Marvel: Master Ancient One, I'm Going Down

232 Energy Duplication + Energy Explosion + Little Sun! Terrible Combination! (3 More)

"No, this little sun seems to have other functions.

Qin Hao At the moment suddenly thought of something.

"The energy of nuclear fusion can be converted into electricity normally.

This energy is vast and almost inexhaustible.

It seems to have the same effect as Tony's Ark reactor.

It can bring a more stable and powerful energy source to the world.

Compared with the consumption and stability of biomass power generation, it is much higher.

Moreover, it seems that a lot of information about nuclear fusion has been obtained from Xandar.

This should directly speed up Dr. Otto's research.

However, for me, the semi-finished product of this small artificial sun is an unexpected good thing.

Qin Hao At the moment was a little excited.

It was the thrill of discovering that the work in progress would be of more personal benefit to him than the finished product.

"For the generation of nuclear fusion, just a little bit of tritium can bring powerful energy.

But if I don't need its powerful energy, let its energy be consumed rapidly.

When the gravitational force is greater than the expansion force brought about by nuclear fusion.

The whole little sun will collapse directly to the middle!

Collapsing to the limit is a small black hole!

This power is very similar to the Dark Elf's Black Hole Grenade.

We have not been able to fully analyze the black hole grenade.

What can be done is only to make some similar large shells.

This kind of shell was used to clear the way during the last attack on Yi Ge star.

Moreover, Tony also used those technologies to create small shells capable of Energy Absorbing.

However, I have always wanted a complete black hole bomb and have not been able to achieve the effect.

But this time, this failed nuclear fusion can provide an idea.

Even if this little sun cannot be turned into a black hole in a short time.

But it's also a nice weapon for the powerful Attraction 17 it originally generates. "

Qin Hao quickly jotted down the idea.

Next, hand this over to Tony and the others, and they should be able to break through quickly.

After all, they have been studying this aspect for a long time.

"However, this matter has good benefits for them.

But for me personally, the next Ability is the most important.

Magic duplication!

Energy explosion!

My magic duplication originally was energy composition.

He is able to produce a powerful explosive force under the energy explosion.

This power becomes more terrifying with more magic power and energy.

But now there is a more powerful and more rapid way to create an unstable energy source.

At that time, directly absorb this unstable but powerful energy with magic duplication.

My self-destruct duplication is going to get more and more horrific.

Even, the upper limit of this self-explosion will directly depend on the power of the entire little sun. "

Qin Hao At the moment quickly summed up the greatest benefits that this experiment can bring to himself.

This is the most important benefit to Qin Hao personally.

If his self-destruct duplication absorbs enough energy.

Is it possible to blow up Yi Ge star directly?

Blow up everything he wants?

"Dr. Otto, the data you collected can be stopped, and I will absorb it next.

It is best to eliminate this unstable factor earlier.

Additionally, your studies in New York City will be cancelled.

Next, I will provide you with a more stable place for you to study.

You should prepare well these few days, because it will not be as convenient as here. "

Qin Hao looked at Otto and his wife and said.

"A more stable place?"

Otto began to think.

This failure made him feel the danger.

"Can we refuse?"

His wife Rose seems to have an opinion of her own.

"Definitely you can refuse, but you don't even want to get financial assistance from Harry.

Not only Harry here, you will not be able to get financial assistance from the largest groups in New York City.

Even, the crisis of the failure of this experiment today will keep you under strict supervision.

Not to mention experimental research, your lives will be affected in the future. "

Qin Hao said indifferently.

Otto is willing to participate in the research preferably.

If you don't want to, then you will definitely be under strict supervision as Qin Hao said.

Controlled Nuclear Fusion!

Or the soon-to-be-successful controlled nuclear fusion.

No country can give up.

At that time, it is estimated that he will be directly detained by the M country government.

And help the government of country M to study controllable nuclear fusion.

"No, I agree.

Rose, the data this time is enough to support our next research.

With these data, our next research will definitely be successful.

Nuclear fusion, my lifelong dream, I don't want to give up when I'm on the verge of success.

Moreover, this matter is no longer something we can stop if we want to. "

Otto was right, it was his lifelong dream.

He didn't want to give up on it.

Or give up when you are about to succeed.

Obviously, he also thought about what happened after the rejection.

The government, where they can't go around.

Although Rose was a little worried, she looked at her husband's expectant eyes.

In the end, she couldn't say no.

"Okay, let's prepare well when the time comes, mysterious oriental, don't know what we have to prepare?"

Rose looked at Qin Hao and asked.

Compared with Otto, who is obsessed with experiments, she obviously understands the importance of life better.

