Su Chen was attracted by this opportunity. He wanted to challenge himself further and also hoped to learn more skills. So, he stepped into the restaurant without hesitation and sought a job as a chef.

When he entered the restaurant, he smelled the mouth-watering aroma. The interior of the restaurant is gorgeously decorated, and guests enjoy delicious food in a comfortable environment. Su Chen was quickly spotted by a female chef wearing a gorgeous chef's uniform. She looked at his somewhat plain appearance, but with a hint of curiosity.

The female chef approached Su Chen and asked, "Do you have any cooking experience?"

Su Chen smiled and replied: "I have learned cooking in different places and tried various flavors. I like challenges and am willing to learn."

The female chef nodded, looking at Su Chen as if she noticed his sincerity. She said, "Well, we need a passionate person to join our team. You can try the job first to see if you adapt to the environment here."

Su Chen readily accepted the opportunity and started working in a restaurant. He quickly integrated into the group and learned many new techniques and cooking styles. His innovation and persistence soon made him one of the most popular chefs in the restaurant.

While working in the restaurant, Su Chen met many people from different backgrounds, including other chefs, waiters, and various guests. They shared a variety of ingredients and cooking ideas with him, diversifying his skillset. At the same time, Su Chen also incorporated his unique perspectives into the restaurant's dishes, bringing more surprises to the guests.

Soon after, Su Chen met a mysterious old man in a restaurant. He was a famous chef in the city. This old man is known as a cooking legend and a wizard in the culinary world. His name spread throughout the city, but almost no one had seen his true face.

One day, in the restaurant kitchen, Su Chen heard a colleague talking about this legendary chef. He said: "Legend has it that this old man created many unique cooking techniques, and his dishes are the most delicious in the world."

Su Chen's curiosity was aroused, and he decided to pursue this mysterious chef, hoping to learn more techniques from him. He asked colleagues about the chef's whereabouts, but received very limited information. It is said that the chef only appears at certain times and places and only accepts one apprentice.

Su Chen tried hard to find traces of the chef, followed various clues, and finally found him in a market. The old man looks ordinary, but when it comes to cooking, he exudes an unparalleled temperament.

Su Chen decided to ask the chef to learn from him. He said: "Dear Master, I have always dreamed of becoming an excellent chef. I heard that you are a legend in the cooking world. I hope to learn from you and become a better chef." Be good to yourself.”

The chef looked at Su Chen, was silent for a moment, then nodded and said, "If you have enough determination and perseverance, I am willing to teach you my cooking secrets. But you must agree to only use these skills for Create something delicious, not something utilitarian.”

Su Chen solemnly promised that he would begin his apprenticeship and learn various cooking techniques from this legendary chef, including unique cooking methods and ways of handling ingredients. His master had strict requirements, but Su Chen studied hard and constantly exceeded his limits.

Su Chen spent several months as an apprentice under the guidance of his master. His skills continued to improve, but he also began to feel the mystery of his master. Whenever he asked about the master's past or family, the old man always remained silent.

Finally one day, Su Chen couldn't help but ask: "Master, you have always been so mysterious and have never revealed your past. I want to know more about your story. Are you willing to share some?"

The master thought for a moment and then said slowly: "My past is not important. What is important is the cooking skills and wisdom I impart to you now. However, if you insist on knowing, then I will tell you a story."

The master began to tell a fascinating story about the adventures and explorations of his youth. He has traveled across the mainland, learning various cooking techniques, visiting famous chefs from various places, and trying various ingredients in search of unique flavors. During his journey, he met all kinds of people, including wealthy nobles and ordinary people living a hard life.

These experiences have shaped his cooking philosophy, and he understands that food is not only an enjoyment of taste, but also the inheritance of culture and memory. He told Su Chen: "Food is a part of life. It connects emotions and memories between people. When you cook delicious dishes, you are conveying your love for life and care for people."

Su Chen felt the master's words deeply, and he understood the deeper meaning of cooking. He is determined to incorporate this wisdom into his cooking, pursuing not only the ultimate in taste, but also the emotional exchange between people.

Time flies by, and Su Chen continues to improve his cooking skills under the guidance of his master. He has learned the secrets of many legendary chefs, but there is one dish that has always interested him - egg and vegetable porridge.

One day, Su Chen couldn't help but ask: "Master, I have always liked egg drop green vegetable porridge, but I have tried many times and can't make it taste as wonderful as yours. Are you willing to teach me the secret of this dish?" ?”

