At this moment, the hustle and bustle of the world faded away.

There seems to be only one figure left in the bright sky, and that person... seems to be the only one between heaven and earth.

And that supreme existence on Otsutsugi Tsuxing... was being erected in the air by the man with one hand around his neck.

Everything seems to be like a dream, generally unreal.

"Illusion!! Solution!!

"Illusion!! Solution!!!"

The first elder and the others clenched their handprints in horror, and the whole person was so flustered that they were at a loss.

"how can that be!!"

"This is impossible!! Lord Yan! Lord Yan-!!"

The third elder shouted in disbelief, he constantly rubbed his eyes, blood and tears flowed from the corners of his eyes without knowing it.

The sea of ​​​​blood shrank instantly, as if encountering some great terror, and disappeared directly.

"Hahahaha... I'll just say it, Mr. Luo won't leave us alone, so don't worry now haha" Madara Uchiha at the moment was very proud.

He can be regarded as a bad breath, unscrupulously provoking the group of elders.

But At the one paid attention to his sarcasm.

Everyone was staring at the scene in the sky in disbelief.

"The Red Devil... was defeated..." Kaguya's uncle Otsutsuki Ningri stared at the sky dully, his mind went blank, and he murmured this sentence repeatedly, as if he was already demented.

definitely...there are many more serious people than him.

For all the Otsutsugi people, the red devil is the belief in their hearts.

And now...belief has collapsed.

And... it collapsed so easily.

Just like the top of Mount Tai, everything is so destructive, even... the red devil can't even resist, his whole face is flushed, and it seems that he can't breathe.

But at his level, where does Roar need to suck?

Obviously frightened!

"You... Who the hell are you..." The red devil was dripping with cold sweat. He wanted to resist and struggle, but his whole body seemed to be caught in an unfathomable mud, and it was so difficult for him to even speak. .

Not to mention the stubborn resistance.

"I'm your father, child" Luo Bing still had that bohemian expression, like a child who would never grow up.

Uchiha's face darkened: "Boss Luo... I always feel that you are taking advantage of me"

If Boss Luo is the father of this old bastard who has lived for tens of thousands of years, then according to the blood relationship... what is he?

darling darling darling darling darling grandson???

"Fuck off, my descendants are not as ugly as you" Luo Bing gave Madara Uchiha a contemptuous look.


"Damn...don't think about it so easily..." Otsutsuki Yan said word by word, his eyes gradually flashing golden light.

"It's the golden Samsara eye, it's the golden Samsara eye, the eye of supremacy, Master Yan won't be so easily..." As the elder said, he suddenly lost his voice as if his throat was choked. .

Because At the moment, Luo Bing was looking at him with a dull look, with golden light shining in his eyes.

"Is this what you're talking about? Old man? I've updated this version eight hundred years ago..."

"Oh... by the way, do you want to see what's on this?"

As he spoke, Luo Bing smiled wickedly, his golden pupils slowly revolved, replaced by a glass-colored kaleidoscope of light.

"See? Huh?"

One to the left and one to the right, two glazed pupils grab people's attention.

The Great Elder just glanced at it, as if the soul had been absorbed by the entire Adsorbent.


It's not like...

That's it!!!

"Boom..." An old figure fell to the ground, it was the Great Elder, at the moment his body penetrated, all the skeleton, no upgrades, after two or three seconds, it was directly replaced by a blue smoke, Subsequently evaporated.

"Damn it! What kind of trick is this, who will die?" Madara Uchiha was startled, then scratched his head, why is he okay?

"You should probably understand why I'm such a salted fish..." Otsutsuki Yuyi glanced blankly, then flew in the direction of his uncle, bent down and stretched out his hand to support him.

"Grandpa, don't worry, since my mother and I dare to come back, we have absolute confidence." Yu Yi smiled gently, looking at Ningri Otsutsuki in front of him.

・・・・For flowers・・・0

"Uncle...? What's your name...child..." Otsutsuki Ningri felt the touch of family love connected by blood, looked up at Yui, and Kaguya on the side, tears in his eyes flow.

The death of the Great Elder stimulated all the surviving elders, who instantly understood something and looked up into the sky.

This is an irresistible powerhouse.

Even if they have hundreds of millions of troops, how many backers... can't resist him.


Their line is over...

In the inner world.....

Otsutsugi Genji and Kaneki stared at the scenery outside with dull eyes.

In less than ten seconds...


The things that happened in the outside world were one after another, and the two of them were already numb.

Behind him, millions of troops are also watching stupidly, their brains are no longer enough.

"Uh...what happened?"

"I... am I not awake?"

"Brother Jinmu, am I still reading Infinite Monthly???"

Otsutsuki Genji stared blankly at Kaneki beside him, Kaneki looked at him with the same eyes, and the two looked at each other, speechless.

outside world----

"You are considered a very strong existence in this universe, it would be a pity to kill you," Luo Bing said lightly, looking at Otsutsuki Yan in front of him.

Otsutsuki Yan's eyes like dead ashes gradually revealed a glimmer of hope.

But... Luo Bing's words continued to ring in his ears.

"But... it's a pity it's a pity"


As his voice fell, Otsutsuki Yan turned into a cloud of smoke, and he didn't even make a sound, and the whole thing disappeared in the sky.

Even Luo Bing didn't bother to absorb the energy and pupil power in him.

too little.

For Luo Bing now, the energy he gets in one second is more than the sum of his whole body.

"Boss Luo!! I, Madara Uchiha, would like to call you the strongest in the world!! Hahahaha!!!" Madara Uchiha roared loudly.

Luo Bing rolled his eyes at him, a little helpless: "Do you want to tell me?" And.

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