Marvel: Master Ancient One, I'm Going Down

264 Shocking Truth! Asgard's Infinity Gauntlet Is Real!

"Thor, what Hela said is true."

Frigga At the moment stopped Thor from continuing.

"it is true?"

Thor looked disbelieving.

"That's right, the former Warriors are respected, and their souls return to the Hall of Heroes.

Their remains were buried deep in the underground palace. "

Frigga directly agreed with Hela's words.

"Moreover, the corpses of these Warriors can still be resurrected by the Eternal Fire.

They are all my Warriors!"

Hela once again tells another shocking news for Thor.

"Can the corpses of these Warriors be resurrected?"

"Definitely can be resurrected, because they are the most powerful Warrior.

It's a pity that the current Warrior obviously doesn't get such preferential treatment anymore.

Otherwise it is impossible for you not to know that our Asgard is above a large tomb.

Dear brother, let you increase your knowledge today. "

After Hela finished speaking, she took the lead and walked towards the ground.

And at this moment, Loki came to the big point with a large army of Asgard.

All Warriors directly surround this place.

As long as the order is given, they will not be able to attack.

But Loki clearly saw the problem here.

There's no such confrontation here.

Instead, a group of people followed Hela towards the underground palace.

"Mom, what's going on here?"

Loki looked puzzled.

"It's okay, everyone step back, Hela and Qin have reached an agreement."

Frigg responded to Loki.

"Loki, Hela said that there is a cemetery under Asgard, where the former Warrior is buried.

I don't believe it, I'm going to see it for myself. "

Thor tells Loki the truth.

"What? There are dead bodies buried here?"

Loki At the moment is also full of disbelief.

"Perhaps we should go and see together."

Thor followed in Hela's footsteps.

Loki At the moment followed suit.

Beneath Asgard is a cemetery.

This operation clearly exceeded Loki's imagination.

The group came to Asgard's bunker, where Odin's treasure was hidden.

The first thing that comes in is a huge amounts of glove.

There are some messy gems inlaid on it.

It is the fake Infinity Gauntlet.

Qin Hao looked at this fake Infinity Gauntlet, he was puzzled.

Hela saw Qin Hao's expression that hesitated to speak.

"Looking at the gloves, you seem to have something to say."

"Well, I'm just curious, there's a guy in the universe collecting Infinite Gems right now.

He is a descendant of the Eternal Clan, possessing great strength.

The glove should be just right for his size.

What I want to ask is, how can you have such a big glove?

In Asgard, no one should be able to use these gloves. "

Qin Hao asked something he had always wanted to know.

This has to be said to be something that Qin Hao has never figured out.

Obviously Thanos asked dwarf king to make the gloves later.

While this is the right hand, Thanos is the left hand.

The right hand existed much earlier than the left.

Then the existence of this glove in Asgard is very unreasonable.

On top of that, the gauntlet is so big, it's clearly not made for Odin or the people of Asgard.

The gloves they need are a normal person's File size.

The existence of such a giant glove is clearly abnormal.

When Qin Hao said these words, Frigga's expression became very ugly.

"You mean someone is collecting Infinite Gems?"

"That's right, the reason why I reached an agreement with Hela is to deal with this person behind the scenes."

Qin Hao At the moment didn't mind telling them about Thanos.

He's looking for Thanos now anyway, someone who wouldn't mind telling it to Asgard earlier.

Their family is powerful, and if they are not destroyed, they can bring trouble to Thanos.

"Okay, when did this happen?"

Frigga looked nervous.

"This thing, it started when Loki hit the ball.

Hearing Qin Hao's words, everyone's eyes focused on Loki.

"Loki, were you working for the man who collected Infinite Gems?"

Frigg's tone became very serious.

"I, I didn't know he was collecting Infinite Gems.

I thought all he wanted was the Space Rubik's Cube.

At that time, I didn't even know that the Space Rubik's Cube was Infinite Gems. "

Loki quickly explained.

If he didn't explain, he would feel that he would suffer.

"I think you should explain it to me.

You guys know Infinite Gems, and this Infinity Gauntlet.

How do I feel that there is some hidden information behind this incident?"

Qin Hao took this opportunity to look at Frigga and Hela with a serious face.

"We definitely know about Infinite Gems.

But this Infinity Gauntlet, it's fake.

It took Odin some time to find the dwarf king to create this glove.

But in the end Odin said it didn't work at all.

