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Chapter 479 Finale: A New World

It is useless to simply shield the Temple Spiral from the detection of the spacecraft, because even if the Temple Spiral is successfully taken over in the end, there will definitely be some noise.

This will inevitably alert the Anti-Spirals.

What Hawking wants is that before they find the Anti-Spirals themselves, they should try not to let the Anti-Spirals know the strength of the Earth, so that they can succeed in the sneak attack if they underestimate the enemy.

So he directly covered up the area of ​​the Earth and the Moon.

"Oh my God, what's wrong with this guy? How can he just be in space and still release such a large-scale shield?"

The members of the Big Red Lotus Group and the auxiliary scientific researchers in the spacecraft were also shocked when they saw the strange guy who was originally standing next to the commander-in-chief suddenly appear above the spacecraft.

They did not know Hawking, but they knew that this guy was a friend of Simon and Luo Xiu, and an important helper in this operation.

As for what kind of helper he was, Luo Xiu and Simon did not elaborate.

But they did not expect that he was so unique and could do such a thing without relying on face, which was really beyond their expectations.

"Follow the plan and keep moving!"

Simon gave an order, and the spaceship steadily drove towards the Temple Spiral, which was disguised as the moon.

He had seen a planet attack by raising his hand, and they stayed in space without any equipment. Now this was nothing.

"It seems that all these years of research have not been in vain."

Watching the Ark spaceship quietly approaching the Temple Spiral under Simon's leadership, it successfully regained control of the Temple Spiral with the help of the Spiral King's intelligence and related means.

And it also successfully merged and evolved into the "Super Galaxy·Red Lotus Spiral" form.

Hawking's eyes suddenly lit up.

Although they did not fight the enemy like in the original work, after so many years of training, Simon and the members of the Great Red Lotus Group have greatly improved their strength under the pressure of the Anti-Spirals.

So this time, the fusion directly evolved to the form of the Super Galaxy.

"Very good, then let's go to the lair of the anti-spiral tribe."

Pressing his hand on the huge fuselage of the Super Galaxy Crimson Lotus Spiral Rock, Hawking broke through the space and reached the space where the main body of the anti-spiral tribe was hidden in the gap of the multiverse.

"Break through, my drill!"

After discovering the target, Simon took the lead and controlled the Super Galaxy Crimson Lotus Spiral Rock with the Big Crimson Lotus Group, and attacked with the strongest drill that condensed all the spiral power.

At this time, because of Hawking's magic shield, the anti-spiral tribe did not discover the existence of the Super Galaxy Crimson Lotus Spiral Rock until they were hit, and then they showed a look of surprise.

"The Earth's Crimson Lotus Spiral Rock, you are the Earth's Spiral Clan, this is impossible, how did you find this place?"

"Crimson Lotus Super Galaxy Rotation!"

However, Simon did not answer at all, but took out the red spiral dart behind him and threw it fiercely at the anti-spiral tribe.

The plan of him and Hawking was that he would attract the firepower of the anti-spiral tribe as much as possible, consume the power of the anti-spiral tribe, and wait until the power of the anti-spiral tribe weakened, and then Hawking would sneak attack and kill them.

In order to ensure the success of the final kill, he must burn and explode his spiral power as much as possible, and cannot have any fluke mentality.

"You want to kill me with just this level!"

Facing a spiral dart as big as a planet, the anti-spiral clan flicked its finger and flicked it away.

"Forget it, there is no need to know how you found this place, anyway, the ending is the same."

Red ripples emanated from the anti-spiral clan's body, instantly wrapping the Super Galaxy Red Lotus Spiral Rock, causing it to fall into a stagnant state.

"Mental attack? That's a good thing."

Seeing that the spiral clan did not launch a physical energy attack, Hawking put his hand down again.

After observing for a while, he has determined that with his own strength, he should be able to deal with this anti-spiral clan, but for the sake of insurance, he decided to proceed according to the original plan.

However, if Simon and others are really in danger, he will still take action in advance.

It's just that this kind of mental attack is not fatal now, it will only make Simon and others fall into illusions, wear down their minds and stop resisting.

