After a while, Thor swaggered over, followed by two waiters, each holding a large case of wine.

After sitting down, the two exchanged glances, Luo Bing shook his head in disappointment.

It is true that as the outside world has said, all kinds of news of large and small file sizes are flying all over the sky, but most of them involve some lace news that can't be put on the table, as well as worthless "broken metal".

At least for Luo Bing, who is currently rich and powerful, those things are indeed rubbish.

Although he discovered the girl's small movements, Luo Bing did not stop it, especially Thor's failure to act, which made Luo Bing more certain of this idea.

If you want to get any valuable news, it is useless to shrink your head like this now, you must find a way to contact some of the core people here.

But it's not that simple to get in touch with the core characters, and he didn't want to let this matter have anything to do with Grayling, so they would pat their butts and leave, leaving a lot of mess for Grayling. 950

Luo Bing doesn't want this kind of thing to happen, and won't let it happen.

Therefore, if they want to be famous here and protect their true identities, they can only rely on themselves to make the two identities they use now famous.

Sure enough, after the girl "informed", after a while, another five or six girls came to persuade Luo Bing and the others to drink.

Luo Bing and Thor also lived up to their expectations. They would not refuse anyone who came. As long as the wine was delivered to their mouths, they would drink it all down, but after drinking it, they immediately and secretly used energy to dissolve the alcohol.

"Boss, drink too much!

"Fart! How can I drink too much, obviously you are drinking too much!"

The two pretended to be drunk and hugged each other, and began to whisper.

"Brother-in-law, what do you think they want to do, keep drinking us. 99

"Don't worry, remember, no matter what they do, we just need to be rascals and not let them get what they want."


Seeing the two of them "getting drunk", the girl at the beginning sneered and gave a look, and immediately someone from the Vagrant Bar stepped forward and said, "You two, you have spent a total of 30 million Universe Coins this time, please Settle as soon as possible.

Ha ha.

Luo Bing sneered secretly, they were indeed drunk a lot, but they definitely couldn't reach the amount of 30 million Universe Coins. The other party was typically trying to extort them.

But this was right in Luo Bing's arms. He was worrying about what to start with. The other party just gave him a step.

However, others borrowed a donkey to go down the hill, Luo Bing decided to do the opposite today, borrowing a tiger to go down the hill.

I saw Luo Bing pushed the bar staff aside, pointed at their noses and scolded: "Furious! You bastard, don't ask me Tony Stark, I am eating, drinking and having fun in the universe, the one who doesn't have eyes dares to Ask me for money?!39

Thor is also (befa) very cooperative, moving the mace in his hand, "A bunch of scumbags dare to disrespect my boss?!

"Okay, two ignorant things, dare to come to the homeless bar to make trouble, I think you don't want to live!"

Up to now, even a blind man can see that Luo Bing and the others are here to eat Bawang's meal, and the murderous aura fills everyone's eyes directly.

Especially the girl at the beginning, her eyes were like she wanted to shave Luo Bing and the others.

"It turned out to be two poor ghosts. It's really a waste of my mother's spirit to pretend to be an uncle without money! Come on, kill them both, throw their bodies out to feed the dogs, and let out the bad breath!"


Just after the girl finished speaking, a clear and loud voice sounded. It turned out that Luo Bing slapped her directly in the face.

This time, he directly shocked everyone present, and looked at the two people blankly.

Even Thor blinked, he didn't expect Luo Bing to shoot so bluntly, but in his heart he had quietly raised a thumbs up for Luo Bing.

"You... despicable thing, you dare to hit me?!" The girl covered her flushed cheeks, her face full of disbelief, obviously unable to believe that Luo Bing dared to preempt them before they started.

Isn't this guy afraid of death?

But no matter what the reason is, this is unbearable for the girl. She pointed at Luo Bing with trembling fingers and said, "Bastard, you will never get out of the door of the homeless bar today!"

"Encircle this bastard, you must not let them go so easily!

With an order, a large group of strong men and powerful thugs from other races rushed over from all directions, looking at Luo Bing and Thor with all eyes on them.

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