Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 397 The Heavenly Master Heim who caught the light\r

Several people are not stupid. When Heimdall said this, they immediately understood the meaning of it, and for a while, they were dumbfounded.

Hela, on the other hand, twitched the corners of her mouth, looking a little embarrassed.

The reason is simple and simple, but it is complicated.

Because Hela's source of strength is Asgard, when she returns to Asgard, she will constantly absorb the power of Asgard's hall to strengthen herself.

Likewise, when Bifrost was in charge of connecting the Midgard and Asgard Halls, they were constantly in constant contact with the Asgard Halls.

In a sense, "Nine Five Zeros" said that Hela not only absorbed the power of Asgard, but also deprived the power of Bifrost.

If she rushes over now and is caught by Bifrost perception, she will definitely activate the passive escape mode and get away.

This is like a person who has been bullying you all the time, and finally one day you finally escaped, but that person actually came to arrest you again, and he will definitely startle the snake and make it go as far as possible.

Hela has been "eliminated", and Carroll also said: "Mr. Luo, otherwise you should go. Your strength is stronger than me, and if you encounter a situation, you will be better than me."

"Okay." Luo Bing nodded and said, "Since that's the case, then I'll be more respectful than obedient, Heimdall, let's go? 35

"Okay, Mr. Luo."

Heimdall nodded solemnly. In fact, according to his thoughts, he also hoped that Luo Bing would go with him. After all, Luo Bing was the strongest among the four of them.

After all, the group of them drove the spaceship Cong Aesir and set off from the realm of the gods, and they went all the way, about dozens of light-years, and tracked Bifrost from such a long distance.

Now that Bifrost is looming not far in front of them, Heimdall doesn't want to lose this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Naturally, the safer the better.

"Heimdall, go!"

call out!

After saying this, Luo Bing took the lead in transforming into a blue beam of light, lasing towards the sea of ​​stars, and Heimdall followed closely behind, holding the guardian sword Bult Steel, transforming into a red beam, followed by him. Behind Luo Bing.

The two of them surpassed the speed of light in an instant, and the millions of stars beside them were left far behind by the two of them.

Luo Bing asked, "Heimdall, what do you need me to do later?"

"Mr. Luo, you don't have to do anything. I can take back Bifrost with a giant sword in my hand, but I'm worried that there will be other obstacles, so I'd like to ask Mr. Luo to observe the surroundings."

"Okay, you can do it with confidence, no one will interrupt you when I am here. 35

Luo Bing nodded and asked him to catch a light. He had no choice, but if he wanted to act as a protector, there would be no problem.

Suddenly, the two of them were less than a kilometer away from Bifrost.

After arriving here, Luo Bing can't continue to move forward, which may cause unnecessary trouble.

Luo Bing's eyes are too bright, that's because his immortal body broke out, and the three-hooked jade writing wheel eye was assisted, so he was bright and dazzling, like the most dazzling stars in the dark universe, dazzling.

He said, "Heimdall, you go, I'm here to help you watch."

"Okay Mr. Luo..."

Heimdall nodded, and also understood that the current situation did not allow the two of them to waste too much time, and immediately began to prepare for the recovery of Bifrost.

I saw that he first shook his shoulders solemnly, and then raised the Bult Steel in his hand high, and two rays of light shot out from the two golden pupils, which went straight into the Boulte Steel sword.

Luo Bing watched the whole process in a dazzling manner. This posture was just like the zombie movie he watched in Huaxia Kingdom when he was a child. It was like an old Taoist priest casting magic on his peach wood sword.

Luo Bing joked: "Heimdall, you know, your current set of procedures is like a celestial master. 33

"Heavenly Master? Sorry Mr. Luo, I don't quite understand this term, what does that look like, magician or illusionist? 35'

Heimdall replied to Luo Bing's words, but the movements of his hands did not stop for a second.

Luo Bing thought for a while and said, "It's not the same, but after thinking about it, you and the celestial master are different. People catch ghosts, but you catch light."


Heimdall repeated this sentence in a daze, the latter can still be understood, it is what he is doing now, the former... It's not that easy.

After all, the people of Asgard are very long-lived. Ordinary people are hundreds of years old, and even people like him have lived for thousands of years. The idea of ​​becoming a ghost after death is indeed somewhat new.

Luo Bing urged: "Go quickly, recover Bifrost, we can go back sooner."

Heimdall explained: "Mr. Luo, don't be in a hurry, this errand is not something that can be done in a hurry."

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