But if they can break through the illusion with their own perseverance, then Simon and others will be able to go further and reach a level that can truly rival the Anti-Spirals.

It doesn't matter if there is no breakthrough, he can enter it and pull everyone out.

In terms of illusion, he is more knowledgeable than the Anti-Spirals.

So at this moment, he is not in a hurry to take action, just trying to restrain his breath as much as possible to prevent being discovered by the Anti-Spirals.

It seemed like a second had passed, and it seemed like a year had passed. A terrifying spiral force burst out from the Super Galaxy Crimson Gurren Lagann, and then the Super Galaxy Crimson Gurren Lagann grew rapidly.

The Super Galaxy Crimson Gurren Lagann, which was originally only the size of the moon, directly expanded to a size beyond the galaxy.

In front of this new face, the normal galaxy became only the size of a palm.

Obviously, they broke through the illusion and completed the surge in strength.

"Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann!"

Simon's passionate voice sounded again, and he picked up a galaxy with one hand and threw it at the Anti-Spirals like a shuriken.

"Foolish humans who are intoxicated by the power of the spiral, our actions are the true justice, and our awareness is far above yours!"

The Anti-Spiral Clan obviously did not expect the changes of Simon and others, and then their bodies urgently needed to expand to the same size. They also picked up the two galaxies around them and threw them out, blocking the two galaxies that were attacking.

So what follows is a super battle between two behemoths.

On the battlefield, galaxies are flying all over the universe, and the spiral power and anti-spiral power collide fiercely and are consumed.

"It's still a little bit worse after all."

Hawking, who had been hiding in the dark, discovered that with the consumption of power, Simon's power was obviously at a disadvantage.

After all, anti-spiral is the concentration of the anti-spiral power of all life on a mother planet, and it has been used for such a long time. However, Simon and others are limited in number, and they have just received such a powerful force, so they cannot control it perfectly.

"it's over!"

As the Anti-Spiral tribe continued to gain the upper hand, Simon and others' Tengen Breakthrough, the Guren Lagann, began to show cracks and was about to fall apart and be defeated.

"It's almost time to take action."

At this time, Hawking saw that the time was ripe and quietly came behind the Anti-Spiral clan.

In the original book, Simon finally turned defeat into victory from a disadvantage. There were many factors. Now because of his influence, many aspects are different. It is uncertain whether he can fight back in the end.

The key point is that he can't really let the Anti-Spiral Clan be killed, because he still needs the Anti-Spiral Clan's anti-Spiral power.

"Billion times·super super super super turtle style qigong wave~~~"

Instantly transforming into Super Four and entering the state of Free Ultimate Intention Kung Fu, Hawking concentrated all his strength and performed the most powerful Turtle Style Qigong to date.

And casually chose a name that is more in line with the current style of painting.


The Anti-Spiral Tribe, who was about to finish off the Spiral Tribe humans in one fell swoop, sensed the terrifying energy behind him and quickly turned around and put his hands in front of him to resist. Unfortunately, his strength was obviously consumed at this time and his reaction was a bit slower.

The energy beam, which was several times thicker than the galaxy, suddenly hit his chest, blasting directly through his chest.

It's just that such a wound is obviously not fatal enough, but it is enough to keep him in a stalemate for a few seconds.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Hawking's physical body quickly expanded to a level no smaller than that of the Anti-Spiral clan, and he opened the Nine Magatama Reincarnation Sharingan between his eyebrows.

"Come in you!"

As Hawking shouted loudly, the huge force of space enveloped the Anti-Spiral clan and pulled them into Hawking's dimensional universe.

The Hair Spiral Tribe, who was still in a stiff state at this time, was unable to resist. When he reacted, he had already arrived in Hawking's dimensional universe.

"Who are you? Your power is not pure spiral power!"

The Anti-Spiral repaired his body, his voice filled with solemnity.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what's important is that I want your anti-spiral power."

Hawking raised his hand and with a move, various cosmic laws turned into large and small chains and appeared from all directions, quickly tying up the Anti-Spiral clan's bodies.

