Chapter 62 Heading to Brazil to find traces of Betty

So the next day, Su Chen took Tony and others to a small town in Brazil.

Originally, Tony planned to come in a grand manner and allow people from Brazil to receive them when the time came, but Su Cheng did not plan to do this.

Their relationship with Brazil is still very tense. If they come here in such a arrogant way, it will be difficult for Brazil to think that they have intentions against Brazil. Instead of doing that, it is better to come over quietly, otherwise it will delay his arrival. event.

So Tony didn't say anything.

They came to live in a small hotel in Brazil.

On the first floor, there was a lot of noise in the small hotel. They were sitting at a table eating, and the wine glasses were clinking.

"Father, where are we going?"

Tony frowned slightly. Compared to this noisy environment, he preferred to be alone and study the things he wanted to study.

"Go find someone. That person is very important to us, and even more important to you."

Su Chen raised his head slightly and looked at Tony, and when Tony heard those words, his brows furrowed even more.


Su Chen just shook his head.

The voices of the men behind them seemed to be drunk, so they were loud. However, they were strong and no one dared to go up and remind them.

What's more important is that they are wearing military uniforms. They are obviously people in the army. If they really offend people in the army, who knows what the result will be.

So Su Chen also heard what those people said.

"I heard that the monster seemed to be found. General Hans was very angry and seemed to want to find it himself."

"It's not really a monster. He was also a scientist before he became a monster."

"What about scientists? You're not superior to others, you're being hunted by us, and you slapped your wife like that. You're really a loser."

Those people were talking to each other one by one, but Su Chen heard the more critical information from them. It seemed that things had progressed to the point where Banner hid in the assembly line.

Now Hans should go find Banner.

Even that doesn't matter, after all, Banner is very powerful and Hans won't be able to find it for a while.

"What monster are those people talking about?"

Tony raised his head and drank a glass of wine, but Su Chen just shook his head slightly and put the glass down.

"Have a day off today and start action tomorrow."

After saying that, the two of them returned to the room, and Su Chen at the moment was still practicing in the room.

Now his strength has greatly increased, because with the blessing of divinity, all his attributes have doubled in an instant.

At the moment he closed his eyes, The God's Telekinesis was already far away.

I don’t know what kind of reward I will get after conquering Banner.

Su Chen was very excited when he thought of this.

The next day the two of them went to the center of the town and came to a house.

"Who are you looking for?"

A woman with white hair slowly walked over. He saw the two grown men standing here for a long time and thought they were looking for someone, so he took the initiative to come over.

"Betty? Do you know where she is?"

Su Cheng said slowly, and after the woman heard his words, her eyes became a little complicated, and she shook her head.

"I do not recognize."

Then he hurriedly left, but the next second he was stopped by Tony. Tony looked at the woman with a smile in his eyes, thinking that he was very friendly now.

But in the eyes of others, it seems a bit creepy.

"Do me a favor. You must know it by the look on your face. Don't worry, we don't have any ill intentions in looking for her."

Tony said slowly, and the woman glanced at the two of them.

"I really don't know him!"

"Don't worry, we are not looking for him for anything else, but for his husband. I know many people have been looking for him recently, right? If he has been hiding, tell him, I know Banner The whereabouts of it, I can change it back to its original appearance.”

Si Chen said slowly. For some reason, he seemed to have an air of absolute surrender about him. When the woman heard Si Chen's words, he was obviously hesitated. After a while, he took a sip. Purse your lips.

"Okay, then follow me."

The woman took Su Chen and Tony towards his home. It was a small house that was not luxuriously built, but rather looked a little quaint.

Entering the hut, I felt extremely dark inside.

Tony didn't like this environment very much. He frowned slightly. Suddenly, he felt a gust of wind behind him. Tony's reaction was very fast. He quickly jumped to the side, and a wooden stick passed through the air and made a cracking sound. .

"What are you going to do, you old bitch?"

Tony frowned slightly and congratulated loudly, and when the woman discovered her purpose, her face became extremely panicked.

"You two don't even think about getting out alive today. Don't think that I don't know your purpose. I am an old woman living here alone. If those two children hadn't taken care of me, I wouldn't be alive now. I don't know. How did they offend you, but I will never let you get out alive."

