Marvel: Load a random protagonist template

Chapter 55 League of Legends International Corporation

"This is so ridiculous!"

Opening the safe door, Hawking's face was immediately filled with a smile.

Stacks of dollar bills, pieces of gold, as well as various jewelry, diamonds and expensive jewelry, the entire safe was filled to the brim.

Sure enough, compared to those little gangsters who collect protection fees, this kind of boss who knows how to do business is the real rich.

"Get smaller quickly!"

After thinking for a while, Hawking did not take out the cash and jewelry inside, but directly used a shrinking spell to shrink the entire insurance to the size of a thumb, and then put it in his pocket.

It's a pity that Harry has not learned the Invisible Stretch Charm at this time, otherwise he could use the Invisible Stretch Charm to make something similar to a space bag.

"Since you have contributed so much money, I won't kill you."

Glancing at the unconscious old man, he quietly left the villa.

As long as the general environment of the Bronx does not change, it will not matter how many bosses are killed. Once you kill this one, a second one will pop up to take his place, or the territory of this one will be annexed by another force.

The result is still the same, and it's easy to cause trouble.

The key is, how can there be light in this world without darkness to compare with it? If there are no criminal incidents, where can the justice value be earned?

The first time he took action, he returned with a full load. Hawking no longer went to the territories of the other bosses, but went directly all the way north to prepare for his return.

This kind of cash is almost enough. There is no point in getting too much, because if it is used in large quantities, it will be unclear where it comes from, and if it is really needed, he can get it at any time with his ability.

Although he is now trusted by Professor

It’s not that Professor X has any precautions against him, it’s just that in Professor

This problem can be solved in another two years when he reaches his age, or he can wait until his reputation is fully established and start up Super Hero International Company earlier.

He already had a name for it, and it was called "League of Legends International Company".

At that time, all kinds of hero peripherals, advertisements, endorsements, etc. will be the money that can be used openly.

The next day, when Hawking woke up from his sleep in the afternoon, he saw a text message from Peter Parker on his phone.

The general meaning of the text message was that he agreed to work as a temporary worker for Hawking and hoped to meet again and have a detailed chat today.

"Very good, we have the first member of the League of Legends."

After replying a text message and making an appointment with Peter Parker on a time and place to meet, Hawking turned on his computer and started browsing the web.

Sure enough, because he appeared in front of the public many times to save people, his popularity was further increased. I also saw the report about the God of War written by Eddie posted on the Internet.

This report once again attracted a lot of loyal fans to him, but some people left comments that the content written by the Daily Bugle may not be true.

There are also various speculations about whether he is a mutant, etc.

Generally speaking, things are developing in the direction he wants. Although some extreme people have made extreme remarks to smear him, the flaws cannot be concealed.

You must know that except for money, you can't make everyone like you.

Especially those who already have criminal tendencies and are already committing crimes, they will definitely not like the nosy superhero who is the God of War.

There was just one thing that surprised him, and that was that he found that even though he had registered himself as the God of War, no one seemed to like it, and he didn't know if they found it awkward to call him.

So now everyone on the internet is calling them Armored Man, or Armored Man.

He couldn't help complaining when he saw it, and he might as well call him the Armored Warrior. It seems that sometimes not everything goes as expected.

If I had known earlier, he might as well have been called Saiyan Superman like Son Wuhan. It just so happened that there were Superman comics in this world and it was easy to understand.

"Armored Man, be Armored Man!"

After getting up, taking a shower and changing his clothes, he went to find Cyclops to borrow a motorcycle.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the burger restaurant on East River Wharf Street in Queens.

Hawking looked at Peter Parker who pushed in the door and smiled:

"It's quite early for your school to finish?"

"Usually you can leave after 3:30. If you join some clubs, it would be around 5 or 6 o'clock. I didn't join any clubs, so I left school at 3:30 to catch the bus.

My family lives in the suburbs, and it takes more than an hour to get there by bus. "

Peter explained as he sat across from Hawking.

"Public school is really easy."

Hawking couldn't help but sigh secretly after hearing this.

This is the senior year of high school. You must know that in his senior year, he basically worked from 6 to 11, but here it is 9 to 3.

"Are you sure?"


Peter nodded, and then asked a little embarrassedly:

"Last time you said you could make an advance in advance. Can I make an advance of five thousand?"

"Of course, but can I ask what you want to do?"

Hawking nodded, with a hint of curiosity on his face.

Peter replied sheepishly:

"I want to buy a second-hand car before graduation so I can take my classmates for a ride."

"Well, how about a second-hand one? I'll give you an advance of 100,000 to buy a first-hand one. Anyway, it's just less than two years' salary for you. It's so shameless to chase a girl and drive a second-hand car!"

Upon hearing this, Hawking immediately smiled and patted Peter on the shoulder.

He knew as soon as he heard that Peter must be doing it for that Mary Jane, otherwise he wouldn't be so impulsive to ask him to advance his salary in advance.

Mary Jane, this girl, doesn't have very good senses anyway.

When he was in high school, he hung out with Thompson, who liked to bully Peter, every day. He probably would have lost his first blood a long time ago.

After graduating from high school and not going to college, he worked as a waiter and dreamed of being a star all day long. Then he broke up with Thompson and fell in love with Peter's best friend Harry, who was richer than Thompson.

When he found out that Peter was the famous Spider-Man, he broke up with Harry and fell in love with Peter again.

Because Peter was busy rescuing people and had no time to spend with her, he seemed to have fallen in love with an officer again and almost got married to that officer.

After finally reconciling with Peter, he betrayed Peter again and got together with Harry.

Let’s look at Mary Jane’s career. She graduated from high school and became a waitress. She never went to college to study acting, and later became a famous star. If you say she didn’t pay anything in the process, he wouldn’t believe it anyway.

However, there is no way to say that this kind of thing can be fought or endured. Anyway, he just took this opportunity to tie Peter to his warship.

So let alone one hundred thousand, it would be no problem even two or three hundred thousand. Instead, he hoped that Peter could get more.

"Is this really okay?"

When Peter heard that he could get an advance of 100,000, a look of disbelief suddenly appeared on his face.

Before starting work, I can get an advance of 100,000 yuan. This boss is so nice that he can't believe it.

Bank loans also require interest.

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