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Chapter 23 The Terrifying Saiyan Giant Ape

"You can't even break through the defense!"

Seeing Captain Marvel being knocked away by his full turtle Qigong, he just shook his head and rushed forward again. Hawking also frowned.

Also, the Main Universe Surprise can directly physically blast the Kree Space Battleship, and even if the 838 Universe Surprise pulls it off a little, it is not something that the Turtle School Qigong of his level can defeat.

Neither does adding Storm and Cyclops.

Others who also saw this scene had horror in their eyes, and Nick Fury persuaded him again:

"You have no chance of winning. There is no need to engage in unnecessary confrontation. If it really has nothing to do with you, I will not hurt you afterwards."

However, how could Hawking bet his fate on the character of Nick Fury in this universe? Even if Professor X compromised, he would not compromise.

So in line with the principle of catching the thief first, he flashed his figure and rushed directly towards Nick Fury as fast as possible.

As long as Nick Fury is captured and used as a hostage, there is a high probability that Captain Marvel can be forced to stop and then successfully withdraw to New York.

When Nick Fury returns to New York, it will be difficult to arrest them.

On the one hand, he must consider whether he can afford the destructive consequences of such a level of battle in New York.

On the other hand, we must also consider how many humans will suffer once Professor X goes rampant in the city.

In addition, as long as the evidence of Stryker's provocation is handed over to the president in time, Nick Fury will have no legitimate reason to attack Professor X.

What's more, Professor

It's just that imagination is beautiful, but reality is not easy.

Seeing Hawking rushing towards Nick Fury, Captain Marvel gave up arresting Professor X and turned around to stop Hawking.

Hawking is fast, but Captain Marvel can not only fly, but also be faster.

"Kid, stop, I promise you, as long as you obey, Fury will not hurt you."

Seeing that Hawking was a child, Captain Marvel just stopped him and did not attack immediately.

"But I don't think so. Maybe you don't know him that well!"

Hawking narrowed his eyes and performed the Kame Senryu hand gesture.

Energy attacks are useless, so he can only fight hand-to-hand, which is what he is good at.

"I don't understand him? He is my husband, how could I not understand him?"

However, Captain Marvel's next words made Hawking, who was about to take action, panic.

What? Captain Marvel and Nick Fury are married!

But after thinking about it, it doesn't seem to be too inconsistent. After all, both of them are black, and their race and skin color match well.

Moreover, in the main world, Maria Rambeau also got married very early and had a daughter. It is obvious that she is not as interested in marriage and love as Carol.

After the two experienced the Kree incident together, it was only natural that they fell in love and eventually got married.

This also explains why at this point in time, Captain Marvel is not helping other planets enslaved by the Kree in the universe, but has been staying on Earth to help Nick Fury.

"Triple Afterimage Fist!"

After reacting, Hawking launched another attack.

Regardless of whether Captain Marvel and Nick Fury are a couple, they are enemies that need to be defeated for him now.

Leaving behind three phantoms to confuse, Hawking's body had flashed over Captain Marvel, and his hands slashed down towards her neck.

His target is the brainwave jamming device on Captain Marvel's neck.

Even if Captain Marvel can't be defeated this time and the brainwave jamming device can be destroyed, then Professor X's mind control can work.

He doesn't believe that Captain Marvel can be completely immune to Professor X's mind control.

However, Captain Marvel's strength still exceeded his expectations. He actually dodged his attack and raised his hand to grab the clothes behind his back and pick him up.

"You are indeed very fast, but you can't hide it from me yet. Since you are disobedient, I can only knock you out first."

Watching Captain Carter and Black Widow locked in a tough fight over there, most of the ordinary SHIELD agents led by May were also eliminated. Captain Marvel stopped delaying and raised his hand to knock Hawking unconscious with a palm.

"It seems like this is the only way!"

Faced with such a desperate situation, Hawking no longer held back.

He manipulated his tail to knock off the Mickey Mouse sunglasses on his face, and stared directly at the round full moon in the sky.

"Dong Dong. Dong Dong Dong Dong"

For a moment, his heart seemed to be stimulated by something, and it began to jump at a high speed, and his body also expanded rapidly, bursting through the martial arts uniform, and breaking free from Captain Marvel's restraints.

"This kid, what's going on!"

Seeing his body getting bigger and bigger, with more and more hair, and finally transformed into the giant ape Hawking who was 14 to 15 meters tall, Captain Marvel was so frightened that he immediately retreated and flew away for a distance.


Hawking's eyes were red and he shouted at the moon. An uncontrollable anger and desire for destruction filled his brain, telling him constantly, destroy, destroy, destroy everything.

If it were just a simple low-level warrior Sun Wukong, he must have completely lost his mind at this time.

But fortunately, in addition to the character of Sun Wukong under the protagonist's template, the person who occupies the dominant consciousness is Hawking himself, so he still retains a trace of sanity.

Although he still couldn't suppress the anger and desire for destruction in his mind, he tried his best to focus on Captain Marvel floating in the air.

He slammed his hands into the ground twice, and the powerful force immediately shattered the ice-covered earth.

He opened his mouth, and a huge energy cannon that was ten times more powerful than the ordinary turtle-style Qigong shot out of his mouth and went straight towards Captain Marvel.


Even though Captain Marvel released the energy in his body immediately, he was still rushed away.


With another roar, Hawking jumped hard and caught up with Captain Marvel who was knocked away. He put his hands together and hit him down with all his strength.

After that, there was a blast of hammers on the ground, plus a crazy output of energy waves from the mouth.

Thirteen-year-old Wukong climbed the Kalin Tower and defeated Tao Baibai. His combat power should be more than 120, around 140, because Tao Baibai's combat power is 120.

After transforming into a giant ape, the combat power is increased tenfold, which means the combat power is around 1,400. This combat power value has already caught up with Raditz.

Raditz's combat power is 1500. Under normal circumstances, he can destroy the civilization of a planet by himself.

Think about how Piccolo, who had only 260 combat power at that time, captured the technologically advanced Dragon Ball Earth capital by himself. The full-out energy attack during the decisive battle with Goku almost created a mushroom cloud effect.

So at this time, Hawking in the form of a giant ape is really capable of fighting against Captain Marvel of the 838 universe.

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