"You don't have to worry, there is nothing wrong with Captain America, he is loyal to S.H.I.E.L.D.!" Lu Yi said with some amusement to Coulson with some anxiety in his eyes.

The power of idols is really strong!

However, if Coulson knew that Captain America was controlled by the Red Skull and turned to the enemy camp, I wonder how he would feel.

Of course, these are all things that will happen in the future, not now. Captain America is still that naive and stupid fool who thinks everything is too beautiful.

This is not Lu Yi's own evaluation of him, but the evaluation of thousands of Marvel comics fans, even though Captain America once ran for president.


It's unbelievable! But this is true, he was really selected and received warm support.

As for the final result, it is naturally self-evident.

He is a very good soldier, but not a politician, too naive, and will never be suitable for the position of president, let alone express his opinions at certain critical moments.

Just like what Lu Yi is going to say next

"Then why do you want us to pay attention to Captain America?"Natasha asked puzzledly.

Natasha was smart not to ask Lu Yi why he knew that Captain America had been found and saved.

This was a secret for others, but not for Lu Yi at all.

Natasha was not a fan of Captain America, she was more rational, she was only curious about why Lu Yi said to pay attention to Captain America

"Captain America, this guy is a very good fighter, I have to admit that, and he has done a lot of things, but there is one thing that can never be denied, that is, he is too naive, even so naive that it is annoying!"

"What does this have to do with paying attention to him?"

"Of course there is a connection! As naive as he is, once he notices the extent to which SHIELD has been infiltrated, he will think that SHIELD and Hydra are inseparable, that the nature of SHIELD has changed, and that SHIELD will be destroyed under his advice!"

Captain America has a strong charisma, which will unconsciously affect the people around him. When S.H.I.E.L.D. was destroyed in the plot, he played a huge role.

The destruction of S.H.I.E.L.D. looks good, but it is seriously inconsistent with Lu Yi's interests. It would be fine if S.H.I.E.L.D. was destroyed in the plot, but it is not possible now, so he took precautions in advance.

S.H.I.E.L.D. seems to be hypocritical and has been playing cozy with Lu Yi, but Lu Yi needs its hypocrisy and cozying up. He now has a life without anyone monitoring him and without flies to mess up. S.H.I.E.L.D. has played a huge role.

It is conceivable that once S.H.I.E.L.D. falls and Nick Fury fakes his death, then such a life will be gone.

Although this is nothing, at most it is just a mass killing, killing all countries to be afraid, killing all countries to be afraid, and they will never dare to say anything or do anything again, but this relatively peaceful life will be gone, and then I am afraid that the whole world will not be at peace.

Lu Yi himself did not think about becoming the king. Lu Yi wanted to be the strongest and enjoy life. If If the world is really in chaos, it is not certain whether you can enjoy life at that time.

In the future timeline of the DC world, there was a possibility that Superman fell into madness in a major blow, and the whole world was hit hard. He entangled a large number of people and almost ruled the whole world, and the world was in a mess.

But at that time, Superman was not happy at all, and his heart was full of anger. It can be seen that ruling the world and turning the world into his own hunting ground is not good.

Lu Yi has never thought about ruling the world or anything like that. It is meaningless. On the contrary, enjoying the life brought by the complete world is what Lu Yi wants.

Among them, it is better to abuse the strong and become stronger. It is much better than ruling the world and letting the world fall into chaos.

That's why Lu Yi wants to keep S.H.I.E.L.D. Lu Yi is afraid that without the buffer of S.H.I.E.L.D., he will not be able to help but want to kill all those who dare to provoke him.

Nick Fury has always been a smart man. With S.H.I.E.L.D. under his control, it will play a buffering role, which is a good thing for Lu Yi.

""I'll remember your question!"

Natasha answered.

She didn't know Lu Yi's plan, but she really remembered what Lu Yi said. Although she had never met Captain America, she knew a little about him through chatting with Coulson.

He was indeed a man of amazing innocence.

Lu Yi was right about this.

For the sake of S.H.I.E.L.D., she had to remember this.

Coulson was a little disgusted by this, but he also knew the character of his idol. Although I made a clear promise, he also remembered Lu Yi's words.

"By the way, the two breakthroughs you just mentioned are two people, but who are they?" Natasha seemed to have thought of something and asked quickly

"Alexander Pierce……"


Natasha and Coulson couldn't help but exclaimed as soon as Lu Yi said such a name.

Alexander Pierce, the former director of SHIELD and the promoter of the current director Nick Fury, is a member of Hydra. This really refreshed their cognition.

Even if they have good self-control, they have to exclaim, because this is really incredible.

"Don't be mistaken, it's the Alexander Pierce you know!"


Can we not talk about this? We should be serious!

But if it is really him, then it can explain why Hydra was not discovered by Nick Fury.

Nick Fury is a very smart guy, and it is not easy to deceive him.

Without such a powerful person, S.H.I.E.L.D. should have discovered the clues of Hydra long ago.

"We remember this person, who is the other one?" Coulson quickly suppressed the shock on his face and said to Lu Yidao

"The remaining one looks a bit like Nick Fury, both of them have bald heads, but one is a boiled egg and the other is a hard-boiled egg!"

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