Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 316 I am —— Iron Man!\r

Eighty years, this is a very special time line.

Because Tony has traveled to eighty years later, and finally died on the route to the Indigo Galaxy.

Along the way, he has experienced too much and lost too much. Luo Bing saw the shadow of his future time, the guy who was drifting quietly in the ruins of space without any flesh and blood...

Although he has lost the ability to cry, Luo Bing can still feel his grief.

It was a tragic life in which one wanted to die but couldn't, and finally felt ashes.

Luo Bing didn't choose to go back to the five seconds after he just disappeared.

Because... say it at that point, I'm back... it's so easy, so easy.

In other words, it's cheating, and it's unfair to all the big guys and the planet who have been through these eighty years of hardship.

Moreover, Luo Xuan at this point in time has been captured by the Void Lord, and even a series of gods such as the Court of Life and Death have also been captured.

This means that if Luo Xuan were to forcibly change history, there would be a series of chain reactions, because this universe is very special, and there are many causes and effects involved. .

It's not that it can't be forcibly changed, but because... once it is forced to change, it means that Luo Xuan has to go to Naruto World and Pirate World to restore another timeline that was disturbed by him.

Even Luo Xuan had to return to Baijie Prison - 14 times to solve the problems left over by his history.

And this... means that Naruto, Sasuke, Obito, Kaguya, Ace, Tonythree, Dacha, etc., whose fates have been changed...all return to their original fates.

"Life can't always escape time, right?"

"The partners and friends I have met along the way are all meaningful."

"Eighty years later, most of my cosmic partners are still alive. This is the most perfect entry point."

"Also... I owe the big guys an apology. When they needed me the most, I... didn't come back in time. If this apology was reversed in time, it would be too insincere."

Luo Bing The God's Telekinesis was fleeting, moved directly, and disappeared in place.

Marvel Special Universe 1027 - An hour after Tony left Earth.

" thrilling..."

"Now, there is no such thing. If I hadn't made a decision before and missed this critical moment, I would have been drifting forever in the universe just like the Earth now." Tony broke out in a cold sweat, and he pressed the button. With one button, the control of the spacecraft was completely handed over to J.A.R.V.I.S. The damaged nano-mask detached like a curtain, revealing his face full of vicissitudes.

"Yes... The eye of the storm this time is much stronger than I expected. It is very likely that the destruction of the local area network caused some problems with my observation system," J.A.R.V.I.S said mechanistically.

If Tony had chosen to wait ten years, he would now be part of the cosmic trash.

This is a pretty scary thing.

"Mr. Stark, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have questioned your decision before." After a while, J.A.R.V.I.S's steady voice resounded in the spacecraft.

"Don't be so rude, old man, I'll leave the next Flight mission to you. I still have a lot of work to do."

Tony stretched his waist, turned around and walked into the Warehouse, and continued to start his own inspection and maintenance.

Space travel is dangerous, especially in these turbulent times of storm, and Tony has to make sure his 'Soyuz' is flawless, even though the antique has been abandoned in an underground warehouse for eighty years.

In addition, he also spends a lot of time on research and development of communications and detectors.

"Anyway, if I don't sleep now, I won't die suddenly. This is the biggest benefit for a research madman like me..."

Tony yawned, he hadn't slept once since he'd crossed this timeline.

He didn't dare to sleep, he didn't have time to sleep, and he didn't want to sleep, because just by closing his eyes, the faces of his partners would appear in his mind.

This is Tony's dream demon, but it's also what keeps him going!

"Morgan... Little Morgan, are you more like me, or are you more like your mother?

"Forget it, let's be more like your mother. Your father and I are not good people."

Tony Stark whistled, and in this dead silence, this man with a strong heart was still not overwhelmed by despair.

Who made him not destined to be a coward by nature.

Thirty Earth days passed in a blink of an eye.

Tony was cautious along the way. With the activation of the space jumping device again and again, he had already flown out of the Milky Way, getting closer and closer to the Jialan galaxy.

"Today is January 30, 2101, I have traveled one-twentieth of the way, and am currently in the Andromeda galaxy group. Fortunately, I have not encountered cosmic pirates, but... the right wing engine of the ship is blocked A swarm of meteorites that flew by suddenly was damaged by the impact."

"The current situation is very bad. I have made a simple spare engine with existing materials, and filled the spaceship cavity with a part of the polymer nanocoating on the armored weaponry"

"Hopefully I can find a new supply planet within a limited time"

"OK, in order to save energy, my travel record will be reduced from once a day to once a week, see you next week.

Turning off the video recording device of the spacecraft, Tony looked hazy, at the moment he had a few gray hairs on his temples, and he looked a little exhausted.

Looking up at the repaired spaceship wall, Tony's sense of unease grew.

"The food is barely enough, but there are not many fresh water resources. In order for my organs to function normally, I must save every bit of resources next."

Tony was talking to himself, and he was used to talking to himself.

In order to save energy consumption, J.A.R.V.I.S turns off its own energy supply after retaining the automatic driving function.

" just crashed the warehouse...not only lost more than half of the supplies, but also lost the detector I completed earlier." Tony let out a wry smile, his face full of helplessness.

"Okay, cheer up, Tony, you've got a long way to go, how can you be discouraged by this little setback?99

Tony rubbed his stiff face. The natural oxygen supply system in the spacecraft has just been repaired, but his brain has not recovered from the hypoxia state, and his whole person is a little confused.

"The worst plan, I won't die anyway... Even if there is only a skeleton left, I have to survive to find Jr. Morgan!

"Haha... He wouldn't despise his father for being a skeleton, would he?"

Tony thought of the funny thing, couldn't help laughing out loud, smiling, his eyes gradually became wet.

"Don't worry! No matter where you are, no matter how far you are, I will definitely find you, this is my promise" Tony clenched his fist and swore in his heart.

"Didi Di..." The alarm bell inside Fei 903 suddenly rang.

And J.A.R.V.I.S also woke up from the sleep state for the first time, and said urgently: "Mr. Stark! Found the rescue signal! The distance is within 1 light year"

"Signal for help?" Tony Stark was taken aback, this was the first time he had received news of another life form in the universe.

The universe is so big that Tony wonders, is he the only one alive in this universe?

"That's right, Mr. Stark, a light-year distance that requires a space jump to reach"

"But...I have to remind you, Mr. Stark, that our energy is only enough for one jump," J.A.R.V.I.S said seriously.

"Mr. Stark, Mr. Stark, what are you doing?"

"Don't talk too much, go save people" Tony walked slowly to the pusher, and after thinking for three seconds, Roar took a deep breath.

"Mr. Stark! This will take us off target, and you're trapped in the universe!" J.A.R.V.I.S's voice became rapid.

"Mr. Stark, anyway, no one will die in this universe now. It doesn't matter if you don't save them, they won't die, no one will die at all," J.A.R.V.I.S reminded again and again.

"That kind of life... What's the difference between death, waiting for death in the universe, in my opinion, that is the most cruel way to die"

"Stop it, J.A.R.V.I.S"

Tony sat in the captain's driver's seat, looking at the starry sky on the other side through the thick glass.

"You know J.A.R.V.I.S...

"I am a superhero"

"I am... Iron Man"

The pusher was activated, and the Soyuz instantly turned into a light, appearing in an illusory colorful tunnel.

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