Marvel: Master Ancient One, I'm Going Down

209 This Is Mage! This Is The Magic! (6 More)

"What exactly is Mage? That's an interesting question.

Qin Hao looked at Strange calmly.

"Then you tell me."

Strange was a little anxious.

"Really? Looks like you can't wait."

Qin Hao's tone was teasing.

He took a step forward and slapped Strange directly on the chest.

"Wow, this trick again."

"The last time you asked me to try this trick, I was sick for a long time."

"Let you know more about space-time and the universe, what are you not satisfied with?"

"No, I haven't studied this universe thoroughly, so I don't have time to study other universes.

"Yes, but such a thing shocked me extremely."

"I also think so, at least my vision has really grown a lot."

"Is it possible not to grow bigger? For a while, for an alien planet, for a while for other universes."

"I really doubt that there is anything that Qin and his group of Eastern Mage don't know.

A group of people watched as Strange was slapped on the chest by Qin Hao.

Not only were they not worried, but they looked like they were watching the excitement.

Astral projection!

Qin Hao prefers another name.

soul astral.

"Doctor Strange, are you ready to experience another world?

At the moment's Strange's inner shock is only known to him.

He clearly saw his body gradually fall to the ground.

But then he put Dr. Conners on the sofa.

He can see everything around him.

Opposite the yellow portal over there, a group of people are watching here as if watching the excitement.

Even they are really not surprised by it.

He heard Qin Hao's voice clearly.

But his own body was floating in the air.

Is this the soul that has been making no progress?

"Looks like you're ready."

Qin Hao's voice sounded again.

The floating Strange didn't understand the meaning of this sentence at all.

"Then, take a good look at the world you don't know.

This matter should have been done by Master Ancient One.

Now it's up to me to do it.

I'm really looking for trouble.


There was a crisp sound.

A huge force acted on Strange.



Crazy drop!


A frantic yell came from Strange's mouth.

Immediately afterwards, he found that he had traveled through the void.

At the moment, he clearly saw the outline of the entire earth.

His soul body has gone beyond the earth.

In the Earth's atmosphere, clouds cover the ground.

Ke's soul body clearly looked at everything below.

"How did this happen? How did I get here? It's not true, it's not true!"

Strange was still muttering to himself.

"No, it's all true.

This is one of the hurdles of our Eastern Mage practice.

Know what is real!"

Qin Hao's voice rang in Strange's ears.

"Qin, his heartbeat is a bit too fast, should you let him slow down?"

"It doesn't matter, I believe he can stand it."


There was another snap of fingers.

Another huge force struck.

His body seemed to be torn apart.

Penetrates all endless rules.

It was a weird Lu Li world.

Between the visible and the invisible, countless things are constantly repeated.

He even felt that he had penetrated something like a space channel.

Immediately after that, I entered another world of Lu Li, a light monster.

Here the constantly changes, and the more the constantly shrinks, the more it expands.

Strange had never seen those things in constant rotation.

Constantly shuttling through the room, it was as if he broke through a layer of glass.

There, he saw countless himself.

But then, he shuttled again.

Layer after layer.

Layer after layer.

Strange himself didn't know how many layers he went through.

That grotesque Lu Li's world completely collapsed his world view.

"Strange, what you have been studying all along is the operation of the material world.

But this material world is not the whole of the universe.

What exactly is real?

There are countless mysteries beyond the reach of our senses.

At the root of the existence of all things is actually the intersection of thinking and matter.

Here, thinking shapes reality.

This universe is but one of the infinite universes.

Among the endless worlds, some are full of love and life.

Some are full of evil thoughts and famine.

There is also a dark place, where there are calendar areas older than time.

Greedy waiting to devour what you thought was reality.

Who are you?

In this vast universe, who are you?"


It was a crisp sound of life again.

Strange's soul constantly traveled through the endless universe that he experienced just now.

His body seemed to have been severely injured.

The body on the sofa rolled directly to the ground.

The soul body returned, and he gasped violently.

This kind of short-term experience is a bit exhausting both mentally and physically.

At the moment, he needs to take a deep breath.

Most importantly, his three views At the moment were shattered by the blow.

"You, are you also such a cured Pangborn?

Is this how his C7-C8 complete spinal cord injury was healed?"

At the moment Strange had already started to believe Qin Hao's words.

There are universes after endless universes.

"Not cured, at least not in the Common sense.

The other person couldn't walk, and my master made him believe that he could.