"What are you going to do? Let's talk about it later, when the time comes, I'll take you to see the place first.

Judge for yourselves what else needs to be prepared.

Because once there, wanting to go home is only my ability to get there.

Qin Hao didn't say what to prepare.

There are actually quite a few things on Titan.

Vision has been adding to it.

Make sure you can live in it.

Moreover, Cross lived a long time studying yellow Pym particles on it.

Vision has already prepared everything that should be there.

However, maybe Otto and Rose would like to prepare something they particularly wanted.

Like family photos or something.

Next, Qin Hao absorbed the energy of the little sun with all his strength.

His hand even directly held the unreacted tritium inside.

Lost the energy source, this little sun gradually goes out.

Qin Hao felt the energy in his body, it was very violent.

"Okay, the matter here is settled, and then you all prepare separately.

Harry, I'll have your father call you, maybe I can let you know a little bit about something.

As for the rest, you can discuss it slowly.

Peter, go back and study hard, now is not the time to do this.

When you can reach Tony Stark's level you're thinking of something else. "

After Qin Hao finished speaking, he disappeared immediately.

Back on Titan, Qin Hao directly summoned Vision.


Qin Hao handed Vision a device.

"It contains the data of all the nuclear reactions I scanned, and some of my thoughts.

At that time, you can see if you can build corresponding items according to my ideas.

Also, get detection equipment ready, I want to see how horrible the next explosion will be. "

After Qin Hao finished speaking, an energy duplication came out of his body.

This duplication At the moment seems very unstable.

From time to time, his body surface spit out a prominence-like energy beam.

Then it will return to his body.

His entire body was glowing orange.

It's like the reaction of Extremis Warrior after being injected with medicine.

"Master, the detection equipment is being deployed in space.

I can find that your energy duplication is very violent.

The energy contained within seems terrifying.

It's like a lit little sun. "

Vision easily saw Qin Hao's duplication problem.

Energy burst!

Like a little sun!

"That's right, his body is a small sun, so I want to test the power of this duplication explosion.

After Qin Hao finished speaking, duplication soared into the sky.

Such an explosion can only be carried out in the void.

"Master, the monitoring equipment has been installed, and now it can explode."

Vision arranges all monitoring equipment.

Notify Qin Hao that he can self-destruct.

In the void, Qin Hao's duplication began to become more and more unstable.

The whole body began to emit a strong light.

Energy duplication!

Energy explosion!

Nuclear fusion energy absorbed by Energy Absorption Ability!

Three Abilities combined into one.

A violent light flashed in the sky.

Like a sun that really shines and explodes.



A strong siren sounded from the monitor.

The power of the explosion this time was really amazing.

"Master, the power of this explosion surpassed any previous duplication explosion.

The 830 energy brought by nuclear fusion is dozens of times more than the original magical power of the owner.

Vision informed Qin Hao of the obtained data.

"Yes, it seems that this conjecture can indeed be successful!"

Dozens of times the power!

This is the power of this energy.

Qin Hao's magic duplication is basically the energy contained in his body.

So the energy of each duplication is fixed.

His strength is very strong, but the increase in magic power contained in the magic power duplication is not too large.

Because the most his duplication can do when it is separated is to take away all the magic power in his body.

Qin Hao was originally powerful because his magic power could be replenished constantly.

His body is connected to another world!

Some Abilities that need to provide continuous magic power will become very scary in his hands.

Because his magic has no bottom.

Like his mirror dimension.

It could have been expanded constantly for magic.

And magic duplication doesn't work.

For example, his body uses the power of fire.

After igniting oneself, countless magic powers can continue to be replenished.

He can burn indefinitely.

But the burning of mana duplication will decrease over time.

In the end, it even disappeared directly.

The energy explosion used by Qin Hao's body is not even comparable to the magic duplication.

Because he can't self-destruct like magic duplication.

Magic duplication can consume all the energy in one go without reservation.

This time, the inspiration he got from absorbing nuclear fusion gave Qin Hao a different understanding of self-explosion.

The self-detonation this time has not yet absorbed the energy generated by the tritium.

It already possesses the power dozens of times more than his own self-destruction.

Then when there is more powerful energy in the future, the power will become even more terrifying.

Even Qin Hao had an idea.

Can I try to absorb the power of Fixed Star directly?

The temperature on the surface of Fixed Star can now be ignored.

My [fire (strengthened +4)] directly provided myself with a temperature of tens of thousands of degrees.

Higher surface temperature than normal Fixed Star.

What will happen if you absorb the energy of Fixed Star and explode yourself?

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