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Chapter 99: One Step (First Update)

As soon as the call was connected, the first words Hawking spoke made Nick Fury stunned.

"Mr. Hawking, today is Christmas, not April Fool's Day. Please don't make such a joke."

"I'm not kidding, the professor was kidnapped by Magneto"

Hawking quickly told Nick Fury the relevant situation.

When the apocalypse comes, this is not just a matter for mutants, but also for all mankind. To be more precise, mankind is much worse.

When Apocalypse ruled mankind, at least some mutants with abilities similar to those of Apocalypse were relatively safe and had a relatively high status, while humans were only worthy of being slaves.

So there is no reason for such a big thing to happen. They are the only ones worrying here, leaving Nick Fury, a guy who usually talks about maintaining world peace, idle.

Captain Marvel, Captain Carter, Black Widow, Hawkeye and May, agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., plus potions and weapons that can restrain mutants' abilities, are also a big help.

Especially Captain Marvel. A few years ago he couldn't even defeat the giant ape, so he can definitely be a big help.

Moreover, he doesn’t know exactly which city in Egypt Apocalypse and Magneto will start their operations in. He can also ask Nick Fury to help check.

"Are you sure Tianqi is as powerful as you say?"

After listening to the narration, Nick Fury's voice became much more solemn.

Hawking replied decisively:

"Maybe it's more powerful than what I said. You think I would joke with you about this kind of thing. If you don't believe it, all the teachers in the school are here. We can't all lie to you together."

"But. But I'm really not very good at sparing manpower now, Hydra."

Nick Fury explained in a rare awkward tone.

It turned out that after the last attack, he also launched a full-scale counterattack against Hydra.

And because he has his wife, Captain Marvel, as his backing, Hydra, led by Pierce, is being defeated step by step, and is almost completely eliminated from SHIELD.

But today, for some unknown reason, Hydra seemed to have gone crazy and actually started to launch inhumane terrorist attacks all over the world in revenge.

This made him a little anxious for a while, and almost all the agents were sent to help suppress it. Even Captain Marvel was fighting fires in major cities around the world.

If everyone stopped at this time to help Hawking and the others fight against Apocalypse, many people would probably die by then.

Originally, because SHIELD was infiltrated by Hydra led by Pierce, the International Security Council has lost a lot of confidence in SHIELD and is considering whether to continue funding in the future.

If S.H.I.E.L.D. cannot deal with the terrorist attacks caused by Hydra now, I believe that the International Security Council will no longer support S.H.I.E.L.D., and those original privileges will no longer exist.

The most important thing is that the Apocalypse may not be as powerful as Hawking said. If we can use this to make the mutants suffer from internal fighting, then SHIELD will be much better off.

Although the Hydra crisis was solved this time, SHIELD's strength was also knocked back to before liberation.

From the original three-party clampdown, SHIELD has become the weakest, which is not a good thing.

"Director Fury, you have to think about it.

If Apocalypse's consciousness is really transferred to the professor, then in cooperation with Magneto, the harm caused by Hydra's terrorist attack will not be comparable, and the entire human civilization will be destroyed.

The relationship between them is very important, you have to weigh it yourself! "

Hawking was not a fool. He naturally guessed the little thoughts in Nick Fury's heart, and his tone became cold involuntarily.

He finally understood why Nick Fury came up with the Avengers Plan and connected the Avengers together to form the Avengers Alliance.

However, it was Iron Man and Captain America who ultimately led the Avengers.

Because compared to a superhero, Nick Fury is more of a politician and thinks too much about interests and gains and losses.

"In this way, Mr. Hawking, I will help you find the location of Magneto and the others as quickly as possible, and at the same time, I will get Captain Marvel to support you as quickly as possible.

As an ally, even if S.H.I.E.L.D. is in a difficult situation now, it will definitely not leave its allies alone."

"Find the location and send it to me directly."

Too lazy to listen to Nick Fury's chatter, Hawking hung up the phone directly.

He knew very well that an old fox like Nick Fury could not change his mind with just a few words, so he simply stopped wasting time.

To help find Magneto and Apocalypse, he believed that Nick Fury would do his best, but if he sent Captain Marvel over, he estimated that even if he did send Captain Marvel, he would definitely fight to the end.

If they win, they will pretend to have just arrived. If they lose, Apocalypse will probably feel uncomfortable, and they will have a better chance of winning in a fight.

"Very good. Since you're doing this with me, don't blame me for being rude."

After hanging up the phone with Nick Fury, Hawking thought for a moment and called again.

First, he sent the location here to Peter, Venom and Jessica, asking them to come over quickly.

He then contacted Jonah Jameson, the head of the Daily Bugle, and contacted the Green Goblin and the company's head of public relations.

Let them spread the news of Apocalypse's destruction of the world as quickly as possible, no matter what method they use, after some corrections.

It is important that everyone in the world knows about this crisis.

At the same time, contact the most famous reporters in New York and ask them to come here. When the time comes, follow them and follow the reports in real time and broadcast live.

Aren’t you, SHIELD, unwilling to stand out?

Well, let the League of Legends make a name for itself in this operation to save the world.

Let all countries understand that when mankind faces such an irresistible crisis of annihilation, SHIELD and the military of various countries are unreliable, and can only be saved by the superheroes of their League of Legends.

If he does a good job this time, he will no longer need Nick Fury to help handle government-related matters in the future.

And the revenue of League of Legends International will skyrocket as a result.

"Hawking, what do you want?"

The X-Men next to them also looked confused when they heard the phone calls made by Hawking.

Nick Fury and the others understood this, but what were the manipulations behind it?

"You should all know that my purpose in founding League of Legends International is to use this superhero company to make the human public accept mutants.

Originally, the professor and I planned to take it step by step, recruiting some non-mutant superheroes first, and then slowly add mutant superheroes after they became famous.

Now that we have this opportunity this time, let’s take this opportunity to get it right in one step.

When the reporters arrive later, please don’t say that you are the X-Men from the Mutant School, just say that you are the superheroes who recently joined League of Legends International, but you are mutants. "

Hawking explained slowly.

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