Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 352 This trick is designed to restrain the two of you\r

"Cough cough. 39

Luo Bing coughed twice, and said without blushing and heartbeat: "That's definitely, as the core leader of Avengers, the most important thing is to reproduce the earth and maintain the peace of the universe, how can they be wasted by the two of them? ."5

What he said is called a righteous person. In Luo Bing's opinion, when facing the eyes of the little girl who Gwen admires so much, even if he pretends to be calm, he still has to pretend!

Sure enough, after hearing Luo Bing's brainwashing words, Gwen's eyes instantly became more respectful, "Mmmm, Boss Luo Bing, I adore you so much!"

After talking too much, even Luo Bing was a little embarrassed about "Nine Twenty", he said quickly: "Okay, I understand, let's not talk about this first, I will shut up these two guys first.

"Well, okay."

Immediately, Luo Bing slowly paced to the front of Deadpool and Peter Parker, quietly watching the war of words between the two of them.

In fact, he only needs to say one sentence, with his majesty, he can completely control these two people, and he really thinks so.


However, when Luo Bing's mouth was already open and he just said a word, he suddenly stopped.

Gwen whispered not far behind him, "Boss, why didn't you say anything?"

Luo Bing raised a hand to stop Gwen, and then slowly revealed a malicious smile.

Yes, he could indeed end the battle between the two in front of him with just one sentence, but that would be a bit of an anticlimactic and hastily ending.

Just now, he suddenly thought that he had an ability in his hand, which ability was tailor-made to deal with people like Deadpool.

Which ability is also one of the many abilities he acquired in the early days. At that time, he was regarded as useless and thought it was not suitable for use. However, in today's situation, Luo Bing suddenly thinks that he has found which ability. The real powerhouse.

Luo Bing stopped her from speaking, and Gwen didn't know what Luo Bing was doing for a while, but out of his full confidence in Luo Bing, she chose to wait and see what Luo Bing wanted to do.

Anyway, she knew that if she interrupted the two guys, the latter would definitely not listen to her.

"Ge Xiaolun tells you to shut up!

At the moment, Luo Bing suddenly pointed at Deadpool and Peter Parker and shouted, "Ge Xiaolun Shut You Up", which has not been used for a long time, is used again today.

"Parker, listen to me, woo woo woo..."

"What did you say, I didn't woo woo woo..."

That is, at that moment, the two of them who had been arguing indissolublely before suddenly closed their mouths, but it was more appropriate to say that they were closed by force.

"woo woo woo woo….…"

The two who were still talking just now can only make a humming sound.

Luo Bing blew his fingers and said with satisfaction: "Yes, it's good to use after so long. 35

This Ge Xiaolun told you to shut up, because now his actual increase, the ability originally from the original five seconds of silence has become the current silence of one hour, it is no accident.

Not speaking for an hour should be no problem for myself or Luo Bing, but for someone like Deadpool or Peter Parker, that feeling is undoubtedly more uncomfortable than killing the two of them...

"Ohh Ohh ohh!"

Sure enough, from the whimpering and the pitiful gazes of the two of them, Luo Bing really hit them right.

The sudden change made Gwen also startled, and looked at Luo Bing in surprise and said, "Boss, your move is too good, the two of them will definitely be much quieter.

"Hahaha." Luo Bing said with a long laugh, "I also suddenly found out that this move was designed to restrain them. 99


"woo woo woo woo!"

Deadpool and little Spider-Man are still whimpering constantly, expressing their protests.

Luo Bing waved his hand impatiently and said, "Okay, I'm not bothering you if your mouths are sealed. You two should just rest in place, and I'll send you back to sk Wang Xing after a while. .35

Hearing the repairs in place, knowing that Luo Bing would not help them lift the seal of 5.0, Peter Parker chose to sit on the ground and closed his eyes.

Seeing that Peter Parker compromised, the scene also quieted down, Gwen smiled and sat on the ground together.


But Deadpool's reaction was more violent, constantly whining, expressing his strong dissatisfaction.

Luo Bing also knows what this is for, after all, this guy is different from little Spider-Man and Gwen, he has not lost his memory, so for him, it is this familiar place, he is one point I didn't want to wait any longer.

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