Marvel: Load a random protagonist template

Chapter 468 Seven years, the dimensional universe takes shape (second update)

Why did the Spirals lose to the Anti-Spirals in the previous war?

In addition to the fact that the Anti-Spirals are indeed powerful and the will of the entire planet is concentrated together, the most important thing is that the Spirals cannot find the Anti-Spirals' nest and can only passively take the beatings.

The Anti-Spirals' nest is hidden in the interdimensional space between the multiverse.

Once the human annihilation plan fails, the Anti-Spirals will recall the messenger Nia back to the mother planet and use the records of Nia's body to assess the danger level of the humans on Earth in order to achieve perfect annihilation.

So as long as Nia is used well, the Anti-Spirals' nest can be easily found.

"I will take these people away first. At night, you can get a good understanding of the Anti-Spirals from the Spiral King and prepare for the capture of the Temple Spiral Ship."

After gathering all the prisoners and anti-government guerrillas, Hawking told the two:

"Only you know about my existence. Don't tell anyone. When you meet to discuss combat strategies, all these news can be said to come from the Spiral King."

Try to make yourself not valued by the Anti-Spirals as much as possible, so that the probability of a successful sneak attack in the end is higher.

After leaving the Tianyuan Toppa world and ending Simon's template loading, Simon's physique and spiral power were also inherited by his current body.

"Is this the spiral power? It's really interesting."

Feeling the courageous and evolving power characteristics of the spiral power in his body, Hawking immediately closed his eyes and began to merge it, adding it to the system framework of the supreme power.

Because he had previously integrated the ancient winter coffin, the eternal fire and the power of chaos, this time the integration of the spiral power was also very smooth.

However, with the integration of the spiral power, Hawking found that his supreme power system seemed to have triggered some kind of qualitative change and entered a very special state.

This made him think of the anti-spiral clan's introduction to the spiral power.

The reason why the anti-spiral clan wants to control the spiral power is because the excessive overflow of the spiral power can extend a large number of galaxies, causing the universe to be unable to bear and be destroyed.

Therefore, the evolution of the spiral power is not only the evolution of humans, but also the evolution of the universe.

Hawking's supreme power system is based on the microcosm as a framework, and it will naturally be affected by the spiral power.

In addition, he had been constantly integrating new powers, especially ancient powers like the power of chaos, which had already reached the peak of needing to go further.

Now that there is the opportunity of the spiral power, evolution is natural.

"Since we want to break through, let's do it more thoroughly."

Seeing the Supreme Power constantly evolving and expanding, Hawking directly entered the Ancestral Space, and then according to his previous plan, he brought the small universe of the Supreme Power into contact with the Ancestral Space, and based on the endless domain, he began to create a dimensional universe that truly belonged to him.

Three thousand worlds, one hundred million small worlds, creating a real dimension, this is the general direction he wants to go.

The previous Ancestral Space was just equivalent to a private space. Fighting in this space would not improve his strength much, and he would not be able to mobilize the laws in it. At most, he would just use it.

But if he could evolve into a dimensional universe that belonged to him alone, and evolve into a big world.

Then he would become the real master of this big world. As long as he pulled the enemy into this world, his strength would be greatly improved, and the enemy's strength would be greatly weakened.

And all the laws of the whole world were controlled by him, including time, space, various elements, etc.

Even in the future, he won't need to do anything, this world will evolve into real planets, stars and life.

Of course, it's easier said than done.

Even if Hawking has met all the requirements now, he still needs to devote himself wholeheartedly and dare not slack off.

What he didn't expect was that the time for the evolution of the dimensional universe after this strength improvement was much longer than he expected.

Seven years later, Hawking opened his eyes.

"Finally done, a big world, fifteen small worlds."

After his unremitting efforts, the current ancestral space and those extended spaces have completely merged with his power system and turned into a real dimensional universe.

At this time, the big world he is in is no smaller than any independent universe in Marvel, and even those extended small worlds have become complete worlds that can evolve various lives.

It's just that the small world has no concept of the universe, it is just a super large space.

If the life power of the small world is strong enough to break the space, it can enter the real big world.

At the same time, because he often went to the Saint Seiya world to observe the wheel of reincarnation, he also established a reincarnation system belonging to this world based on his own understanding, so that the life that bypassed this place can reincarnate normally after death.

Similarly, because he established his own dimensional universe, Hawking felt that his current strength had made a qualitative leap.

If he had reached the level of multiverse strength before, then now, he has directly made a big step and entered the peak of the multiverse level.

And with the dimensional universe as a killer, even if he fights against the main body of Sithon, he thinks it should not be a big problem.

And because he created the dimensional universe and had his own world, his life essence seemed to have evolved accordingly, and his physical combat power far exceeded the threshold of completing the fourth transformation of Super Saiyan.


With a loud shout, his body expanded rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into a huge golden ape.

"Come back!"

Suppressing the irritable emotions after transforming into a golden ape, his body quickly shrank and turned into a normal human body.

However, at this time, he was covered with a layer of red fluff, and the overall look was full of wildness.

"It seems that there is still a possibility of further development."

I don't know if it is because of the evolution of the spiral force, or because his basic combat power at this time far exceeds the standard of transforming into a Super Saiyan 4, his inner intuition tells him that he seems to be able to evolve again.

In other words, if he adapts, it may not take long for him to realize Super Saiyan 5, a new form that has never been seen before.

"Put it aside for now, now it is most important to see Wanda and the children."

He has been in seclusion for seven years, missing the birth of the child and the growth of the child. Although he can occasionally separate a trace of consciousness to communicate with Wanda and see their lives, he can't accompany them after all.

So now is not to continue to study how to enter Super Saiyan 5, but to accompany Wanda and the two children.

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