How could the Anti-Spiral tribe sit still and wait for death? They immediately activated all the anti-Spiral power in their bodies and turned it into drills, intending to break free from the chains of the law.

"That's not up to you!"

Hawking mobilized all his supreme power, and the laws of the universe were immediately greatly strengthened, tightly binding the Anti-Spiral clan.

If the Anti-Spiral Clan was at its peak, then he really had no confidence in taking down the Anti-Spiral Clan like this.

It is a pity that the Anti-Spiral Tribe first consumed a lot of Anti-Spiral power in the battle with the Tianyuan Breakthrough-Guren Lagann, and was later injured by Hawking's sneak attack. There was no way they could escape at this time.

"Bring it to you!"

Putting his hand on the Anti-Spiral Tribe's chest, the huge Anti-Spiral power was immediately extracted into his body, and then entered his supreme power system.

And with the addition of the huge anti-spiral force, his supreme power was further improved, and the realm that was already on the verge of a breakthrough finally began to loosen.

As a result, his dimensional universe began to expand, extending into several new large worlds and hundreds of small worlds.

This process didn't take long, and it was completed naturally when all the power of the Anti-Spiral Clan was drained out and transformed into a planet again.

"Is this the Almighty Universe level? It's really different!"

Instead of killing all the Anti-Spirals, Hawking just threw them into his own world and laughed.

He couldn't help but be happy. He originally thought that he would have a high chance of breaking through by swallowing Sithorn, but he didn't expect that the plan went more smoothly than he expected. Before the battle with Sithorn, he broke through to the Almighty Universe level.

In this way, it would not be too difficult for him to deal with Sithorn.

In fact, this is what he should do. Every step he takes is steady and steady. If he hadn't swallowed so many fruits of the sacred tree and learned the perfect Self-Extreme Intention Kung Fu, he wouldn't have been able to absorb the Anti-Spiral Clan so easily, and he wouldn't have been able to break through so easily. .

The power of anti-spiral is the last step in his breakthrough. Even without this step, as long as he spends more time, it will be a matter of time before he reaches the almighty cosmic level.

"Okay, it's solved, you can feel at ease."

Coming out of the dimensional universe, Hawking told Simon and others the good news, and everyone cheered immediately.

"With your current strength, you should be able to return to Earth by yourself. See you again in the future."

Without staying any longer in this world, Hawking returned to normal size, tore apart space and returned to the Marvel Universe, leaving behind a bunch of grateful looks.

The Life Tribunal looked at Hawking who appeared in front of him, his voice full of disbelief.

"Your strength has reached this level. What the master said is true. The outside world is full of dangers, but also full of opportunities!"

Originally, the other party was one level lower than himself. I didn't expect that after only two trips, he had already broken through to the same level as himself.

No wonder his creator OAA often left here to explore and travel outside.

But he was not particularly envious, because he knew that there were also dangers outside, and his duty was to protect this world for the master. This was the meaning of his creation.

At the same time, he was also happy in his heart. Hawking's strength has been greatly improved, which means that the termite Xisong can finally be completely eliminated.

"Take me to find Xisong."

Hawking did not violate the previous agreement because his strength reached the same level as the Life Tribunal.

On the one hand, he is a person who keeps his promises, and on the other hand, he knows that there is OAA above the Life Tribunal, and he does not want to offend the other party.

"Okay, we will go there now."

The Life Tribunal waved its hand, the space was torn, and a world full of chaotic power appeared in front of Hawking.

"I have to stay outside to prevent the aftermath of your fight from spreading to other universes, so you have to go in and deal with him yourself."

"Leave it to me."

Hawking did not hesitate and stepped into the world shrouded by the power of chaos.

As he entered, the power of chaos in this world immediately changed dramatically, and then a red giant roared and walked over from a distance.

"How dare you break into my resting place, I want to eat you."

When he saw Hawking's appearance clearly, he was stunned at first, and then laughed out loud.

"I thought it was those three guys who came to fight again, but I didn't expect it was you. Last time I let you eat one of my clones, this time you will return it all with interest!"