The chef nodded with a smile and said: "Egg-flower and green vegetable porridge is a simple and delicious dish, but its beauty lies in the details. First, you need to choose high-quality rice and cook a thick porridge base. Then, cut the green vegetables. Cut into thin strips to keep the taste fresh. The most important thing is the egg drop, which should be beaten with eggs and clear soup, then slowly poured into the hot porridge and stirred gently with chopsticks to form a smooth egg drop."

Su Chen listened attentively, and after the master demonstrated once, he started to try. He kept honing his skills and cooked bowl after bowl of egg drop and green vegetable porridge. Under the guidance of his master, he gradually mastered the essence of the dish and finally made it taste wonderful.

The chef looked at Su Chen approvingly and said, "You have mastered the essence of this dish, but don't forget that cooking is an art of continuous learning. Always remain humble and innovative."

As time passed, Su Chen continued to develop his cooking skills under the guidance of his master. He started experimenting with different ingredients and cooking methods to challenge his creativity. One day, he said to the master: "I heard about a classic home-cooked dish called fish stew with tofu. Are you willing to teach me the secret of this dish?"

The chef nodded and said: "Stewed fish cubes with tofu is a delicacy that is both delicious and nutritious. First of all, you need to choose fresh fish cubes, preferably hairtail or other fish species with umami flavor. Put the fish cubes with the soft tofu Put it into the clear soup, add some mushrooms and spices, and simmer slowly. Finally, drizzle with some sesame oil and chopped green onion to let the aroma spread.”

Su Chen listened carefully to the master's instructions, and then began to try making fish stewed with tofu. He selects fresh fish pieces, adds soft tofu, mushrooms and spices, and stews them carefully. After many times of practice and improvement, he finally succeeded in making a delicious fish stew with tofu.

The chef tasted Su Chen's fish stewed with tofu and said with a smile: "You are getting better and better at your craft. This dish is very good. But don't forget that food is an art and it requires inspiration and innovation. Continue Challenge yourself to find new ways to cook and take the flavor to the next level.”

As time went by, Su Chen's cooking skills continued to improve, and he became more confident and creative. His days working in the restaurant were very fulfilling, and every day was a new challenge and opportunity.

One day, an ordinary afternoon, an old gentleman walked into the restaurant. He ordered a bowl of fish ball noodle soup, sat at a table in the corner, and waited quietly. Su Chen cooked the dish himself and brought a bowl of hot fish ball noodle soup to the old gentleman.

The old gentleman tasted it, then opened his eyes wide with an expression of surprise. He said, "This is the most delicious fish ball noodle soup I've had in years! Your cooking skills are outstanding."

Su Chen responded humbly: "Thank you very much for your compliment, sir. I have always been committed to pursuing the ultimate in cooking and trying my best to bring delicious food to every guest."

The old gentleman nodded and continued to enjoy the delicacy. During the meal, he chatted a lot with Su Chen and learned about his cooking path and pursuit. Finally, the old gentleman left a business card and said: "If you want, you can contact me at any time. I think you have the potential to become an outstanding chef."

In the days that followed, Su Chen continued to study hard and try new cooking techniques. He always has a passion for food and is constantly looking for new inspiration and ingredients. One day he heard about an interesting opportunity when a fisherman revealed to him that a nearby lake was plentiful with fish and shrimp.

Su Chen decided to go to the lake to experience it himself. He went there with a fishing net and some fishing gear, preparing to catch fresh fish and shrimp and use them to make unique dishes. At the lake, he met several local fishermen, who enthusiastically told him their fishing and shrimp techniques.

Su Chen learned how to use a fishing net to catch fish and shrimps, and he waited patiently until the fishing net returned with a full load. The fish and shrimp he caught were so fresh that he was excited. He knew these ingredients would become valuable ingredients in his cooking.

Back at the restaurant, Su Chen began to use the fresh ingredients he caught to make various delicacies. He cooked pan-fried fish cubes, steamed shrimp and garlic yellow croaker. Guests praised his dishes and called them delicious.

One day, a traveler from afar walked into the restaurant. He heard about Su Chen's cooking skills and the delicious food made with fresh ingredients. The traveler asked: "Would you like to teach me your cooking skills? I would also like to learn how to catch and cook fresh ingredients."

Su Chen smiled and agreed. He knew that, like his master, he also had the responsibility to pass on the wisdom of cooking so that more people could enjoy delicious food. He began teaching travelers how to choose ingredients, prepare different dishes, and maintain their passion for food.

Throughout Su Chen's cooking career, he has been constantly learning and trying new cooking methods and ingredients. One day, an acquaintance in an old alley introduced him to a special local delicacy, meat whistle noodles.

The acquaintance said: "The meat whistle powder is a traditional delicacy of this place, famous for its rich flavor and unique cooking method. You should try it, maybe you will be inspired."

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