Marvel: Marry A Wife And Have Children Asgard

Chapter 48 Reaching Cooperation With The Wakanda Elves!

In fact, Su Chen had already made a plan in his mind, if he would travel across mountains and rivers to come here in person every time he needed ore.

That would be too much trouble.

We must know that if the Su family continues to develop like this, the demand for various types of ores will inevitably increase in the future.

It would be better to form a cooperative alliance with the local tribes.

Exchanging profit for profit is more efficient!

After another two hours, cracks began to appear in the jungle.

They came to an abrupt cliff, and a brightly lit scene could be vaguely seen behind the cracks.

"This is where the underground inhabitants of the jungle are, an ancient underground city."

Su Chen said.

This was something Su Chen had considered before coming here, so he had already asked James to investigate this place.

"Outsiders, why did you come to our holy land?"

As soon as he finished speaking, several alien warriors walked out of the crack, holding spears and asking warily.

"Fellow warriors, we are friends and have no intention of disturbing your home. We just want to express goodwill and say hello."

Su Chen said respectfully.

"In that case, please come in. But our king will question your purpose of coming."

The soldiers discussed for a moment and moved out of the way.

So everyone followed the warrior through the narrow crack and entered a huge amount of underground space.

I saw that this place is of extraordinary style, with splendid buildings everywhere.

Pedestrians were coming and going on both sides of the street, all of them had pointed ears and seemed to be some kind of high elf race.

"This is the legendary underground tribe. I didn't expect it to actually exist."

Tony was amazed.

"They call themselves Wakanda and have lived in seclusion in the world for many years. We are fortunate to be the first batch of foreign guests."

Su Chen explained with a smile.

Su Chen and Tony followed the warrior to the palace of the underground elf king.

The palace is extraordinary and dazzling with brilliance everywhere.

On both sides stood attendants in gorgeous attire.

"Welcome two guests from afar, I am Tuchaka, the ruler of Wakanda."

The Elf King on the throne spoke, his voice loud and kind.

"It is really an honor for me to meet the King of Wakanda. My name is Su Chen, and I come from distant London."

Su Chen saluted respectfully.

"London? It sounds mysterious. What is the purpose of your visit?"

Tuchaka asked with interest.

"We have no intention of disturbing your beautiful country. We just passed by here and discovered the glorious civilization of your ethnic group, so we came here to visit."

Su Chen answered humbly.

"Haha, since we are friends, please sit down and talk. We at Wakanda are always hospitable."

Tuchaka smiled.

So Su Chen and Tony were led by the attendants and sat on the thrones on both sides of the throne.

Tuchaka made everyone speak openly, and Su Chen also told his life experience without hesitation.

The two quickly became familiar with each other, and Tuchaka confided in Su Chen and expressed his desire to communicate with the outside world.

Su Chen immediately proposed to become Wakanda's bridge to the outside world, providing various high-tech weapons from the outside in exchange for the supply of Wakanda's rare resources.

Tuchaka was overjoyed after hearing this, and immediately formed an alliance with the Su family.

Wakanda opened up part of its territory for the Su family to garrison troops, and Su Chen also sent his confidants to lead the troops there.

Abundant ores were shipped to Su's factory, which greatly enhanced its strength.

However, Su Chen also invested a lot in this.

After all, he promised to provide Wakanda with a large amount of arms.

After returning to London, Su Chen began to seriously think about the future development of his family.

You must know that America at this moment has become a continent that all Western countries are competing for.

In recent years, there have been constant wars between various forces on the American continent.

At this time, the power of the Su family has fully developed the strength to form a huge army of its own!

As for the underground forces, let's leave it to the Ice Wolf Team!

But at the same time, Su Chen had already formed a huge Su family army.

Since ancient times, whether it is the army or the political power, there will inevitably be the power of capital involved.

And Su Chen also knows this truth very well!

If the Su family is to have the final say in the entire Western Continent in the future, it must follow this path!

Su Chen led a group of Su family elites to the east coast of America, where a colony that had begun to take shape stood beside the bay.

"Sir, we can establish a base on this coast and then push west along the inland."

James suggested respectfully.

James has fully matured in the past few years, and the Wolverine name has already been established in this land!

"Yes, we will build our first strategic base on this coast."

Su Chen nodded with satisfaction.

Soon, the disciples of the Su family chose an excellent valley as a base on the coast.

Logs were quickly transported from the interior, and the Su clan and the newly liberated black slaves began to build fortifications.

"Make the fence stronger. I don't want anyone to trespass on my property."

Su Chen said while giving instructions.

"Don't worry, sir, we will turn this place into an indestructible fortress."

Several men responded quickly.

Soon, a magnificent Su family cottage rose up on the coast.

In the stronghold, troops were trained to prepare for war, and grain and grass were stored to wait for the use of force in the future.

At the same time, James also followed Su Chen's instructions and went deep into the interior and began to negotiate with the Indian tribes.

"Great Chief, I am here on behalf of Su Chen and want to establish an alliance with your tribe."

James said respectfully to the Apache chief.

"With what kind of power can Mr. Su Chen convince the Indians?"

The chief looked James up and down.

In fact, James had already come to this land with Su Chen in the early years and had contact with these Indians.

It was to solve the werewolf incident.

But the Indian tribe at the moment seems to have changed its leader long ago.

"My lord has learned divine power in the East, which is beyond the reach of ordinary people."

James said with a smile.

"Okay! I want to see your magical power!"

The chief spat on his tobacco and said.

So James asked the Chiefs to select the Warriors for a test.

I saw James using all his inner strength, sometimes smashing trees with his palms, sometimes catching flying arrows.

In comparison, the Indian warrior looked like a child wielding a wooden sword.

This was just a little gesture from James.

You must know that if you use the Bone Blade, you may have died long ago.

"Good power! Good power!"

Seeing this scene, the chief was overjoyed and quickly expressed his surrender to Su Chen, becoming a loyal ally of the Su family from then on.

In this way, James gained the allegiance of various Indian tribes through a series of amazing performances.

For a time, the power of the Indian Alliance headed by the Su family continued to expand.

However, at the moment in distant London, the leaders of the Holy Place Knights were extremely wary of Su's ambitions in America.

In order to cut off the Su family's retreat, they dispatched a fleet to attack the Su family's base in London.

After Alice received the bad news, she quickly ordered people to stay and at the same time sent an urgent message to Su Chen who was busy opening up the border.

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