"That's Atlantis?"

Sitting on the bat submarine, a group of lurking Justice League members looked at the majestic underwater city in front of them, and asked questions with various emotions such as shock, envy, and doubt.

The Ocean Kingdom has always been isolated from the world. Even if some people from the sea and land people have intersected for thousands of years, they will become legendary myths in the end, and there is no official data to record them.

Of course, it is also possible that the Ocean Kingdom took action to destroy those official materials. After all, with the technological level of Atlantis, the human beings hundreds or even thousands of years ago were completely different from them.

You must know that even if they concentrated the power of the entire Justice League, it took them a full week to find the location of Atlantis, and then Bruce spent another three days transforming the bat submarine, and the group sneaked here. .

Atlantis is built at the bottom of the trench, close to 10,000 meters from the sea level, that is, Bruce can be regarded as the first black technology of DC, so that the bat submarine can dive down.

If this is replaced by other forces, even knowing the location of Atlantis is helpless. This kind of natural moat makes the Ocean Kingdom completely invincible, and all the means of attack known to mankind cannot pose a threat to Atlantis. .

That's why Aum thinks about counterattacking the land, because the two sides of this war are not equal at all.

"I thought, I thought..."

Clark hesitated for a while, muttering to himself over and over again, and looking at his demeanor, it was very similar to Mrs. Xianglin.

Originally, after confirming the location of Atlantis, Clark was going to rush in alone to have a good talk with Aum, but in the end, the god of law forcibly stopped him.

At that time, Clark was still a little dissatisfied, and felt that the god of law was completely over the top.

Think of him as Superman Clark, who can run trains on his arms, resist nuclear bombs on his thighs, smash an aircraft carrier with one punch, blow up skyscrapers with a single blow, and a mere ocean kingdom with its head and tail exposed. thing?

But now seeing the scale of Atlantis, Clark was a little stunned.

It is true that for Superman, even if the technology of Atlantis evolves directly from the pulse water cannon to the neutron annihilation cannon, he is not afraid. What really makes him real is actually the prosperity and magnificence of this city!

Hundreds of kilometers of coral reefs directly surrounded the entire city. Tens of thousands of soldiers patrolled back and forth on deep-sea megalodon sharks. The city walls were covered with high-voltage pulse water cannons. Escape.

In front of the city, an undersea water bridge with a diameter of nearly 1000 meters is standing. Whether it is the 1000-meter-high bridge pier below or the incomparably stalwart golden statues on both sides, they are silently telling the greatness of this city.

In particular, the continuous flow of underwater shuttles on the water bridge shocked everyone.

At the beginning, even if someone had already said hello and said that Atlantis was a very powerful ocean, but everyone, including Arthur, didn't pay much attention to this sentence.

Nowadays, society is changing rapidly with science and technology, and everyone is a well-informed master. What scene have you not seen before?

They have experienced alien invasions several times, okay!

That ocean kingdom, no matter how tall it is, is a paradise island in the eyes of everyone.

After all, human technology is so advanced now that most of the areas in the ocean have been explored, but so far humans have not had any information on the ocean kingdom, so everyone one-sidedly believes that Atlantis may be just a rural town.

"This is impossible!"

Bruce sent a question from his soul. The last second he was proud of being a human being, but now after seeing the grand occasion of Atlantis, he suddenly felt that he was a frog at the bottom of the well before.

"Look at it, how many years have human beings developed, compared to the lifespan of the universe, human beings are not even a baby now, and a fertilized egg is dead, and you will encounter more novel things in the future, just get used to it. ." Seeing Bruce's frustrated expression, someone felt relieved and patted his shoulder to comfort him.

"Why are you trying to persuade me, but I feel even more uncomfortable?" Bruce raised his head and gave someone a slightly resentful look.

"Okay, don't think about it too much, now we're going to sneak in! You are responsible for watching the boat here!" Although Bruce made a black technology transformation on the bat submarine so that they have not been discovered by the marine patrol until now, the most The main reason is that they are far enough away!

The technology of Atlantis is obviously much better than that of human beings. Even if this bat submarine was made by Bruce himself, there is no way to sneak in without a sound, unless they want to get in all the way, or they can only use Sneak in the form of a squad.

"I want to go in and have a look too!" Bruce muttered softly. The city at a depth of 10,000 meters under the sea is still the legendary Holy Land of the Ocean Kingdom. Even he is curious.

He still remembered that when he learned that Paradise Island was actually full of women, he had also thought of going on a sightseeing tour, but this request only received a sneering reply from Diana.

"Do you think that with your physique, if you step out your front foot, you might just turn your back foot into a bat!" Someone asked with a chuckle after hearing Bruce's whisper.


Bruceton can't wait to sew up this guy's mouth so that he can beat people and not face!

But before he could protest, Clark stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder.

"Be careful, it really doesn't work. We leave and you will float up immediately. If there will be a fight later, I'm afraid of accidentally hurting you."

'I am Tamam...'

Bruce is so angry that he wants to jump and beat people. Anyway, I am also a world-famous superhero, or the nominal leader of the Justice League. You two are too disrespectful to me, right?

Fortunately, Wonder Woman, Cyborg and others stayed at the headquarters, otherwise he would really be a dignified leader!

"I can send this submarine up first, and it will only take ten minutes to go back and forth, and it won't take long." Seeing that both Fashen and Superman have shown great importance to Batman's safety, Sea King, who has just joined the alliance said hastily.

The big three all squinted at the big fool. Did the fool really not hear it, or did he deliberately stab Bruce's weak heart?

"Do you think I'm slow?" Stared at by the three men with strange eyes, Arthur felt confused, did he say the wrong thing?

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