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Chapter 27 The situation is reversed

"What, SHIELD agents are not allowed to enter the mutant school, they are not allowed to spy on mutant students and their families, and they are not allowed to disrupt your lives.

Professor Charles, are your demands too much?

As SHIELD, which maintains the peace and security of the entire human race, we have the right to interfere with any existence that threatens human security! "

Nick Fury replied in an angry tone.

For some reason, since he came down for face-to-face negotiations, he found that Professor

How is it possible that SHIELD has already intervened and you still want to go back to your previous life?

"Even if the attack on the president really has nothing to do with you, it is undeniable that our Mr. Kurt is the executor. He does have the ability to transform, which is a threat in itself.

Professor Charles, I can agree to your other requests, but there is one thing. All mutant information must be recorded in SHIELD's database, so that we can respond in time when danger occurs.

Of course, I can assure you that these mutant-related information will only exist in our SHIELD database and will not be leaked to any other agency, including the CIA and FBI! "

Nick Fury gave his final bottom line.

"Director Fury, I also tell you clearly that this is impossible. Most mutants are not as dangerous as you think. Instead, they have been facing various dangers brought by humans.

If there is a crisis because of mutants, you can inform me and I will take my X-Men to solve it. "

Professor X decisively rejected Nick Fury's request because this was also his bottom line.

"Professor Charles, you have to understand that if you continue to fight, you will definitely lose in the end. I just don't want the situation to get out of control, so I am willing to negotiate with you here."

Nick Fury's tone also became stronger.

Professor X doesn't trust him, and he also doesn't trust Professor

Besides, they still have the upper hand at the moment. He feels in his heart that as long as he persists until the end, Professor X will still be the one to compromise.

As Nick Fury's voice fell, the atmosphere instantly became solemn.

Just when the situation was about to break out, a cold voice suddenly broke the stalemate.

"Charles, I have said long ago that humans have always been like this. They are always afraid of creatures that are different from them. Sooner or later, all us mutants will be exterminated. Now you should realize it."


Hearing this voice, Nick Fury's pupils shrank instantly and he turned to look at Magneto, Mystique and Hawking who were coming off the Quinjet.

Only then did he realize that Hawking had disappeared and never appeared. He was not changing clothes in the fighter plane.

Instead, he somehow sneaked into the Quinjet under his nose and rescued Magneto and Mystique.


Nick Fury quickly turned to look at Captain Marvel next to him.

"catch him!"


Magneto snapped his fingers, and the brainwave jammers around Nick Fury, Captain Marvel, Captain Carter and all SHIELD agents instantly shattered.

Immediately afterwards, it fell into a stagnant state as if time had stood still.

Hawking's purpose in releasing Magneto was not to join forces with him to defeat Surprise. With his current strength, there was no chance of winning even if they joined forces.

His purpose is to have Magneto destroy the brainwave interference device so that Professor X's terrifying mind control ability can be used.

"Eric, they cannot represent the entire human race. Don't give up on humanity completely like this."

Professor X replied with a smile.

Magneto just shook his head and said nothing more. He couldn't convince Charles, and Charles couldn't convince him.

As old friends and rivals for decades, they are the people who know each other best.


At this moment, Captain Marvel roared and broke free from Professor X's mental control.

"I advise you not to move, otherwise they may all die."

Hawking was not surprised when he saw this, and pointed at Nick Fury and others who were immobilized.

Because Captain Marvel has absorbed the huge energy of the light speed engine, he can basically no longer be regarded as a human being. The energy in his body is explosive, and his resistance in all aspects is terrible. There are no shortcomings at all.

Therefore, although Professor X's mental control has an impact on her, it does not play a decisive role.

"What do you want?"

Captain Marvel looked at Professor X with a solemn expression.

She naturally knows the abilities of Magneto and Professor X, and understands that no matter how fast she is, she will definitely not be able to move faster than Professor

Besides, there are also Hawking, who can transform into a giant ape at any time, and Magneto, who is also not easy to mess with.

"We just don't want to be disturbed, and we don't want to start a war with humans. Please tell Director Fury that I will bring Colonel Stryker and the evidence of his crime to your headquarters in two days to have a good talk."

Professor X left a few words and took everyone on board the fighter plane.

When the X-fighters completely disappeared from the sky, Nick Fury and others completely returned to normal.

"Fury, how are you?"

Upon seeing this, Captain Marvel immediately stepped forward and expressed concern.

Nick Fury looked at all the mutants and X-fighters that suddenly disappeared around him, confusion flashed in his eyes, and then he reacted and looked at Captain Marvel:

"Did Professor X activate his ability?"

"Yes, he asked me to tell you."

Captain Marvel nodded and roughly explained what had just happened.

After listening, Nick Fury couldn't help but sigh.

"It seems that the Avengers will be formed as soon as possible."

"Director Fury, I actually think what Professor Charles said is quite reasonable. They are also victims."

At this time, Captain Carter came over with a shield.

Influenced by her former lover Steve, she has some ideological conflicts with the current Nick Fury. This time she came here to help capture the mutants who attacked the president.

But for now, it seems that the real mastermind is not a mutant.

If she had known this was the case, she would not have helped Nick Fury fight. She might as well have gone to find Steve who had disappeared, or go to the hospital to see Bucky who was seriously ill in bed.

In 1945, in order to prevent the Red Skull from releasing Hydra from a different space, she pushed the Hydra into the different space by herself, and then struggled to kill it inside.

We made an appointment to go dancing with Steve, but when the space opened again we didn't see Steve, Howard and Bucky, but a one-eyed bald black man.

He calls himself Nick Fury and is the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., which was the Strategic Science Corps back then.

The sad thing is that in just a few minutes in a different space, fifty-five years have passed outside.

Howard is dead, Bucky is old, and her lover Steve Rogers disappeared fifty-five years ago and his whereabouts are still unknown.

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