Sitting in the center of the audience, Yuriko looked at Justin Hammer and complained,"Your dancing is so ugly, just like a drake!"

It's not that Yuriko complained intentionally, but there were really too many things worth complaining about him. He was stupid and couldn't even act cool. Instead, he looked like a clown.

"It should be more like a penguin!"

"Penguin? A little bit indeed!"Yuriko couldn't help laughing.

Lu Yi and Yuriko were so eye-catching, and the mocking smiles on their faces were not concealed at all. Justin Hammer almost immediately discovered it, and Justin Hammer's face couldn't help but become gloomy.

Fortunately, he also knew that this was his critical moment, so he didn't do anything. After his face changed, he was full of smiles again and began to tell his prepared speech.

"Ladies and gentlemen, for a long time, our country has let brave soldiers risk their lives in battle. Later, Iron Man appeared, and we still won’t lose soldiers, but he refuses to disclose his technology. This is unfair and wrong! And it’s such a pity!"

Justin Hammer was here to slap someone in the face. As soon as he stood in the speaking position, he chose to fire at Tony Stark.

What he said was really good, but some people in the audience did not support his statement as much as they imagined.

Most of the people in the audience were from the business community, and Tony Stark’s behavior of not disclosing his inventions was in their interest. They did not want to flatter Justin Hammer or the military.

Justin Hammer did not realize this, and he talked to himself and soon turned his topic to those iron soldiers.

"Hammer Iron Soldier!"

The screen behind Justin Hammer suddenly lit up, and a group of soldiers appeared in the blazing fire. The stage also began to unfold, and three teams of iron soldiers representing the navy and the army slowly rose up.

At the scene, applause slowly rang out!

Justin Hammer still felt that such applause was not warm enough, so he stretched out his hand and made an iron man rise from under the stage.

This iron man was none other than Air Force Lieutenant Colonel James Rhodes, a good friend of Tony Stark.

"It's different!"Looking at James Roddy rising slowly, Yuriko asked in confusion

"Can the poor and the rich be the same?"

Justin Hammer's Iron Soldier is a mass-produced product, completely different from Tony Stark's custom-made Iron Man suit. Tony Stark's custom-made suit alone is worth dozens of Justin Hammer's suits. They are so luxurious. Can they be the same?

"Look down, someone is making trouble!"

As soon as Lu Yi finished speaking, a whistling sound came from far away, and then Yuriko saw Tony Stark, who had come to see Lu Yi before, landed on the stage.

I don't know if it's because of the inertia of the plot, this playboy still updated his Ark reactor, and the palladium element was replaced by a new element. The updated Ark reactor is more powerful and cleaner, which is a very good thing.

But now is not the time to talk about these. Lu Yi is preparing to take action against the steel soldier in front of him. These are all opportunities to draw, although they can only be brushed Once.

Lu Yi's hand was already on his S-marked necklace, waiting to grab the head.

At this time, a change also occurred on the stage. All the steel soldiers raised their arms, revealing the weapons inside, and pointed them at Tony Stark.

Tony Stark was afraid of accidental injuries, so he wanted to direct the battle to other places and flew into the sky.

It was at this time that Lu Yi took action. Lu Yi tore off the S-marked necklace on his neck and completed the change of clothes. The Superman uniform replaced Lu Yi's casual clothes.


The people in the audience only heard a sound that pierced the air. There was a loud bang, and then Lu Yi, wearing a red cape, appeared in front of the Iron Soldiers who wanted to shoot without fear of death.

The Iron Soldiers' target was Tony Stark, and they ignored Lu Yi.

But this disregard made them feel extremely sour. Lu Yi flew to the side of the two Iron Soldiers, and without using any special attacking techniques, he put his hands on the sides of the two Iron Soldiers' heads and pressed them together!


After a collision, the two Iron Soldiers were directly scrapped, and the parts of their heads fell all over the ground.

The people around who were just panicking were now... The audience was stunned, looking at Lu Yi and the two"corpses" of the Iron Soldiers lying on the ground with electric sparks constantly emitting, as if they were looking at monsters.

The invited audience was stunned, but Lu Yi was not stunned. He quickly flew in front of an Iron Soldier and put his hands together.


The head of the Iron Soldier in front of him was directly deflated.

Lu Yi had no pressure at all to deal with these Iron Soldiers!

The man from Hammer Industries also realized this and did not dare to let the Iron Soldiers stay. He activated the aircraft on the Iron Soldiers and began to chase Tony Stark to avoid Lu Yi.

""Why are you running so fast?"

Seeing the steel soldier trying to fly away, Lu Yi didn't give him a chance.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz...

The thermal vision was turned on, and two red beams of light swept towards the sky with Lu Yi's sight.

The steel soldiers, who were not controlled by humans or artificial intelligence, had very weak evasive ability. Most of the steel soldiers flying in the air were directly swept down by Lu Yi.

Bang! Bang! Bang...

Boom! Boom! Boom...

Fierce explosions rose in the sky, and parts of the steel soldiers wrapped in flames fell from the sky, crashed to the ground, and hit the crowd.

The well-dressed people didn't have the composure they had before, and the ugliness of human nature was fully displayed.

Lu Yi didn't care about these people. He flew up from the ground with a"whoosh" and chased after them.���He caught up with the iron soldiers who had temporarily escaped.

Flying in the sky, Lu Yi quickly caught up with the first iron soldier and kept pace with it.

This iron soldier was quite interesting. He turned his head to look at Lu Yi, then turned back, completely ignoring Lu Yi.

"Oh, I have such a bad temper!"

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