was so powerful that he didn't worry about these things at all. He just stood there and let the attack fall.

The attack fell, but Lu Yi didn't suffer any damage. To be exact, not even a hair was hurt.

"How can it be?"

"Why it came out like this?"

"Fuck, who is he?"

"No matter who he is, kill him!"

"How to kill? How to kill? Damn it, who on earth did we offend?"

"No matter who we provoke, I don't believe he can stop the tanks. Our tanks are coming soon!"

The soldiers talked at once, with panic on their faces, but they did not lose confidence, and their fear of Lu Yi did not reach the extreme.

Coulson and Natasha felt very strange, but Lu Yi knew the source of their confidence.

Strictly speaking, these people were just the vanguard, used to delay time. Inside the military base, other people had already taken action, forming a huge encirclement, with all kinds of advanced weapons and equipment pointing at them.

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