Marvel: Master Ancient One, I'm Going Down

258 Starrange's Choice! Hela Returns To Asgard!

"Strange, what are you talking about?"

Christine had no idea what Strange meant by these words.

"I don't know myself, because I am also very confused now."

Strange's confusion at the moment even exceeded when his own hands were destroyed.

At that time, all he wanted was to restore his own hands.

What he tried to do was also to restore his hands.

Now, his hands have recovered to a certain extent.

But he didn't feel happy about it in his heart.

Especially after what happened today, he felt even more confused.

Both Ancient One and Qin Hao once said that all they want is to enjoy the feeling of controlling life and death.

At that time, I was still a little unconvinced.

But when the real thing happens.

Self-selection is indeed something that can be controlled.

For example, things that already seem to be engraved in the bones.

Back to the hospital for surgery.

All of this seems to be for the purpose of curing diseases and saving lives.

But I know that this is just to regain the feeling of deciding the life and death of others.

But, really stand on the operating table.

He felt completely different.

He is indeed saving them.

But all this could have been prevented in advance.

Just like Ancient One they did.

Stop Dormammu's coming early!

It is obvious that they can be stopped in advance, but they insist on waiting until they are injured before treating them.

Is this kind of thing really what you want?

Christine looked at Strange who was a little confused.

"Don't think so much, before you get hurt, you are the most Excellent.

I believe that even if you don't want to be a doctor and want to do other things, you are the most Excellent.

It depends on whether you want to do it or not.

If you want to do it, I support you. "

Her eyes were full of encouragement.

Strange stood in front of the sink, looking at himself in the mirror.

The image of Dormammu devouring this world kept replaying in his mind.

What Qin Hao and the others said echoed in his ears.

I can perform surgery well here.

Precisely because of having Mage in the background to block those dangers.

Standing on the operating table again today, I can no longer return to the feeling I had before.

Every time I cut down, I can always think of the appearance of Dormammu in my mind.

Those blood vessels are like the dark world established by Dormammu.

In the dark world, there are also "vessels and nerves" connected one by one.

This feeling made Strange feel deeply hopeless.

If it weren't for his rich experience, he wouldn't be able to get off the operating table today.

With my current situation, it is impossible to become a top doctor again.

Because I have a "demon".

He stretched out his hand again and looked at it quietly.

"Christine, I'm going to be a pawn.

Strange made his choice.

"Mage? What's this again?"

Christine looked puzzled.

Strange took off the sterile suit, revealing the Mage suit inside.

"It's a long story!"

Things in New York are still slowly being dealt with, and something beyond expectations is happening on Qin Hao's At the moment.

Sure enough, the goddess of death returned to Asgard.

Back in time, Dormammu invaded Earth, after Qin Mo left Norway.

Here, Thor and the others have been guarding against Hela, the goddess of death, from breaking away from Qin Hao's puncture.

Even though Hela was nailed to the ground by Qin Hao.

She didn't look dead at all.

This is where she is strong, otherwise Odin would not have suppressed the opponent.

It can't even deprive the other party's divine power.

Hela's violent character makes her constantly stimulate Thor.

"Is this what Asgard is now?

Once Odin died, there was not even a single person who could stand up.

Odin was going to make one of you two kings?

is that you


Your character and strength can also be a king?

Has Asgard fallen like this?

Or you?

It's called Loki, right?

Your tone sounds like Odin's, but you don't seem like the type to charge.

Asgard, can it really only be partial to one corner?"

Hela devalues ​​Odin and Thor and Loki.

Thor's character is obviously just not stimulated.

What's more, his Meow Hammer was hit hard.

This made him feel even more angry.

"Hela! This is God's arrangement! I don't believe I can't stop you!"



Relentless thunder and lightning constantly bombarded Hela.

"Oh~~ I haven't felt this painful feeling for a long time."

She groaned in pain.

"Thor, stop!"

Frigga wants to stop Thor's madness.

"No! I'm going to stop Ragnarök! I'm going to stop Hela!"

Thor continued to attack Hela furiously.

"Ragnarök? You're worried about that.

But also, when I come back, it is the end of those gods.

And, Thor, thank you for your offense. "



There was a series of cracking sounds.

