Marvel Movie Destruction

504 Magneto's Bottom Line (2/3)

Chapter 504 Magneto's Bottom Line (23)


A strong air wave erupted from the inside of the pyramid, and the huge pyramid was shaken by the explosion.

Someone who was dealing with strange human-shaped objects couldn't help speeding up, and he solved the trouble in his own hands before rushing towards the inside.

I saw that in the inner altar hall, Apocalypse directly grabbed Professor X's neck and lifted him up, while the beasts, Mystique and others collapsed around in irregular shapes.

Qin was unscathed, but she was squatting on the ground and shivering, and she couldn't see the Phoenix girl's unparalleled domineering in the world.

"Your resistance is in vain. I am the only true god in the world, and I am the future of the earth." Apocalypse threw Professor X back to the altar and said arrogantly.

According to the feedback from telepathy, Tianqi knew that the three scum knights he had randomly found at that time had all received their lunch boxes, which made him very uncomfortable with the obsessive-compulsive disorder.

For Apocalypse, the biggest use of the so-called Four Horsemen is to guard their own safety when they are reborn.

If it weren't for his current body's ability to repair quickly, he might have been killed by a beast just now!

The attack power of the beast is ok against ordinary people, but it can only be said to deliver food against Tianqi. Not only did the two punches not kill the opponent, but instead directly woke the opponent up.

Apocalypse, who was interrupted to seize the house, felt extremely angry. He knew that he had now become a public enemy of the world. If he couldn't take Charles to the house quickly, it would be over, so he directly waved and summoned Magneto back.

"What is this doing?" Lao Wan, who had just returned to the inside of the pyramid, felt a little dazed. He looked at his old friends scattered all over the place and asked in surprise.

"I need to be quiet during this time, you help me watch them." Apocalypse pointed to the surroundings and said.

For mutants, Apocalypse is quite charitable, especially Quicksilver and Scott. Apocalypse feels that both of them have huge potential. If they become their own knights, they will definitely be stronger than the previous three scumbags. many.

As for whether they would be willing to become their own knights?

As long as they take Charles away, will they be left to make their own decisions?

It was with such a plan that Tian Qi did not kill all these guys on the spot, but left them alive.

"Where are the angels and the others?" Magneto looked around suspiciously, and then asked.

"Don't worry about those rubbish, you help me keep this--" Tian Qi was just about to complete his house grabbing ceremony, but suddenly turned over from the altar and jumped off.

"Passing by, I'm just passing by!" Seeing Tianqi standing in front of him, Li Qingyuan helplessly dispersed the barrier of the Shadow Dzi, and waved his hand with a kind smile.

He originally planned to attack and kill the opponent directly after Apocalypse came to power. The beast can't kill Apocalypse because his attack power is too low. If he uses his own strength to beat a guy who can't resist, even if he is Wolverine, he can beat the opponent directly into flesh. foam!

It's a pity that Tian Qi's strength is really the highest limit of mutants, and he can actually see through the invisibility of the Shadow Dzi.

Qin Zhen is not a mutant at all, she is the power of the phoenix, and she is completely different from mutants.

As for the big group and Franklin?

That's something that only belongs to the set, and it doesn't exist in reality!

"Human?" Apocalypse looked at the sneaky guy in front of him, feeling quite incredible.

There is no X gene in the opponent's body, and he is not a member of mutants at all, but the opponent's strength makes him slightly afraid.

"I'm really just passing by to make soy sauce, you can continue!" Someone kindly reached out and waved a casual expression at Tian Qi.

It was just when he was halfway through his gesture, a strange and green monster knife suddenly appeared in his hand!

Originally, there was still a distance of more than one meter between Li Qingyuan and Tian Qi, and when they waved their hands, they couldn't touch at all.

But when the knife appeared, the blade immediately cut through Tian Qi's waist.


The injured Apocalypse suddenly burst out with a huge impact force, which is his instinctive reaction when he encounters danger.

The Great Pyramid immediately began to shake. Apocalypse's burst of energy was like several short-range missiles. If it wasn't for the fact that the pyramid was strengthened by his mana, it would have been dumped by now.

Li Qingyuan was directly rushed out dozens of meters away by this explosive force, and smashed a bunch of things in a row.

"Depend on!"

He got up from the ruins depressed, with his current physique, although this level of attack is impossible to hurt, but the pain is still the same!

"Damn humans!" Apocalypse screamed frantically while clutching his stomach. The weapon in the hands of the human was so weird, his self-healing ability didn't work at all, and blood was constantly pouring out of the wound.

"Tsk tsk!" Li Qingyuan felt a little depressed when he saw that Tianqi was not attacked to death. The Soul Chopping Saber is definitely a knife to deal with small minions, but when encountering a BOSS of Tianqi's level, he wants to rely on his own sword. It seems impossible for the curse to kill the opponent!

But fortunately, it seems that this knife can restrain the opponent's self-healing, so that even if he encounters the talker of Deadpool, he can kill the opponent.


Magneto saw that Apocalypse was actually injured, and quickly opened his palm, and countless iron filings immediately turned into a torrent of steel and flew towards someone.

With Li Qingyuan's physique, naturally he would not be injured by these scraps of copper and iron, but he still walked away from the original place, dodging the scraps of copper and iron that rushed towards him.

"Magneto, Apocalypse is going to take Charles, if he completes the ceremony, Charles will die!"

Seeing that Lao Wan was still preparing to continue to attack, someone hurriedly shouted.

It is true that it is not too difficult to kill Lao Wan with his current strength, but thinking that the other party is also his own old husband, he thinks it is better to try not to conflict with the other party.

Even if Crimson has nothing to do with Magneto, Lao Wan still has a daughter!

Counting the time, Polaris should have been born in the past few years. If Lao Wan is killed, he will go there to find Polaris next time!

"Is what he said true?"

Hearing his words, Magneto quickly stopped the movements in his hands, turned around in surprise and asked Tian Qi.

Lao Wan originally thought that Apocalypse captured Charles to catalyze his ability, and took Charles as his subordinate by the way, so that the two of them could continue to play happily.

But who would have thought that the other party's idea was to kill his good friend, Little Cutie?

As the saying goes.

You can kill Magneto's family, but you must never hit Professor X's ideas!

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