The sky is blue and cloudless. The town of Hobi Roth is getting younger, not as young as a remote mountain town. There were fewer and fewer bluish-black wooden houses with tall moss, and new houses with bright white tiles and large stained glass gradually became patches.

The town of Hobirot gradually developed in a peaceful atmosphere, and the urgent situation outside did not affect the place. When the first new wooden house was erected, there were still people who watched and envied it carefully, over and over again, and soon, like a competition, they inadvertently stood up a lot, or in groups of three or five, or echoed each other from afar. The originally grand bungalows bowed their heads.

The new wooden house supports the façade of the town, and the ornate is unreal, and the town is indifferent all year round, depressed under the gorgeous coat. Christmas is coming, it seems that in order to drive away this loneliness, hysterically tossing, almost every wooden house has a Christmas tree in front of it, bright Christmas tree small lights can be seen from a few miles away, quietly red.

The wheels of a black car run smoothly across the turquoise black pavement and through the neat wooden rooms, attracting curious eyes from men, women and children in the town, a mountain town that rarely encounters guests, let alone just after Christmas.

However, soon, a gloomy-faced man got out of the car, waved his hand at the crowd of spectators with a smile, and then raised his hand to beckon a bold child, and in the envious eyes of others, gave him a hundred rubles, a hundred rubles is not a small amount in the Soviet Union, and this bold child happily accepted it.

This young man is none other than the Black Emperor, and although he is over 60 years old, he has the ability to stay young, which allows him to live forever without being killed.

The Black Emperor asked the little boy to tell him if there was a hotel in this town that could accommodate 7 people, but it was conceivable that this remote place did not.

But this little boy was very clever, enthusiastically took the black emperor’s car to his home, and after a while of narration to his parents, a thin man and woman immediately took the little boy to vacate the room, and when they received the black emperor’s two thousand rubles, they happily went to the child’s uncle’s house with help.

The Black Emperor and his group, in addition to Sweet Dream and Jiancheng went on a mission, the remaining 7 mutants were temporarily settled in this remote mountain town, and the Cuban Missile Crisis has reached a critical moment, many officials of the Soviet Union have been controlled by Sweet Dream, and the US government also has radical parliamentarians controlled or bought by the Black Emperor, and the atmosphere of war has been particularly intense.

The Soviet Union was now actively producing weapons, training its armies, and actively preparing for war, the national atmosphere was fierce and intense, doves and hawks were fiercely discussing the necessity of fighting or the policy of peace, but on the whole, the Black Emperor’s plan succeeded, the Soviet state devoted all its energy to the possible coming war, and the crisis was imminent.

Three years ago, on January 1, 1959, Cuba won the victory of the People’s Revolution and overthrew the Batista dictatorship. The Republic of Cuba was established on 13 January. This victory was announced by Castro, who led the people’s revolution, who was only 32 years old at the time.

In the early days of the new regime, relations between the United States and Cuba were relatively good, and it tried to bring Cuba into the sphere of influence of the United States and consolidate its ruling base in Latin America.

Neither Castro nor his comrades-in-arms had no connection with the Soviet Union, but they also had no basic understanding of Marxism-Leninism and communism.

However, in June of that year, there was a major change in the leadership of the new Cuban Government, and the vast majority of important branches of government were in the hands of those who advocated radical policies. The U.S. government feared that the change at the top of Cuba would cause the entire Latin American region to lose control and shake the influence of the United States in Latin America, so it became dissatisfied with the new Cuban regime, which led to the deterioration of relations between the United States and Cuba.

On 5 January 1961, the United States abruptly announced the severance of diplomatic relations with Cuba. At the same time, economic sanctions have been imposed on Cuba in an attempt to force Cuba to comply by cutting off its economic lifeline.

It was then that the Black Emperor suddenly realized that this was a golden opportunity, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that should not be missed, and from then on, the Black Emperor actively contacted Castro to introduce the leader to the strength of the Soviet Union, and actively connected Cuba and the Soviet government through the worldwide network of Hellfire.

Why do mutants hide among these lowly ordinary humans and live a life of swallowing their anger?

Mutants are the future masters of the world, the inevitability of human evolution, and higher creatures, which must be above humans. The Black Emperor has maintained this belief throughout his life.

But to reach this goal, it takes a chance, a chance to destroy ordinary humanity.

And now the Black Emperor has finally found this opportunity and will fight unremittingly for this great ideal.

On April 15, 1961, under the planning of the United States, Cuban exiles flew B-26 bombers to bomb Cuba for two days, and more than 1,000 mercenaries landed in the Bay of Pigs, Cuba, in a vain attempt to occupy Cuba.

But within 72 hours, it was repulsed. Since then, the United States Government has continued to exert pressure on Cuba and to pursue a policy of hostility towards Cuba.

Under strong pressure from the United States, Castro had to turn to the Soviet Union for assistance with the help of the Black Emperor.

The Soviet Union was showing unusual concern about Cuba’s situation precisely out of the need to compete with the United States for hegemony in order to find a foothold in Latin America. Cuba’s request for help was exactly what Soviet leader Khluchev could not ask for.

He believes that the development of the situation in Cuba has a bearing on the prestige of the Soviet Union and its foothold in Latin America, and after the United States broke off diplomatic relations with Cuba, the Soviet Union seized the opportunity to increase economic and military assistance to Cuba.

Cornered, Castro delivered an impassioned speech to the United Nations General Assembly in the fall of 1960. He said to the Americans sitting in the hall that you have prompted us to seek new markets and new friends, and it is the Soviet Union.

At that time, the United States had surrounded the Soviet Union with bomber bases and missiles, American missiles in Turkey, Italy and West Germany were aimed at the Soviet Union, and the important industrial centers of the Soviet Union were under the direct threat of nuclear bombs and strategic bombers, so the missiles were secretly transported into Cuba and loaded and ready for launch before the United States found them.

Now, in January 1962, the U.S. government discovered this Soviet deployment, and tensions were on the verge of escalating.

“Cheers, now there is only one fuse left, as long as it is lit, our plan is completely successful, in order to turn the earth into a fireworks tube, let’s toast!” Black Emperor Sebastian Xiao’s poisonous face was filled with an excited smile at this time.

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