Mephisto seemed not to notice the shock on everyone's faces. He walked to Johnny Blaze's"corpse" and took a look. Then he turned to look at Lu Yi.

"You killed my knight?" Mephisto asked with a kind smile, just like an old man next door.


"That's really the case with the young. Compared to you, I'm already old!"

Anyone who believes this is a fool!

Don't look at Mephisto's appearance as an old man, but he is still strong after who knows how many years. He is so strong that his son has fallen out with him.

Wu Xinmo, the son of Mephisto, is a very miserable guy in hell.

As the son of Mephisto, Wu Xinmo naturally has his place in hell. In his father's territory, he is an absolute little bully who bullies men and women. In his father's territory

, any beautiful female demon can't escape his clutches.

This is something that most people can't ask for. Logically, this should be the peak of his life. He doesn't need to do anything in the future, and he can just muddle through.

But he is not like this. He has his own ideas.

Over the years, he has always been said to be the son of someone, and others look at him with envy, jealousy and hatred, but he is very sick and wants to prove himself.

With Mephisto, there is a mountain on his head. He can't do anything. He can only hope that Mephisto will... He hoped that Mephisto would die quickly so that he could ascend the throne and become the top brother smoothly.

He hoped and hoped, hoping that Mephisto would kick his legs!

But in the end, he found that it was just a dream. He looked like an old immortal in human appearance, but in the end he was immortal, becoming a real old immortal. No one knew how much life he had left.

What is the sorrow of the princes and princes? That is, their fathers are immortal. They can clearly see that position, but they can't touch it. Mortals are lucky to have a lifespan of at most a hundred years. Who knows how long these devils have a lifespan? Thousands of years? Tens of thousands of years?

Damn it!

What should I do next? What else can I do?


That's right, rebellion!

Wu Xinmo did the same thing later. He really chose to rebel, and then there were things in the future.

Mephisto is an old immortal. Whoever thinks he is really going to die is a real fool.

Lu Yi also knows this, but he has a famous saying,"Since you think you are old, why do you still come out? Isn't it good to retire in your hell?"

""Oh no! My bones are indeed old, but I am not old enough to retire yet. I have to make use of my remaining energy while I am still able to move!" Mephisto laughed and said calmly.



The two smiled at each other, as if they had said something funny.

This made Yuriko and the other three look at each other in confusion, not understanding the situation at all.

This is not right!

Shouldn't they fight? After all, how can a knight who killed another one smile so happily, as if he had met a friend of different ages?

"Young man, I see you are getting along well, are you interested in doing business with me? I have everything here! Power, money, women, strength, etc.!"

Mephisto said to Lu Yi in a tempting tone, which made Natasha and the other three feel endless yearning.

"Power is like a floating cloud to me. I am a country, and everyone must bow down to me. Who dares to look down on me? With power comes money, so naturally I don’t need money. This is even more true for women. As for strength, you can’t give it to me!"

Lu Yi didn't feel anything about Mephisto's temptation. He refuted and criticized the things that Mephisto tempted him with one after another.

"You are really a picky person, but it seems that there is something wrong with your last point!"

"what is the problem?"

"I can give you the strength you need!"

"No, you can't!"

"No, I can give it to you!" Mephisto said firmly.

"Then I am curious about what kind of power you can give me? Tell me about it!"

Lu Yi showed his curiosity appropriately.

"How about the body of a demon? I can transform you into a powerful demon. What's so good about humans? They are weak and their life span is only a hundred years. They are just a flash of a demon's finger."

"Really?" Lu Yi said noncommittally.

Being transformed into a demon?

Don't be kidding. Let's not talk about whether he will still have his own will after the transformation, whether he will be enslaved, just Lu Yi's current body is not comparable to the so-called demon. Is it necessary to take such a big risk?

Mephisto is obviously up to no good, and wants to transform himself into a demon and control himself. Is it necessary for Lu Yi to jump into the fire pit?

"Not interested? No problem, how about giving you the power of the devil?"

"Not interested, is there anything else?"

"Powerful weapons?"

"It is better to rely on yourself than on tools!"

Mephisto frowned slightly, then glanced at the magic circle on the ground, and said with a smile:"No, I see you are studying magic, I have collected a batch of magic from ancient times to the present, are you interested in this?"


"Interested?"Mephisto's smile deepened.

"One thing, can I see the goods first?"

"Of course you can!"

The flame on Mephisto's hand flashed, and a very simple, yellowed magic book appeared in his hand.

"Look at the goods!"

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