Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 268 The Prelude to the War on the Top\r

Marin Vando, Naval Headquarters Base.

This is also the hall of glory for all the navies. The king is under Qiwuhai, the four generals, and all the main forces of the navy are here.

Today, this place has become a battlefield of the third world.

"Report! Whitebeard's battleship found a hundred nautical miles ahead!

One after another heralds constantly resounded in every direction of the sea.

Everyone's eyes were stern and ready to go.

Just because---a major event that has attracted worldwide attention is happening, and there are less than three hours left before the looming execution time.

"Everyone, don't let your guard down!" A navy winner shouted to the navy soldiers below while patrolling. "There are still three hours, and then everything will be over."

There was a tense and solemn atmosphere everywhere in the air. All the naval soldiers held their guns tightly, with the appearance of an imminent enemy. All the famous naval officers obeyed the order and gathered here from all over the world. The half-moon-shaped harbour is surrounded by more than 50 warships, and the eye-catching heavy artillery on the shore is ready to go. And the officially world-famous pirates standing in front of the row of soldiers - going down the Shichibukai, are arranged in order from left to right.

Hawkeye---Jolaquel Miforger

JOKER---Don Quixote Doflamingo

Tyrant---Bartholomew Bear

Empress - Boya Hancock

Moonlight - Moriah

Due to the arrest of the crocodile and the defection of Jinbei, only five people are present in Shichibukai, but the strength of these five people alone cannot be underestimated. The coming enemies are not so terrifying anymore, but what makes them feel more at ease is that under the execution stand that stands tall at the end of the square, there are three people who symbolize the highest combat power of the navy!

Young - Kuzan


Yellow Ape---Polusalino

The three generals who let the world pirates hear the news!

And within the tight circle of a group of people is the protagonist of this incident - Podkas D. Ace!

In order to prevent Ace from being rescued, all the naval forces imaginable at this moment are on guard, quietly waiting for the arrival of the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Whitebeard Pirates, nothing to worry about".

"Everyone on the coastline listens to orders! Do not intercept! Let go all the way!!!"

The navy headquarters issued a supreme order, and the three generals knocked Erlang and sat on the throne with their legs high. Their legs were in a posture that ordinary people could not do, and their uniform attitude was somewhat like a star group.

Today's sea breeze is surprisingly calm, as if the sea has prepared a bit of tolerance for the upcoming war.

"I don't understand, I know that the Whitebeard Pirates are coming, why can't we execute the execution earlier?" An ignorant navy asked other people around him in confusion. shivering.

"Stupid, what is Ace, the white beard is our goal, can't you understand that!" A major shouted angrily.

That's right, basically any guy with a brain can see today's plan.

This is a conspiracy, and its purpose is to give Whitebeard a big package and remove a thorn in the Navy's heart.

Whitebeard must die. Compared with the other three emperors, his status is quite special. The naval headquarters will never allow such a leader to exist!

And Ace's arrest is the biggest bargaining chip in the Navy's secret plan!

Whitebeard must die!

And Ace, the son of the previous One Piece Roger, must also die!

This is the decision of the Navy ZF!

"Today's Lady Empress is still so beautiful!"

"It's just that his face looks a little abnormal."

"Who the hell provoked Lady Empress, damn it! My goddess showed an unhappy expression today!

A group of navies whispered.

The empress under the sun had a frosty face, and her eyes were full of displeasure.

Fortunately, her little feet have been secretly swollen, otherwise, the waves will be even more turbulent.

"Report!!! Another pirate ship appeared at a distance of 100 kilometers!! It's very fast! It seems to be a ghost, and it can't be recognized by the naked eye!!

Chuan Xunbing hung up the phone bug at the guard post in front, and quickly reported in rough clothes.


"A particularly fast pirate ship? Can it be as fast as light, hehehe..." Kizaru shaved his nails, revealing his signature smile.

Akainu frowned at the side, his body exuding hot smoke.

Today is bound to be a lively day, the appeal of Whitebeard is unimaginable, and Ace, the Son of Destiny, has also made many close friends, and there are countless partners who have the same goal and move forward together.

Today is his execution day, and the pirates who can hardly stand it will come along with this torrent.

".~ Report!! That pirate ship is approaching within 50 kilometers of the sea! According to the sign above, it is the Straw Hat gang!!!"

The liaison staff spread the latest news with a bit of surprise on their faces.

"Oh...? The Straw Hats?" Admiral Sengoku touched his moustache, and subconsciously looked at Monkey D. Karp in the distance, with a playful smile on his face.

And Karp's laughing face at the moment seemed to be strange in an instant. After being silent for two or three seconds, he suddenly burst into laughter, laughing backwards and forwards, and it was very uncomfortable to bear.

"Hahahahahaha, that bastard is too self-sufficient"

"However! There is a kind!! As expected of my grandson!"

Vice Admiral Garp smiled recklessly, and the subordinates on the side were sweating and bowing their heads.

(Qian Qianzhao) To be able to make such a move in this atmosphere, Mr. Karp is really unpredictable...

And Marshal Sengoku, who was Garp's friend, shook his head, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and then gradually spread out.

Obviously, in his eyes, the Straw Hats are just a group of children who can't jump very high, and he won't take it to heart at all.

The only thing that worries him is the recent kidnapping of the Draconians.

It seems... that unpredictable group of five gods has recently begun to haunt.

There are three generals in the navy, there are four emperors in the sea, and in the vast sea, there are still legends of the five gods outside the sky.

Warring States supported the small braid on his chin that he had cut off, and he could still clearly see the battle four years ago.

That man named Spot...

Unparalleled domineering stance...

All this makes the current Warring States recall very frightening.

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