Lu Yi was really too direct!

It's not that being direct is bad, but because it was too direct, Natasha and Coulson were completely unprepared, so they were shocked now.

Normally, it should be brewing first, and then the climax, the ups and downs of the plot are attractive, and it can also make them mentally prepared.

This is a big event, there should be some atmosphere in this regard, so that it can continue.

But Lu Yi is good, he doesn't play by the rules at all, and he won't stop until he says something shocking!

"I forgot, you thought Hydra had been destroyed, so let's start from the beginning!" Lu Yi teased.

How could they allow themselves to start from the beginning after hearing such a big secret? They were so anxious that they didn't even give Lu Yi a chance to speak.

"No need to start from the beginning, it's good like this!" Natasha said solemnly, looking at Lu Yi with burning eyes.

Coulson was the same, but there were a few more traces of sadness on his face. He has always been a good guy in SHIELD and has many friends.

If it is true as Lu Yi said, it means that there are probably many Hydra people in SHIELD, so it is hard for him to imagine whether there are any among his friends.

Comrades and friends who have been together day and night and depended on each other for life and death, suddenly all became enemies. Even if he himself is an agent and has already made psychological preparations to betray others or be betrayed by others, he can't help feeling uncomfortable.

"Is there really Hydra in SHIELD?" Natasha ignored Coulson's changing expression, took a deep breath, and asked

"That’s right!"

"Haven't they been destroyed?"

"You just killed Red Skull, he is just a leader of S.H.I.E.L.D. There is a saying used by Hydra to describe themselves: if you cut off a head, another one will grow. It is useless to kill the leader. Only by destroying Hydra as a whole can you completely destroy Hydra!"

Lu Yi said something that could be considered a secret of Hydra, without caring whether Natasha and Coulson could react or accept it.

"Do you know how and when they infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D.?" Coulson couldn't help asking.

"At the end of World War II, the then leader of Hydra, Red Skull, was taken away by Captain America. The coalition forces at that time cooperated with the Howling Commandos to destroy the last stronghold of Hydra. Later, S.H.I.E.L.D. was established with the joint efforts of Captain America's girlfriend Carter and Howard Stark!"

"What happened next?" Coulson asked, perhaps because he felt that Lu Yi was speaking a little too slowly.

"Then, SHIELD was first established and urgently needed some scientists to help build SHIELD!"

"So, at this time, the Hydra people got in!" Natasha couldn't help but interrupt

"That's right!"

Hearing Lu Yi's confirmation, Natasha and Coulson felt cold all over.

They knew that Hydra might have been infiltrated into SHIELD for a long time, but they didn't expect that it had been infiltrated for so long, and the people who had just created Hydra in SHIELD had infiltrated.

No wonder SHIELD has never discovered the revival of Hydra, and no wonder it has never found any traces of Hydra's existence.

It turned out that they had merged with SHIELD and became two sides of the same coin. Hydra has been relying on their power to grow and develop over the years.

Lu Yi also began to tell them about Hydra's actions in a timely manner, so that they could have a deeper understanding.

"The scientists who were recruited by SHIELD obeyed SHIELD on the surface, but in fact their hearts were always with Hydra. After they went through the most difficult period and gained the trust of SHIELD, they began to look for suitable people to join them and recruited them one by one. Hydra took root in SHIELD and began to grow and develop with the help of SHIELD's power and the support of countries around the world!"

"How do you know so much?"Natasha raised her doubts.

If Lu Yi knew that there was Hydra inside SHIELD, it was understandable, his eyes and ears could help him do this.

But what Lu Yi knew was a little too detailed, making Lu Yi seem like a member of Hydra, which made Natasha suspicious.

"SHIELD needs some files to record some things that cannot be saved on the computer, and the Hydra people also need them. I just found a higher-level Hydra person, followed him to the place where such information is stored, and then saw some deleted things!"

"What else do you know? Is there a list of Hydra members?"

"No, I don't have time to care about these, not to mention, I haven't seen the list, Hydra also uses a single line of contact, I don't have time to care about your shit, so naturally I didn't get any content related to the list!"

Coulson was silent for a long time before asking:"Is there a Hydra person between the two of us?"

Although Coulson also felt that Natasha didn't look like a Hydra person, that was just his guess, and guessing was useless. He would always doubt Natasha, just like Natasha was now doubting Coulson.

Yes, that's right! Natasha began to doubt Coulson.

Since Hydra has been hiding in SHIELD for so long, naturally everyone could be a Hydra person, including Nick Fury and Coulson.

She doubted her previous judgment, and now naturally couldn't help but doubt Coulson. Her body even quickly tensed up, ready to launch an attack on Coulson at any time.

But after Natasha heard Coulson's question, she relaxed a little. Under normal circumstances, if Coulson was a Hydra person, he would definitely not ask like this.

"Don't worry, you two are not from Hydra, you are all loyal to S.H.I.E.L.D.!"

Hearing Lu Yi's words, Natasha relaxed, and Coulson also took his hand off his holster.

Don't blame them for being so nervous, it's all too unbelievable, they don't dare to easily trust anyone in S.H.I.E.L.D., including the other party who just performed the mission together.

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