Even if Tony doesn't understand this matter anymore, he should understand what the old woman means in this situation.

It seems that the old woman misunderstood what they meant and thought they were looking for trouble.

Tony didn't want to hurt the old woman, so he kept dodging.

Only Su Chen on the side looked at the old woman from beginning to end.

"She's right here?"

Su Chen was stunned when he touched the old woman's hand, but it was only for a moment.

"I do not know what you're talking about!"

"Really? There is a saying in our country that the most dangerous place is the safest place. Do you think she will be hiding somewhere here?"

Su Chen deliberately whetted the old woman's appetite, and sure enough, the old woman's eyes couldn't help but wrap her arms around the wall. It was only for a moment that Su Chen caught Su Chen's hand and immediately slowed down. The golden light wave rushed towards the wall, and the entire wall was blown open to reveal the tunnel inside.

Tony couldn't help but widen his eyes. He didn't expect that there was a tunnel in this quaint little house. If it weren't for Su Chen, maybe they wouldn't have discovered it at all.

"You are not allowed in!"

The old woman said loudly.

However, Su Chen couldn't care about that. If they were a step too late, Banner might be in danger.

"Stand still!"

Su Chen slowly said, this is the secret technique of the distant Dragon Kingdom. Just two words can make people unable to move. The old woman's eyes widened. She had never seen such an evil technique.

Chapter 63 Betty’s hesitation

Even Tony was quite surprised, but after witnessing many of Su Chen's secret techniques that ordinary people could not understand, he felt that this was nothing.

But a hint of excitement couldn't help but arise in my heart.

"Father, can you leave this secret method to me in the future?"

Tony walked to Su Chen's side and said that Su Shi nodded slightly.

"Of course you can."

The two of them walked slowly towards the tunnel. Every time they took the next step, the darkness became darker. It wasn't until they walked down the stairs that they realized that they could only watch movies here. There seemed to be a light in front of them. Su Chen Keep Tony behind you.

"Betty, I know you are here. I think you really want to save your husband and see him, right? If you want, then come out to see us. Don't worry, we won't hurt you, nor will we. Your husband’s, we need your help.”

Su Chen spoke loudly into the darkness, only to hear a few sparse voices coming from the darkness, and then a woman's voice slowly sounded.

"How can I trust you?"

Betty was very wary.

After all, there are quite a few people who have come to her recently and want her to find her husband.

That's why she stayed here.

"If I tell you, can I testify in the name of the Otsu family?"

Su Chen stopped.

The sound was not loud, but it kept echoing throughout the tunnel.

Although Brazil is not too close to America, the reputation of the Su family has spread all over the country, so you naturally know something about Brazil Town.

A candle was lit, and the candle illuminated the woman's cheek. At the moment, the woman's face was very indifferent, and you could see a trace of excitement in his eyes.

"Are you saying you are from the Su family?"

Betty knew very well how powerful the Su family was.

"Yes, so now are you willing to believe us?"

Su Chen said that he didn't want to expose his identity directly. As long as he revealed that he was from the Su family, it was enough. After all, no one in the entire continent would dare to pretend to be from the Su family. After all, if the Su family discovered it, , the consequences are unimaginable, so Betty also felt that the person in front of her was the life-saving straw.

"Why are you helping us?"

The candle was placed on the lampstand nearby. At the moment, Betty frowned slightly and looked at the man in front of her.

"To be honest, we want to create a team, and your husband is very powerful. If I can find your husband to join here, then the strength of the entire team will increase several times."

In fact, this world has never been what everyone thought, and there is also a mysterious organization in this world, which is the Divine Movement Bureau. Su Chen is also very clear about this. He understands the purpose of the Divine Movement Bureau and also understands The meaning of its existence.

But now those heroes are in different fields and if you want to gather them together, you need to form a new team.

That's why Su Chen is looking for Banner so urgently.

"If we really find you, will you go back on your word?"

At the moment, Betty was very worried. She wanted to save her husband, but she didn't want her husband to be hurt.

Su Chen naturally understood this.

"Don't worry, the Su family always keeps their word. I will never lie to you. Now as long as you say a word, we will go to Banner immediately."

Betty only learned about Banner's whereabouts not long ago. Although she already knew it, she didn't dare to look for it on her own.

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