"I think it will be like this. Tell me, what's the matter?"

Lu Yi is in a good mood now, so he doesn't mean to make things difficult for Hawkeye. He glanced at the nervous Hawkeye and brought the topic back to the right track.

Hawkeye also has the composure to remain calm even when facing a collapse, but this composure is targeted. If it is targeted at ordinary people and things, it will naturally be useless.

But if it is targeted at Lu Yi, this composure is useless.

Facing Lu Yi, who is stronger than himself, even strong enough to make him despair, these are simply meaningless, let alone effective.

Hawkeye has never relaxed when facing Lu Yi. His body has been in a tense state. From time to time, he will touch his bow and arrow, because only in this way can he give him some courage, some courage to stay calm in the face of Lu Yi.

Touching his bow and arrow again, Hawkeye took a deep breath,"It's like this. Some time ago, the World Security Council gave you an ultimatum!"

"That's what happened, then���They think I'm too much of a nuisance and have figured out how to deal with me?"

"That’s not the case, but they felt that the previous ultimatum was a bit inappropriate and has been revoked. They want to express their sincere apologies through us!"

"Are you sure you didn't say anything wrong?" Lu Yi was a little dumbfounded.

Are these people finally getting their heads right?

"I'm afraid not. All of this is true. The director told me in person and asked me to relay it to him!"

To be honest, Hawkeye himself didn't particularly believe this, but it was the fact. He didn't change a word of Nick Fury's words and told Lu Yi everything.

"Well, I don't need to admit that I really underestimated them! Do they want to let my guard down? Or do they have no way to deal with me and compromise with me?"

Lu Yi is more inclined to the first one.

Not only Lu Yi, Hawkeye himself is more inclined to the first one, but this tendency is just a thought in his mind and he can never say it out loud.

He is a member of S.H.I.E.L.D. under the World Security Council, not Lu Yi's. He has to maintain the World Security Council.

"I think it might be the second one, after all, you are really too unsolvable!"

"Maybe, but I am more inclined to the first one, go back and tell them that no matter what tricks they are going to play, I will accompany them to the end. If it is true, that would be great, but if not, I don't care!"

"I will repeat it verbatim!"

Lu Yi nodded without comment,"Don't bother two people with one thing. I'm going home soon. There may be some turbulence on the way. You'd better say hello to the Air Force. Don't blame me if there are any problems!"

After that, Lu Yi didn't say anything else. His body jumped up and flew towards his house. He instantly broke through the speed of sound and reached the maximum speed of twenty-five times the speed of sound.

Seeing Lu Yi disappear in front of him in an instant, Hawkeye also realized what would happen next, and quickly contacted Nick Fury and told him the situation here.

Nick Fury didn't dare to waste time, and quickly contacted the Air Force and told them the situation.

If Lu Yi was really regarded as an enemy by the Air Force, that would be interesting! He didn't want to hear about a fighter being shot down the next day.

Nick Fury didn't stop in the middle, and naturally caught up with the Air Force fighter before it took off, and then there was no more.

Nothing happened!

Director Nick Fury's words are still very useful. He can deal with them with just a few words. The fighter jets didn't take off, so naturally there was nothing to say.

Lu Yi returned to his residence safely and continued to start his own After building his own magic furnace, Nick Fury also began to deal with his daily affairs.

The whole world seemed to have returned to peace, and everything was calm.

But this was only on the surface, and secretly it was still turbulent.

With Tony Stark's admission that he was Iron Man, it was like opening up the Marvel plot, and according to the fantasy theory, it was opening up a brilliant era.

Superheroes emerged one after another, and various superpowers began to emerge in an endless stream.

On the surface, the world is still harmonious, but secretly it has long been a mess, and here, especially in the United States, it is the most chaotic.

I don't know why, all kinds of superpowers, all kinds of conspiracies and intrigues are all unfolding in the United States, and other countries are like foreign countries, very peaceful. It seems that when I came to the United States, the style of painting suddenly changed, and this is probably one of the reasons why the headquarters of SHIELD is located in the United States.

But for this reason, Nick Fury is very troubled. There are too many things to be busy with, and there are too many conspiracies to deal with.

This time he is busy again!

"How is the progress?" Nick Fury suddenly received a call from Coulson and Natasha, and immediately put down the work at hand and asked solemnly.

"The person has been caught up and his whereabouts have been determined!"

"Very good!"Nick Fury finally breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. He had been worrying about this matter for so many days, and now he could finally relax a little.

"If possible, capture him, if not, kill him directly! He is too dangerous, he must not be allowed to stay!"

"But Director, there is a problem here. The abilities he obtained are too special. The magic equipment we have can only hurt him but cannot stop him. If he really wants to run away, we can't stop him!"

"I know this, but you are the only ones who can hurt him. You must try your best to catch him or kill him. You must do it!"

""Yes, Chief!"

Coulson's helpless voice came from the other side.

One word from the boss and the people below are running around!

As someone's subordinate, for my own salary, for my own bonus, and even more for world peace, I have to fight!

"When you are carrying out the mission, you should also pay attention to that person's subordinates. I always feel that there is something wrong with that person's subordinates!"

"We understand, Chief!"

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