He naturally remembered Hawking, a rare guy who made him lose face.

If the other party stayed in his own universe honestly, he really couldn't do anything to the other party, but since he dared to break into his hiding place, don't blame him for being rude.

How could he let go of the tonic that was delivered to his doorstep?

"Horror. I can't get what I want."

Seeing the appearance of Xisong's real body, Hawking's face showed a look of looking at a little white rabbit. It's hard to say who is whose tonic.

He has just entered the omnipotent universe level and needs a big tonic to stabilize his advancement. This is why he is eager to come back to find Xisong.

"Dimensional universe, collect it for me!"

Taking advantage of Xisong's lack of vigilance against him, Hawking directly opened his big move and instantly sucked Xisong into his own dimensional universe.

Afterwards, after a shocking battle, Hawking appeared again in Xisong's hiding place with satisfaction, and by the way, he also sucked all the chaotic power arranged by Xisong here into his body.

The omnipotent universe level will win against the multiverse, but whether it can be retained depends on luck, but who can let his dimensional universe be carried with him.

Xisong has never encountered such a situation, so he was so easily hit.

Of course, it was Hawking who came. If it was the Life Tribunal, Xisong would definitely not think about it and would immediately run away.

Returning to the space where the Life Tribunal was located, Hawking suppressed the chaotic power that was still surging and smiled:

"You should fulfill your promise."

"Don't worry, I won't change what I promised you, and with your current strength, you don't have to worry about me changing.

Leave this world with the 838 universe."

The Life Tribunal nodded, then hesitated and said:

"If you are willing to stay in this world, I can also apply to the master to give you the same authority as me, and we will manage this world together."

Originally, when Hawking was at the multiverse level, he didn't have this idea, thinking that he would leave if he left, as long as he didn't bring trouble to this world.

But now Hawking is at the omnipotent universe level, at the same level as him, he thought that if the other party was willing to stay and protect this world with him, it would definitely make this world more stable, and I believe that the master would not refuse if he knew.

However, Hawking was silent for a few seconds and replied:

"Forget it, I still choose to leave and take a look outside."

This is a different time. Since he has broken through to the omnipotent universe level, it is indeed much safer to stay in this world, and he can also have the same rights as the Life Tribunal.

But if you think about it carefully, if so, then he may stay at the omnipotent universe level for his whole life.

If one day, a being more powerful than OAA appears to attack this world, then he will die.

Since it has come to this point, why not try to go up a little bit.

As long as his supreme power integrates more and more powerful forces, sooner or later he can break through the omnipotent universe level and reach an extraordinary existence, or even higher.

Standing in different positions always has different ideas, and while having different strengths, there will also be new goals.

There is another point, which is also very important.

That is, he thought that maybe among the worlds outside, there is a world of his previous life, and maybe he can go back to see it if he has a chance.

So, he rejected the invitation of the Life Tribunal.

"Then I hope that after you leave, you will not come back here again, and don't tell other beings about the location here."

There was a hint of regret in the tone of the Life Tribunal.

Hawking smiled and nodded:

"That's natural, this is also my second home."

Waving his hand, he left the space where the Life Court was located and returned to the 838 universe. He opened his own dimensional universe, exerted supreme power, and directly moved the entire universe to his own dimensional universe.

"Begin. A new adventure!"

Breaking through the barriers of the Marvel world, Hawking did not go to any coordinates of the world he knew, but came to the outside of the Marvel universe and began to move towards the endless void.

As time passed, he didn't know whether it was a hundred years or a thousand years. In the endless exploration, he finally discovered a new world.

After confirming that there was no existence in this world that blocked his entry, he carefully broke through the barrier and walked in.

"It's the earth, but I don't know if it's the earth in my previous life."

Breaking through the barrier and entering the new world, the place that appeared at the beginning was very familiar, it was a blue planet.

The hidden breath slowly descended, but at this moment, a scene full of fantasy made him reveal a somewhat surprised look.

"It turned out to be the Nine Dragons Pulling Coffin?"

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