For example, after you connect the nerve, do you let it heal or the body let it recover?"

"It's the cells that allow the body to gradually recover."

"So, is there only one way to heal the wound in the whole world?

It's as if you've been trying to figure out where Mutant's power comes from.

Self-healing Ability, anti-strike Ability, and powerful strength are all okay.

Then the body controls the magnetism.

The body controls the weather.

Some people even directly control the other party's physical mind.

How do you explain these circumstances?"

Qin Hao raised a question that stunned Strange.

Mutant, why do you do what?

"This is a mutation produced by their X gene. This kind of mutation caused the other party to be able to manipulate..."

Strange couldn't go on talking about this.


What kind of mutation can manipulate the weather?

What kind of variation can control people's hearts?

"Can't answer?

In this world, besides what you know, there are more things you don't know.

And these things together make up this complete world.

The main thing we cultivate in the Mage line is spiritual power.

This is the root of all things I just said, where matter and thought meet.

Thoughts shape reality.

Pangborn used his mind to adjust his body.

And, didn't you find out?

All the volunteers we look for, we need them to do one thing.

Believe that you can heal.

Why do you want to do this?

It is to let them use their mental power to stimulate their bodies.

thereby promoting cell regeneration.

But you seem to have been using this as a form of psychotherapy.

Although it is very similar to psychotherapy, but you ignore the essence. "

Qin Hao flickered casually.

For the sake of Strange, Qin Hao specially added a project among the recent volunteers.

psychological intervention.

Volunteers have to "believe" that they can recover after using the medicine.

Especially those who don't want to believe it.

Their regeneration potion was diluted countless times.

When others recover quickly, they recover only a little because they don't believe.

Their thinking will be directly destroyed.

So, they "believed" a fact.

You can only recover if you truly "believe" that you can recover.

Otherwise the effect of the drug is the worst.

Strange recalls the therapy during this time.

At the moment, he also began to "believe" that the gene regeneration medicine needs the cooperation of the spirit to succeed.

It also explains why some people work well and others don't.

Because everyone believes differently!

"Then why didn't you tell me?"

Strange spoke again.

"We told you, and even asked you to tell other patients.

And when you give every volunteer a preoperative explanation, don’t you repeat it all over again?”

Dr. Connors made up the knife.

Strange was completely speechless.

So, if I don't believe in the existence of spiritual power, can my subordinates Self-heal themselves?"

He issued a final doubt.

"Perhaps, I will give you half a day off tomorrow, so you can go and see Pangborn, and you can listen to what he has to say.

Qin Hao directly gave Strange a vacation.

What you say is not proven, let your seeing be believing.

Devastated by the things that overturned the three views, Strange didn't sleep well all night.

Early the next morning, he went to look for Jonas Pangborn.

"The spiritual world is bigger than you think, if you really want to restore your body.

Go to a place called Kamar-Taj.

If you are lucky, you find the supreme mage there.

If you are unlucky, then you can think of other ways.

Pangborn left such a sentence to Strange.

He returned to the Osborn Group with a heart in mind.

Found Dr. Connors and Qin Hao.

"He said he was recovered at a place called Kamar-Taj.

Kamar-Taj, what the hell is going on?"

Strange looked dazed.

"Want to see it?"



With a snap of his fingers, Strange found that the scenery around him had completely changed.

A modern laboratory becomes a quaint building.

All kinds of yellow things appeared in the hands of several people.

Light and shadow effects like magic.

But the ground that those things hit can break the ground.

"Qin, Ancient One Mage is waiting for you."

A Mage At the moment came before Qin Hao's eyes.

"Also, let you bring this gentleman with you."

"Thank you brother for reminding me, I'll go right away."

After Qin Hao finished speaking, he brought Strange directly to the hall.

Here, Ancient One Mage is making tea.

"Qin, drink tea, Mr. Strange, drink tea."

"Yes, master."

Strange saw a bald man in gray and white clothes pour Qin Hao a cup of tea.

Then he handed himself a cup.


"This is my master, the Supreme Mage Ancient One."

"Mr. Strange, I can see that you have a lot of doubts.

Are you a little confused by what Qin said?

Although my idea is to let nature take its course.

But seeing how Qin is working so hard, maybe we need to talk. "

Ancient One poured Staranki a cup of tea.

"This ability to go from one place to another in the blink of an eye.

The hands outside were shining with yellow light, like a special effect.

Is it all magic?"

Strange At the moment is really full of curiosity.

"Yes, this is magic."

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