"Ying, I won't talk on the phone anymore. I'll go home right away. I just need your help with something. I'll hang up first and see you later." Lin Yu said hurriedly and hung up the phone decisively.

With a flash of brilliant special effects light, Lin Yu instantly returned to the villa. Seeing that only Ying and Paimon came, he didn't care much and immediately asked Ying:

"Ying, I want to go to Teyvat now and ask Zhongli and Kawi for help. Can you introduce them to me?"

Ying smiled and nodded, saying, "Of course, Lin Yu, I am very familiar with them, and it is a piece of cake for me to introduce them. You are looking for Kawi, do you want him to design the villa you want to build?

Then why are you looking for Zhongli? Do you want him to smash a lonely cloud pavilion for you with a rock spear?"

Lin Yu breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly said, "Thank you so much, Ying. That's right, I want Kawi to be my chief designer. Of course, I didn't ask Zhongli to smash the rock spear. I can do it myself. I want to build a luxurious Chinese villa.

The style of Liyue has many similarities with the style of our country, and Zhongli has rich experience and is knowledgeable. I hope he can give me a Some valuable suggestions, let him and Kawi combine Chinese and Western styles. You say, is my idea great? "

Paimeng clapped his hands excitedly and said, "Wow, Lin Yu, this idea sounds great! Then let's go find them quickly."

Ying also smiled and echoed, "Yes, I believe that with the participation of Zhongli and Kawi, the design given will definitely be excellent. Your idea is really great, and your summer resort will definitely be fun."

Lin Yu said expectantly, "Right, Ying, you also think this is a good idea! When I was in school, my classmates called me the Eastern Idea King, hehe. ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃAfter the matter is done, I will give you and Paimeng a top-level membership card, you can play however you want, and spend however you want. "

After Lin Yu finished speaking, he waved his hand casually, and an extremely dazzling portal instantly appeared in front of everyone.

"Let's go, time is tight, let's go directly. "Lin Yu took the lead and strode into the portal.

Ying and Paimeng looked at each other and followed in.

With a flash of light, they arrived at the bustling streets of Liyue.

"Wow, no matter how many times I see it, I feel that this move is so convenient, much more convenient than the traveler using the teleportation anchor!" Paimeng's eyes were shining with excitement, and he kept looking around.

Lin Yu smiled and said, "Of course, this is the power of joy, which is much higher than the power level of this world. Let's go, let's go find Zhongli first."

So, they walked quickly along the street towards the place where Zhongli often went.

Not long after, they saw Zhongli who was leisurely sipping tea in a quiet teahouse.

Ying stepped forward and said with a smile: "Zhongli, let me introduce you, this is Lin Yu, also a traveler from another world, he wants to ask you for help."

Zhongli raised his eyes slightly and looked at Lin Yu calmly.

Lin Yu hurriedly said respectfully: "Mr. Zhongli, I have long heard of your name. I am sorry to bother you by coming here today. I have something to ask of you, and I would also like to invite you to visit my world."

As he spoke, he took out a bracelet of the same model as the one he gave to Ying and the others at that time, but in order to meet the aesthetic taste of the emperor, he deliberately turned the bracelet into an exquisite jade pendant.

"Mr. Zhongli, this is the key to open the portal to our world. The other side is connected to my villa. You only need to inject elemental power into it to open the portal.

When you go to our world, you can go to my place to drink tea and walk your bird when you are free. You don't have to worry about being caught by the hall master if you slack off at work."

When Zhongli heard that he was caught slacking off at work, his expression stiffened for a moment, but soon returned to normal, took the jade pendant and said:

"I will accept the things, and I will go when I am free. If Mr. Lin Yu has anything to say, don't be polite, just say it directly. By the way, don't stand, sit down and taste our Liyue tea."

Lin Yu pulled a stool over, sat down steadily, took a sip of tea, and said: "Mr. Zhongli, in our world, I am planning to build a summer resort.

But I have not found a designer that satisfies me, so I came to Teyvat and wanted to ask you for advice.

Because the architectural style of our country has many similarities with Liyue, you are knowledgeable and experienced, I firmly believe that you can provide me with invaluable advice.

Moreover, I plan to go to Xumi to find Kawi, an expert in architecture, and work with you to create a brilliant and distinctive manor."

Zhongli nodded slightly and said: "SinceThat's right, I'm happy to help you with this favor. "

Lin Yu was overjoyed when he heard that Zhongli wanted to help. He put down his teacup and said, "Thank you, Mr. Zhongli. Then Mr. Zhongli, please continue drinking. I will take Ying to Xumi and ask her to introduce me to Kawei.

I will bring Kawei to pick you up and go to my world to have a look. You two will give us your opinions then."

After Lin Yu said goodbye to Zhongli with Ying and Paimon, he immediately opened the portal to Xumi.

With a flicker of light, they appeared at the entrance of Xumi City. Lin Yu looked around curiously at the exotic buildings and lush vegetation around him, and couldn't help but sigh at the unique charm of Xumi.

The tall trees were covered with vines, and the strange flowers bloomed with brilliant colors. The style of the buildings was also completely different from what he had seen before, full of mysterious and fantasy elements.

"Ying, take me to find Kawei quickly. "Lin Yu said impatiently, with a gleam of anticipation in his eyes.

Ying smiled and nodded, saying, "Come with me, but the roads in Xumi City are a bit complicated, you have to follow closely."

As he said, Ying took them through the streets of Xumi City. The streets were bustling with pedestrians, some scholars were discussing profound academic issues, and some merchants were selling all kinds of strange and bizarre items.

After a while, they stopped in front of a building full of artistic atmosphere. The exterior of this building is decorated with exquisite carvings and unique patterns, exuding a strong creativity and personality.

Lin Yu walked up and knocked on the door gently. The door opened quickly, and Kavi appeared in front of them.

"Traveler, long time no see. Are you here to find me or Elhaisen, and who is this?" Kavi asked doubtfully, his eyes fell on Lin Yu, with a bit of curiosity.

Ying smiled and introduced: "Kavi, we are here to find you, this is Lin Yu, a traveler from another world, he has a very interesting project and wants to ask you for help. "

Lin Yu bowed slightly and said politely: "Mr. Kawi, I have heard of your great reputation in architectural design. I am planning to build a summer resort and hope that you can be the chief designer. I hope it can become a unique existence. You can set any remuneration you want. "

Kaiwei's eyes lit up and he said excitedly: "Oh? It sounds very interesting. Let's not talk about the remuneration for now. Let's talk about it after it is built. Tell me your specific ideas. For example, the scale you expect, the style preference, and the functional requirements, etc. "

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