Marvel: Kryptonians Return From Infinity

Chapter 204 The Prelude To Killing The Gods

At the same time, on the demon battleship hidden in the fourth planet of the solar system, Morgana, who had just limped Hua Ye just now, after waiting patiently for half an hour, finally received a message from Death God Carl. She was very pleasantly surprised by the news.

"Leng Bing, it seems that our plan to kill God can start ahead of schedule."

Between the light and shadow distortion, Carl's figure in the "Mage robe" slowly took shape, and then used the big clock to connect to the Demon One, and then transmitted Kayo's image on Tiandao to Morgana's system.

"Just now, the earth god who claimed to be the suzerain of Jianzong brought all the super warriors under him to the Tiandao star of Lieyang, and confronted Pan Zhen, and the light of the sun that had disappeared for a long time was also captured by him. brought it there."

"Now, I have captured Di Lena with the big clock. With her power, we can blow Kesha to pieces at any time."

"Haha! Great! I have been waiting for this day for too long!"

Morgana stood up from the throne in astonishment, the excitement and excitement on her face were beyond words.

"Just tell me, when can we start to act!"

"Don't worry, with Pan Zhen restraining that strange 24 god, the current earth is almost vulnerable, and if we throw the former Angel Wang Huaye on the earth at this time and wreak havoc, what do you think? Shall she still sit idly by?

"That must not be the case! I can already imagine what kind of expression that bitch will have when he hears that Hua Ye has come out of the mountain!"

After hearing Carl's plan, Morgana immediately burst into laughter, a schadenfreude expression appeared on her face with smoky makeup, as if she was looking forward to the scene of the battle between Kaisha and Huaye.

Thinking of the scene of the two most hated guys in their life each magnifying their moves and dying together, Morgana couldn't help but tremble, her whole body felt cold, her heart was flying, and she felt extremely comfortable.

"In a while, you can also come to me to install the black hole engine. With Pan Zhen's data as a reference, I am confident that I can make you stronger than expected.

In this way, if you join hands with Hua Ye, even if Kaisha and Hexi come together, you may not be able to win easily. "

"Okay! Very good! Carl, I'm really looking forward to your performance now... I believe that Holy Kesha never imagined that you, who have always been groveling, have the guts to stab her in the back!"

.....No one likes to grovel. "

After a moment of silence, Carl replied softly, then turned off the communication, and began to arrange the preparations for the installation of the black hole engine for Huaye and Morgana.

"Ato, open the space wormhole to jump, drive the Devil One to the Styx galaxy, then contact me with the gluttonous king, and tell him that the hidden demons on the earth will cooperate with him to attack the earth at any time."

On the other side, Morgana also issued a series of orders to the demon Warrior under her seat, and finally turned around and sat on the throne, whispering to herself with a sad expression: "Is it finally coming, my sister, Keisha, I've waited too long for this day...."

Ten days later, the Angel star field, millions of light-years away from the solar system.

Accompanied by a rush of tearing air sounds, Angel's graceful figure flew out of a gate-shaped space wormhole. She looked anxious, and she didn't even have time to say hello to the Angel sisters around her. Not at all, so he hurriedly walked towards the core area of ​​Meiluo Tianting.

A few minutes later, in the queen's exclusive research room, the holy Kesha, who was discussing something with a silver-haired woman, looked at Yan who came in with some surprise and asked.

"What's wrong, did something happen?"

"Queen, there are emergencies on both sides of the Earth and the Styx galaxy at the same time."

Yan saluted and said: "On the earth, the signal of Hua Ye, the lord of the Tiangong and the ancient evil god Hua Ye, who was 30,000 years ago, was detected, and from the feedback of the signal strength, the level of dark energy has surpassed the level of the third generation for some reason. The realm of the divine body."

"in addition……………"

Speaking of this, Yan couldn't help but glanced at the silver-haired woman beside Kaisha, and said in a worried tone: "The sacred right-wing guard you sent to the Styx galaxy half a year ago - Zhixin, also lost contact at about the same time. According to the data feedback from Tianren Network, Zhi Xin's vital signs have been reduced to the lowest level, and only the most basic life response is maintained."

"What? You said something happened to Zhi Xin?!"

The silver-haired woman, the former Tianji Wang Hexi, frowned and stepped forward to ask. At the same time, she opened her eyes of insight and searched for information about her little apprentice along the Internet.

However, just when she was about to check the network of the Styx galaxy, a computing celestial body larger than her space-based computing group was intercepted midway, interrupting her further exploration.

There is no doubt that in the entire known universe, apart from Keisha's treasure trove of knowledge, only Death God Carl's big clock can do this.

"Carl is a pervert, is he really tired of living?!"

He Xi said in a cold tone, a light flashed on his body, and the silk dress that was originally close-fitting was instantly replaced with a combat mode, and then he stepped forward to leave the laboratory.

"Wait, Hexi, she is not dead."

Keisha reached out and touched her best friend's shoulder, and said calmly: "Her data has not started to be uploaded to the Internet, and I can sense that she must have suffered severe physical injuries and had to fall into a dormant state to maintain her vitality.

"I know, that's why I'm going to save her!"

Hexi pursed her cherry-colored lips, and there was a look of anxiety in her cold eyes.

"Leave it to Yan, now I have more important things for you to do, and...don't forget that Zhi Xin has a secondary biological engine developed by us, so it is not so easy to be killed.

After she finished speaking, she turned her head to look at Yan and asked with a serious expression.

"What's going on with Earth?"

"Tell the queen that the current situation on Earth is not ideal."

"Hua Ye's power swelled to an unbelievable level. One person suppressed all the Super Seminary Warriors, including Monkey King. The battle was very fierce, and several cities have been smashed to pieces."

"In addition, Morgana's actions have been detected. Her demon soldiers are preparing to attack the Earth's Super Seminary. It is temporarily unclear what the purpose is."

"In the end, there was a change in Taotie, and it is very likely that the gluttonous king, Bhowao, personally dispatched and landed on the earth.

"Interesting, it seems that the earth is now the stage of the battle of the gods!"

Kaisha's eyes flickered slightly, as if remembering something, she asked.

"So, what about the guy we met last time?"

"Um, Queen, the investigation system we left on Earth has not found any traces or clues of the person we met last time.

"Really, it seems that he is ready to make a move......

Thinking of this in her heart, Kaisha lowered her head and fell into deep thought, then shook her head, sighed and said, "Yan."


"I will give you the authority to use weapons, allowing you to use god-killing weapons and star-killing weapons, and then take the entire Skyblade fleet, target the Styx galaxy, bring Zhixin back, and burn Carl's lair for me by the way. "


Yan bowed his head and saluted: "How to deal with it on Earth?"

"Don't worry, even Huaye and Morgana have gone to the earth. There is a nest of snakes and rats. I just happened to go there myself." Kaisha's body flashed, and she also changed into a silver and red heroic military uniform.

"By the way, let's solve all these historical problems at once."

As the historical legacy of Angel civilization, whether it is Hua Ye or Morgana, she has always wanted to deal with it.

However, in the past, Morgana was too good at running away, even if she was chased and robbed for thousands of years, she couldn't catch her.

As for Hua Ye, he was even more cunning, blindly coaxing her, and she couldn't find a reason to deal with this bitch.

Since they are all on the earth now, it is just an excuse to wipe them all out.

Ask for flowers! Ask for a monthly ticket!.

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