Marvel Movie Destruction

Chapter 75 Seems to be pointing in the wrong direction

"The tail of a rattlesnake, the teeth of a bat, the skin of a toad and the hair that hasn't been washed in ten years!"

Holding his nose and shaking the glass bottle in his hand, Li Qingyuan only felt cold sweat seep down his forehead.

According to Tia Toma, what he is preparing now is a black magic potion that can turn people into monsters like revived corpses.

The revived corpse has no pain and no bleeding, and its anti-attack ability is several times stronger than that of ordinary people. In addition to being somewhat inferior in intelligence and afraid of fire, it is definitely the first choice for wizards to make bodyguards.


Hearing the roar of artillery from outside the door, Li Qingyuan reluctantly threw the failed potion into the recycling furnace!

Learning black magic is a delicate job, and even a veteran who has been immersed in it for many years has a great probability of failure, let alone a beginner.

Even if he has a talent that even witches are full of praise, but after all, the study time is too short, and it is impossible to achieve it in a short time.

"That crab came to die again today?" He walked out of his laboratory and asked Bellamy who was standing on the bow with a wave of his hand.

"Yes, Your Majesty, but I have already repelled it!" Bellamy held his head proudly, and was able to defeat the ghost ship in the naval battle. Even if he had been repelled more than ten times in a row, he still felt incomparably honored.

"The crab head is jumping off the wall in a hurry!" Li Qingyuan felt like laughing when he thought of the anxious and scared appearance of Davy Jones now.

It has been half a month since the voyage, and presumably they will soon reach the island where Davy Jones' heart is, so it is understandable that the other party is impatient.

For those undead who have lost their five senses, death may even be their greatest relief, but for a ghost like Davy Jones who can eat and drink, he doesn't want to just die.

So whoever has mastered the heart of Davy Jones also mastered the ghost ship.

Li Qingyuan was already thinking about whether he should punish the opponent for climbing ten kilometers on the ground upside down after he dug out the opponent's heart.

That guy comes to harass him every day, although he says it's not dangerous, but it's disgusting!

No one knows when the other party will come and attack. If it weren't for the soldiers on the ship who are now in a period of mental expansion, ordinary people would have been schizophrenic.

"Your Majesty!" Jack Sparrow got out of the cabin with two huge panda eyes, and he was in a state of collapse.

He has been studying in Tia Toma's room these days. Of course, what kind of course is he studying? Everyone is an adult, so there is no need to explain too much!

Calypso, the sea goddess, is an unpredictable goddess of love. Otherwise, she would not have released Davy Jones' pigeons. Even if her divine power was sealed, her nature would not change.

Originally, the witch meant that she wanted Li Qingyuan to study hard with her during this period of time, but Li Qingyuan could only say thanks and disrespect for the witch's appearance.

Even though Elizabeth was a little tired of using it for half a year, his appetite was not good enough to handle the witch's dress!

So the great Captain Jack Sparrow comes in handy.

But looking at Jack Sparrow's kidney deficiency now, I'm afraid it's a bit ruthless to be studied!

"What's up?"

Seeing that the other party is helping him, Li Qingyuan decided to give the other party a good look during this time.

"The witch sent me to ask, is there something wrong with our direction?" Jack Sparrow's eyes were blurred, his legs were shaking, and he was a little unsteady when walking.

Even if they are sealed with divine power, witches still possess divine power. Even if Captain Jack is known as a humanoid self-propelled machine, he is considered to be a gifted witch even if he is possessed by divine power without being studied to death!

"Direction?" Li Qingyuan took out the compass from his pocket with some doubts, only to see that the direction of the pointer was exactly the same as the direction of sailing.

"That's right! Look!" He took out the compass and said to Bellamy and Jack Sparrow.

"Chart! Chart!"

Seeing the direction on the compass, even Bellamy's face changed, and he started shouting incessantly.

Immediately, a sailor handed over the chart, and then all three of them stared at the direction drawn on the map.



Bellamy and Jack Sparrow all looked at each other, some not knowing what to say.

"how could be?"

Li Qingyuan looked at the location marked on the chart and said reluctantly.

According to the chart, they will travel for a day at most, and they will reach a place called Whitecap Bay.

According to records, the heart of Davy Jones was buried on a desert island. Obviously, Whitecap Bay is definitely not in line with the setting of a desert island.

Because Whitecap Bay is a gathering place for mermaids, it has a splendid reputation in the entire Caribbean waters!

Although the mermaids in this world have beautiful faces and sexy bodies, they also have strangely beautiful fish tails, but they have nothing to do with those legendary good mermaids.

Caribbean mermaids, or sirens, are more suitable.

These beautiful merfolk sing at sea to attract the attention of sailors, then pull the confused sailors into the water and eat them as food.

That's right, these pretty mermaids are fierce carnivores and especially like to eat people!

Looking at the compass in his hand and looking at the signs on the chart, Li Qingyuan was a little depressed.

It is true that I really want to catch a few mermaids and play with them, even if these mermaids are probably more troublesome to use, but they are eye-catching!

But now, he clearly wants to find Davy Jones' heart, well, where does this damn compass point to?

"This, Your Majesty, the compass refers to people's innermost thoughts. Maybe Davy Jones is not an enemy at all in your perception." Bellamy carefully began to think about the wording, thinking about how to give His Majesty the King left one step down.

That's right, that's it!

Li Qingyuan patted Bellamy on the shoulder, as expected, he was the Minister of the Navy who he had promoted, and he could speak.

Jack Sparrow was covering his mouth and snickering at the side, but when he saw someone's face was a little ugly, he quickly stood up with a serious face.

"Your Majesty, Davy Jones is just a small problem, but it's not an option for him to follow us like this every day. I think you should give me that compass first, and let me lead the team to find out his heart."

For Jack Sparrow, now he only needs to settle such an enemy as Davy Jones, then he can go to the sea again and become that unrestrained pirate.

These days, he has been restrained by Li Qingyuan, but he is about to be suffocated to death.

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