
Lu Yi was just about to relax his attack on the Hulk, when the Abomination, who was ignored by Lu Yi, came to not far from Lu Yi, let out an excited roar, ran to not far from Lu Yi as fast as thunder, and jumped up.

His purpose was very simple. When Lu Yi was teaching the Hulk a lesson, he would sneak attack Lu Yi and let Lu Yi, the sad little bug, know who is the real strong one and who has the right to decide the fate of others.

Lu Yi was suspended in the sky, but not high. The Abomination jumped lightly and came in front of Lu Yi, raised his sandbag-sized fist and hit Lu Yi.

This punch was really good. Before it hit Lu Yi, Lu Yi felt the strong wind pressure. The strong wind blew Lu Yi's hair, sticking to his scalp, letting Lu Yi know that this punch was definitely not light and the force used was not small at all.

"Very strong!" Lu Yi exclaimed in amazement, but soon the exclamation changed and turned into a hint of sarcasm,"But no matter how strong you are, you are just a fake. You will never be the Hulk. Your potential is just like this!"

Lu Yi's words hit the pain point of Abomination. The angry roar sounded again, and the arm of Abomination that hit Lu Yi suddenly swelled up, and the arm hit Lu Yi more forcefully.

Seeing this, Lu Yi closed his thermal vision, his head flashed slightly, and he easily dodged the punch from Abomination. He grabbed the wrist of Abomination's fist with one hand, and slapped Abomination's cheek with the other hand.


The back of Lu Yi's hand made close contact with Abomination's cheek. Abomination was like a spinning top, and Lu Yi's arm was like a whip that whipped the spinning top, making Abomination, the spinning top, spin in place.

Abomination spun for dozens of rounds before stopping, but when it stopped, one side of Abomination's cheek was already swollen, three or four teeth were spit out, and green blood was also all over his mouth.

""Humble little bug, I must kill you!" The hateful eyes were full of murderous intent and roared.

The hateful no longer cared about his own wounds, stepped on the ground, dragged his heavy body, but flexibly rushed towards Lu Yi.

"It seems that the Hulk's gene only makes your body stronger, but it doesn't make you grow brains, and you can't even tell the strength of the situation!"

Looking at the hatred rushing towards him, Lu Yi fell from the sky without any hesitation, and stepped on the ground in the same way, leaving a deep pit surrounded by spider webs on the ground, and then rushed towards the hatred like a cannonball.

The hatred was not surprised but happy to see this. He had never been afraid of Lu Yi until now. Looking at Lu Yi rushing towards him like a cannonball, he became faster, smiled grimly, raised his fist and hit the oncoming Lu Yi.

Lu Yi followed suit and raised a fist to hit the fist of the hatred.

"Die!" He laughed with hatred and madness.

"You should be the one to die!" Lu Yi said calmly without changing his expression.

Arrogance and calmness formed a sharp contrast. Under this sharp contrast, there was another sharp contrast. Two fists of completely different sizes collided together, making the contrast even sharper, forming a sharp contrast far beyond that formed by arrogance and calmness.


The fists collided with each other, making a loud noise and also setting off a huge wind pressure.

The strong wind blew from the place where the two fists met, blowing the stones on the ground and the abandoned cars on the street.

The destructive power of the two was so strong that At this point, after the fists collided and showed the amazing destructive power of the two, the arrogance on the face of the hatred could not help but pause, and then he could not help but reveal a painful expression, and his body flew backwards like a cannonball.

The body of the hatred hit a wall and instantly smashed through the wall, but the body continued to fly backwards uncontrollably, smashing through dozens of walls before barely stopping.

At this time, Lu Yi kicked away the broken bricks and stones blocking the road, came in front of the hatred, looked down at the hatred with calm eyes

"Damn reptile, how dare you hurt the great abomination?"Looking at the arm that was trembling after being hit by Lu Yi, the abomination roared without a brain

"Great hatred? I really don't see how you are great! You were beaten like a dog by me!"

Lu Yi's words were like a sharp sword, piercing deeply into the heart of hatred, which severely damaged his already hypocritical self-esteem. He felt very bad, and his anger rose rapidly. His eyes were filled with murderous intent when he looked at Lu Yi.

"Hate will kill you!"

Hate only had time to let out this last roar before anger dominated his mind. His body also swelled by three points because of anger. The bone spurs on his body began to grow again, turning into an even more terrifying killing weapon.

"Transformed again? But do you think this will work?"

Without any hesitation, after saying this, Lu Yi flashed in front of the abomination. Before he could react, he raised one foot, adjusted the angle, and kicked the abomination in front of him.

The abomination once again turned into a cannonball and flew out of its current location. Its body rose into the air and continued to rise. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a small black dot.

After doing all this, Lu Yi bent his knees and kicked the ground hard. The moment his body was in the air, he activated his flying ability and quickly chased above the body of the abomination, punching the abomination again.


Lu Yi's fist hit the back of the abomination. The abomination couldn't help but vomit a mouthful of green blood. The upward momentum slowed down, and his eyes rolled back like a meteor falling from the sky.

Not everyone can withstand a powerful blow of 10,000 tons, not even the abomination. The Hulk might be able to, but not before he gets even angrier.

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for everything!

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