Rumors stop with the wise!

This sentence is not wrong. In fact, it is not just rumors, but also some false truths.

However, the real wise men are a minority after all, and most of them are fools.

With the efforts of the US government, the world has restored harmony. Everything is the fault of the terrorists. The dead soldiers are because of terrorists, and the dead generals are also because of terrorists.

The soldiers and generals are not at fault at all. The fault is all the terrorists.

It's all... no, it's all the fault of the terrorists!

Anyway, they have enough to blame, and they don't care about this.

Lu Yi has been paying attention to the follow-up of the matter. Lu Yi really admires the US government's ability to turn the tables.

Lu Yi silently gave a thumbs up to the US government, and then silently continued his work to make the equipment in his mind.

When Lu Yi accepted Superman's ability, he also accepted part of his memory. This part of the memory does not contain much super technology in Krypton, but it does have the relevant production methods of Superman's equipment.

Lu Yi plans to use this memory to create a set of equipment for himself, a set of equipment that coexists with technology and magic, can cooperate with each other, and fight against technology and magic at the same time.

Through the cooperation of magic, Lu Yi has now completed 80%, and the materials of the equipment have been prepared and cut according to Lu Yi's own body.

If you don't pursue magic, this set of clothes is already perfect, and it is no different from Superman's uniform.

Of course, the uniform here is not the kind of uniform that is worn outside the underwear, but the uniform of Superman in the Man of Steel.

Lu Yi has always felt that Superman's uniform with underwear worn outside is simply weak, and the real Superman's uniform should be the Superman uniform in the Man of Steel.

What the hell is underwear worn outside?

When Lu Yi learned about the production method in his mind, he thought about whether he should make one, but the conditions were not met.

The technological level of Krypton is not comparable to that of the Earth. The materials of this equipment cannot be made with the technology of the Earth.

But now it is different. Lu Yi has a more powerful magic to cooperate with, and this set of equipment can be made, and even stronger equipment can be made, such as the power armor on Zod and others.

Yes, that's right, the power armor that Zod and the others are wearing can also be used.

The only pity is that Superman only has partial design drawings of this armor in his memory, and he has no grasp of the power design at all, so even if Lu Yi makes it, it will only be a bloated armor.

In this regard, Lu Yi has no other choice for the time being, so he can only make a set of Superman uniforms in the Man of Steel as his own equipment.

""Master, the equipment is already 80% complete, and the inspection did not find any problems. It completely meets your requirements!" Yuriko said to Lu Yi, standing in front of the equipment made by Lu Yi. Yuriko is now acting as an assistant, helping Lu Yi in making equipment, which is also her own request.

She is happy to participate in everything Lu Yi does, and every time she helps Lu Yi, it can give her a special pleasure.

This is probably related to what Lu Yi wrote in her mind at the beginning, which makes her feel that dedicating herself to Lu Yi is the best thing, everything to her, and what she should do most.

"If that's the case, then it would be fine now, what a pity!"

"What a pity?"Yuriko was puzzled.

The equipment was being built smoothly without any problems. Yuriko didn't know why Lu Yi said it was a pity.

"You don't understand magic, so you don't know. The material of this equipment is very good, but it is not so good at conducting magic. The magic development is not particularly outstanding. The engraving of magic runes and magic arrays can only be ordinary!"

Ordinary has never been Lu Yi's pursuit. Lu Yi wants perfection. It's just that a good cook can't cook without rice. This is the only way for now.

"If you need any other materials, let me know and I can get them!"

"There is no such material on the market, and such material is only available in some special places!"

"I can go!"

Lu Yi smiled and said,"I know what you mean, but you can't go to these places. Even I can't go there for the time being. Wait! One day, I will take you there!""


"Okay, I'll take the last step!"

Yuriko stepped back quickly, fearing that she would affect Lu Yi!

In fact, Lu Yi was not afraid of Yuriko's influence, and she could not affect him, but it was undoubtedly good for her to step back.

Lu Yi did not see any movement, and the equipment that was 80% completed slowly rose into the air and quickly filled up, like a transparent person wearing the equipment.

Facing this equipment, Lu Yi began to engrave runes and magic circles.

The fiery red flames rose from the bottom of the equipment, and the misty flames streaked on the equipment. The equipment turned red in an instant, so quickly, and everything seemed so abrupt.

This state did not How long did it last? When the flames spread to the collar of the equipment, the red equipment quickly cooled down in one second and returned to its original state, as if it had never appeared.

This cycle repeated nine times. After nine times, the equipment had already shown a tendency to deform, so it stopped and ended helplessly!

After all, it was not magic metal, and this level was already the limit.

After finishing the engraving of runes and magic circles, he stretched out his hand and made a move on the equipment. With a flash of light, the equipment that was motionless disappeared and was instantly worn by Lu Yi.

The first magic circle, the master recognition magic circle was successful!

"So, is this considered a one-click clothing change?"

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