Marvel: Load a random protagonist template

Chapter 15 Occupy the right to speak

"Yes, it seems that besides Charles, you have some smart guys here."

Magneto looked at Hawking with even more admiration.

The Phoenix Girl didn't waste any time. She immediately stood up and came to Night Walker. After comforting him, she began to concentrate on using telepathy on him.

Soon, she found the specific location of Stryker's experimental base from Nightcrawler's blocked memory.

"It's at Winkle Industrial Park in the Canadian Rockies."

"It's impossible. I just came back from there. It was abandoned and there was nothing there except a few wolves."

Wolverine had a look of disbelief on his face.

Phoenix Girl explained:

"Logan, the base is not on the ground, but built underground, in the dam of Lake Arklay."

After determining the location of the base, the next step is to send out personnel.

The original plan was for Magneto, Mystique, Wolverine, Storm, Phoenix, Nightcrawler and Hawking, with Colossus staying to take care of the children.

But at the end, Hawking raised objections.

"My suggestion is to let Professor Qin stay to protect the students, while Piotr and us go to rescue the professor."

He didn't want Phoenix Girl to follow him to the base. If he was stimulated and broke through the mental barrier that Professor X had placed in his brain, it would become a major natural disaster.

As a fifth-level mutant, Qin possesses the Phoenix Force of the three ancient powers. When she explodes with all her strength, she will not be weaker than Wanda, who has the power of Chaos to kill through the multiverse.

It was just because he was unable to control his abilities when he was a child that he lost control of his car and killed his mother, causing his personality to split.

One is a kind-hearted character now, and the other is a dark personality full of desire and destruction.

In order to prevent Phoenix Girl from losing control, Professor X used his own psychic energy to build a barrier in her brain, temporarily restraining that dark personality.

Therefore, the level 5 phoenix girl's current ability strength is at the level of level 3.

If she is not stimulated, in the future the Phoenix Girl's kind personality will slowly develop and fully control the Phoenix Power, and she will eventually be able to completely eliminate the dark personality.

"Piot has just started training and hasn't been able to cooperate well yet. He is much worse than Qin."

Storm frowned and objected.

Hawking explained with a serious face.

"It is precisely because of this that I suggested that Teacher Yuqin stay, because the safety of the students here is also very important.

The fighting at the school last night must have alerted the nearby police, and it is estimated that it has been blocked by a large number of police and personnel from relevant government departments.

Among them may be Stryker's men.

If this shelter is discovered, it will be difficult to ensure the safety of the students.

Professor Qin has the same mind control ability as Professor Charles. He can avoid some police inquiries and better protect the safety of students. "

"I think what little Mr. Hawking said makes sense."

Magneto was the first to agree when he heard this.

He didn't care about the safety of the school's students. He felt that with one missing piano, his plans would be less hindered.

As for Piotr, who can be made of steel, he is restrained by his ability just like Logan, so there is no need to worry at all.

"What the little monkey said makes sense. For the safety of the students, Qin, just stay."

Wolverine also agrees with Hawking's point of view, because he likes Qin and is worried that Qin will not be injured during this mission.

Considering that what Hawking said did make sense, Storm finally agreed.

"Logan, promise me you will rescue Scott!"

Seeing that everyone agreed, Phoenix Girl had no choice but to nod, but she also made an explanation to Wolverine.

Professor X was kidnapped by Stryker, and Cyclops, who was responsible for protecting Professor

"Stryker just got the mainframe of the brainwave enhancement machine last night, and it will take some time for him to transport it to the base for assembly and debugging.

Let's take a good rest first to recharge our spirits, and then set off at night to launch an attack in the early morning when the opponent is most slack! "

After the personnel for the operation were decided, Magneto also determined the time for the operation.

Everyone didn't sleep well last night, especially Magneto who escaped from prison and Storm who went to Boston to find Nightcrawler. They didn't sleep at all, so the most important thing now is to adjust their state before setting off.

Hawking has no objection to this. His protagonist template has not yet finished cooling down and it needs time.

In the basement of the villa, after the meeting, Hawking came straight over.

In addition to a lot of food that can be stored for a long time, there are also many daily necessities here.

"found it!"

After some searching, he finally found what he needed from a box - sunglasses.

"It's a pity that they are all children's versions."

He picked a Mickey Mouse-shaped one and stuffed it into his pocket before leaving the basement.

Why look for sunglasses?

Because tonight happens to be the full moon day of the month, if he looks directly at the moon without wearing sunglasses, he will turn into a cruel and irrational giant ape.

Of course, this is also his biggest trump card for daring to participate in this operation.

If you really encounter a crisis that cannot be solved by loading the protagonist template, or even threatens your own life, then you can transform into the form of a giant ape to save your life. The combat effectiveness of the giant ape form is ten times higher than that of the normal form.

As for the others, I'm sorry, I can only let them wish for themselves.

"Logan, I'm sorry, I'm very nice and charming, but I choose Scott, so don't do this again."

As soon as he walked out of the basement, Hawking happened to catch Wolverine and Phoenix kissing passionately. After the passionate kiss, Hawking heard Phoenix's decision to reject Wolverine and choose Cyclops.

Both Wolverine and Cyclops liked Phoenix Girl, but compared to the wild Wolverine, Phoenix Girl finally chose Cyclops, who had been with him day and night for more than ten years.

"It seems you've fallen out of love, would you like one?"

Hawking pulled a cigar from the box in his pocket and handed it to Wolverine.

"Thank you. Maybe Scott is more suitable for her than me."

Wolverine comforted himself.

He is a lone wolf who has lost his memory and has been wandering around in search of himself. Even if he occasionally returns here, it is only a temporary stop.

"Hey, why does your cigar box look so familiar?"

"Yeah, I picked it up from the ground."

"Picked it up? I dropped it while drinking yesterday!"

"Oh, that's mine now."

"That's my last box, give it back to me!"

"Logan, don't be so rude. Isn't it too embarrassing for you, an adult, to snatch things from a child? OK, OK, I'll give you everything."

"You are still a child. This is not suitable for you. I will keep it all and give it to you when you really need it."

"Hahaha, just kidding you, actually I don't smoke."

Because the protagonist template was not loaded, although Hawking's strength was beyond that of ordinary people, it was still far behind Wolverine, and he was still taken away from the cigar box in the end.

However, his last words also made Logan depressed for a while. He thought too much for a long time.

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