Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 493 The spreading panic\r

The Illuminati, a mysterious organization formed by a few elites. They are determined to protect the safety of the earth, and they have played an indispensable role in several major public security incidents.

As one of the Illuminati's founders, Professor X felt Reynolds' energy in his office. Although it is only sporadic, but based on his years of experience, it is still confirmed that his identity is terrible.

"This power is so huge, it's even more terrifying than Qin Ge Lei's phoenix..." Professor X muttered to himself, and the growing anxiety in his heart became the driving force for his future actions.


Professor X made an encrypted call to MR.Fantastic, and when the other party finally got through, the always calm and stable Professor X immediately revealed his panic.

"Richards, I feel that a powerful supernatural power is expanding 14. That power is a threat to the earth, and we must be prepared to take precautions." Professor X said nervously, his palm even All sweat.

"Ha? I said, professor, that's what you told me last time when you met Phoenix. But isn't Qin Ge Lei well controlled? Is there any power stronger than Phoenix?

Richards didn't reply very coldly, but the reason behind his behavior was that he was attending a private party. As for the organizer, it was Tony Stark, who had previously met with Luo Bing.

"Richards, this time is different. That power has obvious uncertainty, and I can't penetrate the core of the other party at all." Professor X is still serious, he must let the other party understand it Danger.

However, in this parallel universe, MR.Fantastic Richards is not as calm as in the 616 main universe. He and Iron Man are close friends, and both of them yearn for extravagant material life.

Especially when accompanied by beautiful women, Richards' slack is far more than Iron Man Tony. He is a veritable lover of the country, but he loves beautiful women more.

It is for this reason that Richards hastily hung up Professor X's phone and continued to dance with the beauties on the dance floor, completely ignoring the professor's reminder.

Seeing that his companions were unreliable, Professor X had to change his strategy. He turned around and came to another landline, and made contact with the Mutant agent team he had formed.

As the captain, Cyclops is a loyal fan of Professor X. As long as the other party issues an order to him, he can almost achieve unconditional obedience.

"Scott, you'll call Jean Grey and Storm to me right away, I have something important to tell you."

After hearing Professor X's nervousness, Cyclops Scott immediately took action. He woke up Qin Grey, who was still sleeping, and then got in touch with Vice-Captain Storm.

In less than 10 minutes, the four most prominent members of the Mutant agent team sat together. As the leader, Professor X immediately explained to the other three, without any thought of going around in circles.

on the other hand.

When Reynolds destroyed the prison, his desire was strengthened. Thinking that just destroying ordinary human criminals can only slow down the efficiency of crime.

If you really want to curb the occurrence of crime, then you must start from the source. The so-called source actually refers to those who have the ability and courage.

Thinking of this, Reynolds' calm face was distorted. He laughed, and the excitement made him extremely happy.

"I'm so stupid, why didn't I think of this in the first place?

Reynolds complained to himself, but behind all this behavior, there was an even crazier idea buried.

Singed Prison.

A special prison built by the United States federal government at a high cost, the criminals detained there are all born with supernatural abilities, and each person bears thousands of lives.

In order to be able to monitor effectively, the federal government 013 specially asked MR.Fantastic to build an instrument. That instrument can resonate through special sound waves to neutralize the body of the psychic.

That is to say, as long as the instrument remains in operation, all prisoners in prison will not be able to use their proud ability.

It is for this reason that Singed Prison is known as the most secure prison in history.

However, this myth, which has been maintained for 8 years, was finally destroyed under the destruction of Reynolds.

When the guy broke into the prison in the same way, the armed men present attacked him.

They are very different from ordinary prisons and have no arms control requirements at all. Any suspicious person who does not follow the rules and regulations will be unconditionally obliterated.

Tens of thousands of special bullets were fired at Reynolds, even mixed with several surface-to-air missiles. But even with this kind of firepower suppression, Reynolds still couldn't be hurt in the slightest.

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