Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 564 I'm Not a Small Character\r

Richards' answer instantly made Black Panther understand a lot. He immediately took out all the materials in the file, and then carefully analyzed those materials.

After about 10 minutes, the silent Black Panther put down the "blooded" reports and said with an extremely serious attitude: "This is an obvious frame-up.


Namor, who was originally quiet, burst out all his anger in an instant. He jumped up with a jerk, and then shouted loudly: "Do you think I'm an idiot? Or do you think I'm easy to fool? 35

In the face of Namor's irrational performance, Black Panther did not confront him, but instead focused on the members of the Illuminati and explained.

"The arbitrators, according to my inference, the explosives used in Atlantis can be replaced with conventional materials.

Doing so is not only low cost, but also high efficiency. If it is just for the purpose of explosion, it is obviously underestimating the ability of Vibranium material.

To put it another way, even if I wanted to attack the capital of Atlantis, I would not use this method of self-reporting.

Just ask in this world, who would leave such an obvious handle when making a sneak attack?"

Black Panther's series of answers have won everyone's approval. Even Namo, who was furious, was also accepting this.

But even so, the use of a large number of Vibranium elements still proves that the perpetrator is from the Wakanda country. In the face of this irrefutable evidence, Black Panther is still to blame.

And as the victim, Namor is thick and thin. He firmly grasped this handle and took a new round of questioning on Black Panther.

"T'Challa, the monarch's duty (befb) is more than just enjoying the riches, even if you don't know it. But since it's what your people did, you have to pay for it!

In Namor's words, his statement left Black Panther without rebuttal. If it is replaced by a rogue, he may continue to mediate, but a king like Black Panther cannot deny it.

Out of this moral pressure, Black Panther made an unexpected move. He offered to take some of the blame, but only if Atlantis retreated.

Such a "weird" decision cannot be approved by Luo Bing. Because he knew Namor's character, the other party would definitely let Black Panther pay with his life, which was an inevitable result.

So just before Namor made a statement, Luo Bing jumped out.

"Everyone, I also think that the murderer is from the Wakanda country, but now is not the time to investigate this issue. The punishment for Black Panther must be the result that the murderer wants to see, and we cannot be used as tools in the hands of others.

As soon as Luo Bing said this, the atmosphere at the scene was tense again. As the king of Atlantis, Namor was the first to speak up.

"Hey! What are you? The conversation between our two kings is something you can intervene in?"

Luo Bing's face suddenly sank due to Namor's mindless response. And as his loyal fan, Thor also burst out the power of thunder instantly.

In an instant, the dim conference room was filled with dazzling thunder, and under the shock of Thor's divine might, the people present became extremely nervous.

"Mr. Luo Bing, please don't get angry."

Tony acted as a peacemaker, and Luo Bing immediately sold him a face.

He quelled his anger, then said to Thor, "Calm down.

A simple word is enough to witness the strength of the two. Although Luo Bing at the moment only has the ability of words of reincarnation, it is enough to hang the group of guys in front of him.

After all, when the difference between Ability is not very big, how to use it is the key to victory. At this point, the combat experience of Luo Bing and Thor is not comparable to that of the "flowers in the greenhouse".

Thor withdrew his power of thunder, and the scene eased due to the convergence of the two.

"Mr. Namor, I hope you can understand that you don't know me, it doesn't mean I'm weak. Since I can stand here and talk to you, there must be a reason.

Luo Bing, who no longer showed weakness, made the rebellious guy feel threatened. An instinctive panic took over Namor's heart.

"Mr. Luo, please don't be angry."

Tony Stark made mediation again, and Luo Bing completely changed the topic this time.

"Mr. two kings, I hope you can understand that war is a continuation of politics. Since someone wants to see you fight, there must be a conspiracy.

The situation we are facing now is more than a simple conflict. It is no exaggeration to say that if you continue to fight, then the pattern of the world will definitely change.

Don't say it is the revenge of the country at that time, maybe you can't even complete the protection of the country. 99

Luo Bing's remarks made all the people in the conference room dumbfounded. They looked at the foreigner with a look of astonishment.

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