The spiked spear that pinned Hela was directly damaged by Thunder's attack.

And she took this opportunity to break free from those spears directly.

"No! It's impossible!"

Thor saw Hela escaped, and at the moment he was startled.

"Nothing is impossible.

Hela charged directly at Thor.

Hela without limitations shows her strength.

She beats Thor to the point where he can't fight back.

Loki and Thor teaming up are useless.

Even Frigga's shot had no effect.

The three of them were beaten by Hela here.

Even Thor and Loki were injured to varying degrees.

"Mother, we can't beat her!"

Loki's dagger has dropped.

He had several scars on his body.

"Otherwise, why do you think your father Odin can only suppress her.

Hela, do you really want to fight each other like this?"

Frigg looked at Hela with a sword in hand.

"Mother, what does it matter, Odin can suppress me for two thousand years, why can't I teach these younger brothers a lesson?"

Hela was talking, but her hands didn't stop.

Thor was easily grabbed by her neck and held in her hands.

Her eyes looked at Thor as if looking for his weakness.

And Thor was strangled, making it impossible to even speak.

There was despair in his eyes.

My own sister, how did Qin Hao Mage manage to suppress and beat her?

And nailed her to the ground.

"Hela, stop! Do you want to kill your brother?"

Frigg reprimands Hela.

"Mother, you just don't want me back in Asgard.

What surprised me the most was that you guys were able to find someone who could suppress me.

I suddenly became very interested in that person, who the hell is he?

…… Ask for flowers…………

As for killing these useless younger brothers.

I still lack a little big hand, so they follow me.

Hela dismisses Thor casually.


Thor held his throat and coughed constantly.

And Hela walked towards Loki.

"My brother, what is your choice? Be my thug, or wait for me to teach you a lesson?"

Loki looked at Hela who was getting closer, his expression changed again and again.

"Heimdall! Take us back!"

He finally made his choice!

"No! Don't! Heimdall, Bifrost must not be opened without my order.

Frigga's tone was full of panic.

If you delay here a little longer, maybe you can wait until Qin Hao arrives.

When he arrived, Hela basically had no room to resist.

Hela glanced at Frigg and Loki.

"Mother, it seems that this younger brother is a bit timid. Has Odin's current education become like this?"

She finished speaking and walked over to Loki's side.

Grabs Loki by the neck.


Loki's mouth made a breathless sound.

"Mother, should this brother die, or should Heimdal open Bifrost?"

Hela's voice was very cold.

It was as if there was no life in her hands.

Frigga looked at Loki who was already suffocating to the point where he couldn't breathe.

Her eyes were full of anger and helplessness.

"Heimdall, open Bifrost.

In the end, she couldn't watch Loki being tortured like this.

Ragnarök, then Ragnarök!

Bifrost directly took the four away with strong and violent energy.


The moment Hela's feet touched Asgard.

A powerful force returned to her body.

Her originally damaged divine power battle suit At the moment gradually recovered.

Originally, some white skin was exposed.

At the moment is completely wrapped by the divine power battle suit.

"Phew~~ This is my strength, this is the gradually complete me."

She stood at the end of Bifrost, looking at Asgard in the distance.

His eyes were full of invincibility.

"Hela, what exactly do you want to do?"

Frigga stood behind Helade, looking at her back with an uncomfortable expression on her face.

Today was already a difficult day.

Odin, who had been with him for thousands of years, died.

His daughter was released, but it was not a good thing.

For she brought Ragnarök.

"What do I want to do?

I am Commander-in-Chief of the Great Army of Asgard, and rightful heir to the throne.

Now that Odin is dead, I am the newest queen of Asgard.

We used to be the supreme power in the universe.

Our status is unmatched.

But my father would stop at the Nine Kingdoms.

This really pissed me off.

But now that he is dead, everything will be implemented according to my ideas.

I want to restore the power I once had.

Our destiny is to rule over all other kingdoms after all.

Hela stood here and talked about her ideals with a serious face.

"No, Father God has maintained peace for thousands of years, and the original enemy, Frost Titan, has surrendered.

You are causing war again now, and you are not responsible to our Warriors of Asgard!"

Thor speaks eagerly of his opinion.

"Warrior, isn't it just for fighting?".

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