After a short time of catching up, Nick Fury and Stark explain the severity of the situation and the problem of Hydra.

"I don't quite understand what you're saying about the Hydra's purpose, but it doesn't seem to be doing anything other than wanting you. Tony looked through all the recent organizations, government movements, and there was nothing out of the ordinary.

"I didn't expect Hydra to resurrect and even eat away at the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. Howard frowned when he heard the news.

"Tony, if what Nick Fury says is true, then we have to help. Howard said to his son seriously

, "Hydra is an evil organization that existed during World War II and even longer, and they will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals, and they also have the ambition to rule the world.

"You know, S.H.I.E.L.D. is directly subordinate to the World Security Council, and if Nick Fury, who is the head of S.H.I.E.L.D., is wanted, then S.H.I.E.L.D. has infiltrated the Security Council.

Finally, Howard added with some embarrassment: "In the beginning, it was I who came up with the paperclip plan to absorb the defeated scientists of Hydra.

After listening to his father's explanation, Tony stared at his father with wide eyes, his father, who has always been mature and reliable, is it just that if he doesn't make a noise, he will be so big when he gets into trouble.

"Alarm! Alarm, Mr. Stark, unidentified forces have been discovered!" Jarvis's voice rang out, and a projection appeared in front of them.

The ground forces are close to about three hundred people, and they are also armed with four tanks. It has come to the position two hundred meters away from the villa in a surrounding state.

On the sea, three helicopter gunships approached at the same time, and the missiles were already aimed at the Stark villa.

"Come with me!" Tony shouted, leading the group toward the underground lab.

"Jarvis! Turn on your defense! Call for support from Li Yaoyang. Howard ran as he gave orders to Jarvis.

Originally, the seaside villa did not have a defense system, but Howard knew that there might be a big turmoil in the future, so he designed a defense system with Tony, at least he didn't have to worry about being blown up by a cannon while sleeping at home.

The defense system is activated, and the thickened alloy explosion plate falls, forming the first line of defense, and the entrance to the underground laboratory is closed, and the basement filled with the alloy layer as a whole is the second line of defense.

In addition to these physical defenses, the electromagnetic pulse jammers in the villa will also activate, continuously forming a jamming field and disrupting all electronic equipment within a few hundred meters of the villa.

After hiding in the laboratory, several people breathed a sigh of relief. The Stark father and son put on their suits at the same time.

Tony Stark's Anti-Solar Warframe has changed his favorite red and gold color scheme to white gold, and the outer armor is made of self-developed vibranium alloy, equipped with six Ark reactors.

More power, more output. The biggest feature is that it can resist extreme environments and strong attacks. The armor's own energy can be stacked on the next attack.

It can be said that the hardest beating, the highest output.

And Howard's armor also uses self-developed vibranium alloy, which is more slender than Tony's anti-sun armor as a whole, and the color scheme is black and purple with a sense of mystery, and it is also equipped with six Ark reactors.

However, it has reduced its functions a lot, and only loaded the palm cannon and two half-moon curved blades.

At the same time, the mobility has been enhanced, and a number of small jets have been added to help the warframe accelerate its movement.

"Your father and son are really different styles. Nick Fury was speechless when he looked at the completely different armors on these two peak brothers.

Tony's okay, Howard's armor actually has a cold weapon? Is it a battle armor to be fought in close quarters?

But there is one thing to say, Howard has a hand in designing cold weapons, and the unscientific shield of the American team is realized through Howard's design and vibranium characteristics.

Howard didn't just design the exterior, it can be seen from the transformation of the shield that there is a structure inside, so that the shield has the characteristics of absorbing the impact head-on and releasing the edges.

"Tony Stark seems to have been prepared, are we going to persuade him to surrender?" Crossbones asked Alexander from the gunship.

Alexander Pierce on the other side of the communicator replied: "No need, Tony is a member of S.H.I.E.L.D. after all, I don't worry about letting him join us." Let's just kill it. Hanging

up the crossbone's phone, Alexander Pierce looked at the monitoring of the laboratory, where a scruffy man was operating the computer in front of him, and beside him, there was a neat steel armor.

"We already have better options. "

All the troops fire!" Blow this building up to the sky!" Crossbones gave the order after confirming the kill order, and the helicopter gunship opened fire first, and the rocket launchers fired in succession, and the missiles bombarded Stark's villa like no money.

The tanks on land also received the order, quickly adjusted their muzzles, and bombarded the luxurious villa in front of them.

Boom! The villa's defenses lasted less than ten seconds before being breached by a sustained attack. A strong sense of vibration is transmitted into the underground laboratory.

"You guys, put on my old armor first. Although you won't use it, at least it can play a little bit of protection. Tony saw the intensity of the attack outside through Jarvis, although he was reluctant, but now it was all on the side, and he also let the Black Marinated Egg and several people also wear the Mark series of previous generations.

"Report to the sir, all the buildings above the ground have been destroyed, and a structure that appears to be a shelter has been found, and the shells may be difficult to penetrate. "After dumping all the missiles, the pilot reported to Crossbones about the current state of the villa.

Crossbones received the report and waved his big hand "Landing, all on alert, let me see how hard Tony Stark's turtle shell is?"

After landing, dozens of Hydra armors came down from the helicopter and walked to the entrance of the underground research room under the leadership of Crossbones.

"This door is metal-concrete interlayered, the propulsion mechanism should be inside, this shelter signal is impenetrable, you can use a high-energy beam to try cutting. A suggestion came from within the crossbone's armor.

Crossbones took out the high-energy beam launcher that Hydra had modified from World War II to the present, this thing has high damage, the attack unit is far away, and it is not like Iron Man's laser launcher that still needs to be replaced.

"Thank you, Dr. Zola. Crossbones activated the weapon, and the scarlet beam slammed into the door, beginning to cut inward.

Hydra has created many Warframes after obtaining the Ark Reactor, but if the Warframes are not assisted by artificial intelligence, their combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

So they chose Hydra's most powerful artificial intelligence.

Or cyborg, Dr. Zola as the artificial intelligence of the Warframe.

Sure enough, the addition of Dr. Zola allowed the combat effectiveness of the warframe to be brought into full play, and it can be said that in terms of intelligence and ability, Dr. Zola completely crushed Jarvis.

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