Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 390 I Can't Have This Brother-in-law\r


In the Miracle, the four Luo Bing looked at each other, feeling that they were suspected of their identity by the Guardians of Galaxy?

Hela gritted his teeth and said, "This Thor, who has left Asgard for so many years and hasn't returned, now even dares to doubt his old sister's voice.

But thinking about it carefully, it's no wonder Thor and the others are too cautious. After all, the universe is full of wonders, and they didn't expect Hela to leave Asgard and run to such a remote place, and they happened to bump into it.

All kinds of coincidences, let alone the Guardians of Galaxy, even Luo Bing and the others feel incredible.

Luo Bing took the gamble and said, "Hey, since they suspect us, then play with them. Hela, you also pretend to doubt their identities and try to see if you can ask some cool news."

Although the title of Thor Thor's "Breaking Point Male Protagonist" was obtained by Stark, Luo Bing also wanted to know what this straight steel man could say.

At this time, Heim 950 Dahl said: "Thor, you were quite a valkyrie when you were a child, and later found out that valkyrie was all women. When you were eight years old, you were tricked by Loki into a snake and got a knife.""

Hela definitely didn't know about these embarrassing things about Thor's childhood, she was still trapped in hell at that time, but Heimdall knew it very well.

As soon as these words came out, there was a moment of dead silence over the Guardians of Galaxy...

Luo Bing also held back his laughter. If he hadn't heard it from Heimdall's mouth, he would never have imagined that Thor could have such a bizarre thing. It is estimated that some 1.9m tall man is doubting his life right now.

But if you think about it, it's not for nothing that the male protagonist called Roar.

At the moment, Thor's goddamn voice came: "Wardfarck! Is that you, Heimdall, is my old sister really over there?"

"Hmph, I'm Hela, the goddess of death, I'm just a fake!"

"My God, I can meet my relatives here, old lady, it's me."

Luo Bing threatened: "You say you are Thor, what evidence is there to prove that, if you dare to approach, you will immediately blast your spaceship to slag!"

At the moment, Guardians of Galaxy over there.

Thor was stunned and said, "Wait, is this brother-in-law's voice?

“Boss Luo Bing?”

The Guardians of Galaxy also looked at each other in dismay, staring at each other.

Because they have been drifting in the galaxy and even the entire universe, they do not know that Luo Bing, who has been missing for 80 years, has returned. At the moment, hearing this voice is somewhat dreamy.

Quill said: "Hey, what are we waiting for, since your elder sister and boss Luo Bing are all there, let's hurry over and meet them.

Thor reluctantly said: "But you have seen this situation now, and they don't seem to believe me."

As the only person with a brain in the Guardians of Galaxy, Rocket Raccoon suggested: "You also say a few things about them.

"This..." Thor scratched his head and said after a long time: "Brother-in-law, I know your first time was taken by my (befa) elder sister in hell!

As soon as these words came out, it was like a thunderbolt, and the Guardians of Galaxy were instantly stunned. They never expected that Thor could say such a shocking melon.

The Guardians of Galaxy are all like this, Luo Bing and the others are even more conceivable, Heimdall and Carol hold back their smiles, but Hela is okay, not only does not feel shy, but has a somewhat complacent expression.

The client, Luo Bing, closed his mouth, blinked his eyes, and didn't say a word for a long time.

What is this, I originally wanted to prank Thor, but in the end Thor didn't get it done, but instead was blown up by the other side with a huge melon of his own?

Does this count as shooting yourself in the foot?

Hela said triumphantly: "This is what you said to trick Thor, why don't you talk now, could it be that what he said is not true, you had it before me? Which S.H.I.E.L.D agent or who?

"No, no." Luo Bing twitched the corners of his mouth awkwardly.

But now those melon-eating spectators are all waiting for him to speak, so he can't just be dumb like that. After some time, he shook his head and sighed, "This little brother-in-law can't want it anymore."

Heimdall said, "There's an uninhabited planet a hop from us, where can we meet.

Luo Bing nodded and said, "Okay, let them know and meet up there.

He had already secretly decided that he would have to hammer Thor when he arrived on the uninhabited planet, and see if he could keep his mouth shut in the future.

"Thor, there is an uninhabited planet beyond a jumping point here, where do we meet, I have sent you the coordinates.""

Rocket Raccoon responded: "Hey, I'm the captain, you should have told me not Thor, we'll be over there!"

The morale of the Guardians of Galaxy is high, not only in a foreign country, but more importantly, Luo Bing, the backbone of the Avengers, is back.

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