It has become a decoration here.

There are also some gems randomly inlaid on it.

In fact, it's not useful at all. "

Hela directly dismissed the Infinity Gauntlet as nothing.

"You know it's fake, have you ever seen the real thing?"

Qin Hao continued to ask.

This question is what he wants to know the most.

Hela has been suppressed for a thousand or two thousand years.

She knew about the Infinity Gauntlet back then.

So it proves that Asgard already knew the authenticity of this glove when she was not suppressed.

There are only two reasons for this, either they have seen the real Infinity Gauntlet.

Either he tried it with this glove.

"No, because there isn't really.

This glove is the first glove made by Odin and the dwarf king.

Unfortunately it didn't work, so it's just a fake Infinity Gauntlet. "

Hela looked disdainful.

"No, it works."

At this time, Frigga suddenly denied Hela's words.

She stroked the huge amounts of Infinity Gauntlet sadly.

This time, even Hela was a little uncertain.

"What exactly is going on?"

She At the moment wants to know the reason more.

Frigga glanced at Hela, then at Thor and Loki.

Finally, he opened his mouth slowly.

"In fact, the gauntlet works, it is indeed the original Infinity Gauntlet.

Back then, Odin was also in his prime, leading you across the Nine Realms.

But he didn't feel like fighting like that.

Or rather, he felt it was too slow.

So he asked dwarf king to design this Infinity Gauntlet.

Its purpose is to perfectly harmonize the power of Infinite Gems.

We in Asgard have Tesseract.

Inside it is the Space gem.

…… Ask for flowers ………………

At that time, we knew where the Reality Gem was going.

Reality Gem, also known as Tai particles, was destroyed during the war with the dark elves.

We don't think this gem can ever be collected.

But in fact, Tai particles were buried deep underground by Odin's father.

At that time, Odin set out to find other gems.

The Time Gem is in Agamotto's hands.

If you want to get it, you have to fight him, which is not cost-effective.

Power Gem and Mind Gem have been collected by us successively.

Later learned the location of the Soul Gem.

It was there that Odin gave up his desire to continue collecting gems.

It was there, too, that he decided to be a merciful king.

When Frigga said this, her expression became more and more sad.

"What the hell happened to collecting Soul Gem?"

Hela seemed to feel that she might hear something she didn't want to hear next.

"Odin can't make up his mind to get the Soul Gem."

Frigga spoke helplessly.

"Is the Soul Gem in the hands of some powerful enemy?"

Hela's eyes became a little dangerous.


"No, the Soul Gem is in Vomir Star, where the biggest enemy is yourself.

The reason why Soul Gem is difficult to obtain is because of its particularity. "

Qin Hao took the question directly.


Hela looked puzzled.

"you know too?"

Frigga felt a sense of relief.

If Qin Hao knew it, then she wouldn't be considered a leaker.

"I know, Soul Gem needs to sacrifice life."

"Sacrifice of life?"

Qin Hao said a condition that made Hela and the others stunned.

"Odin's hands were covered with blood at that time, no matter how many lives he sacrificed, he would not blink.

Hela spoke contemptuously.

"What if the sacrifice is the one you love?"

Frigga looked at Hela sadly.

When Hela heard this, her mind exploded with a buzzing sound.

This represents a terrifying truth.

"It's impossible. It's impossible."

Impossible was constantly repeated in her mouth.

"No, the fact is that Odin went to Vomir Star to find the Soul Gem.

When the Asgardian there told Odin what he needed.

He thought for a long time there.

He can't let go of anyone, whether it's me or you.

So finally, he stopped the aggression.

What he has to do is to protect the peace of the entire Nine Realms.

It's a pity, because of the successive battles, your murderousness is the most powerful.

No matter what we say you won't listen.

In this regard, it is the same as Thor.

So Odin also chooses to see the same treatment as Thor.

Exile and seal.

It's a pity that your divine power is too strong, and you are connected with Asgard.

Odin can't deprive you of your divine power, he can only suppress and seal you in his divine prisoner.

There, he can see you from time to time.

It's a pity that you haven't restrained your murderous nature in the past two thousand years.

Not only that, but your murderousness is getting bigger and bigger.

So Odin never let you out. "

Hearing this, Hai Li had a look of disbelief.

Not only does she not believe it, even Thor and Loki don't believe it.

"Then why don't you tell Hela the truth?"

Thor asked a most crucial question. .

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