Marvel: My Dad Is Galactus

Chapter 124 The Show Is On

When night falls, Liberty Island on the banks of the Hudson River is brightly lit.

Leaders and high-level elites from nearly 200 countries around the world gathered together to launch this global summit, which is actually a game of interests for all countries.

Facing the huge conference hall is the Statue of Liberty, which symbolizes freedom and democracy.

However, in the corner that they can't see, a conspiracy has quietly unfolded.

"Get ready, they are coming, don't let them affect my plan!"

Magneto Erik, who already had a lot of silver in his hair, had a serious face and gave instructions to several powerful Mutants following him.

These people are all die-hard fans of Erik in the Mutant Brotherhood, and Ability is considered the stronger one among them.

Not only that, even Mystique Raven, who grew up with Charles, chose to join his camp because of Magneto's bewitchment.


Everyone agreed in unison.

For them, as long as Magneto's plan succeeds today, the world will inevitably become a world dominated by Mutants in the future. They are the pioneers of all Mutants!

"Sabretooth, you stay to protect me, that girl will become weak after I give her energy."

When everyone left, Magneto was still a little worried and asked one of the powerful Mutants to stay and be responsible for his safety.

For this plan, Erik spent countless efforts and would never allow any accidents to happen. He even did not hesitate to add neurotoxins to Charles' brainwave strengthening device.

Sabretooth, who was left behind by Magneto, is Wolverine's brother in the X-Men, but their completely different personalities also make the two on opposite sides.

Two groups of people with completely different ideas soon encountered each other, and a melee broke out inside the Statue of Liberty.

And at the moment, in the pitch-black sky that no one could see, there was a figure standing quietly, using powerful spiritual power to perceive everything happening inside the Statue of Liberty, with a look of interest on his face.

This person is none other than Thrall who received the information in advance.

For Sal, everything that happened at the Statue of Liberty was like a live-action movie, replaying the plot he was familiar with.

Although the X-Men and others finally defeated Magneto's men, they were still no match for the cunning Magneto, and were imprisoned by him in the hair room at the top of the Statue of Liberty.

Magneto solemnly controlled the Rakshasa to turn on the instrument, and the powerful energy was continuously extracted from his body [all transferred to the instrument through the Rakshasa.

With the strength of Magneto's third-level peak, which is infinitely approaching the fourth-level Mutant, when the energy in the body completely explodes, a violent momentum suddenly rises into the sky.

The radiation instrument he designed also lit up, turning into an energy storm like a ball of light.

As long as enough energy is extracted, the radiation range of this energy storm can definitely fill half of New York. As for everyone holding a global summit meeting on the Hudson River, it will be difficult to escape from the radiation range.

The energy storm light group grew rapidly as the withdrawal progressed rapidly, and the light became dazzling.

Many people in the open-air global summit venue had discovered this scene and showed shocked expressions.

"Look! The Statue of Liberty!"

"Oh my god, how could the torch in the hand of the goddess erupt into such a ball of light?!"

The energy storm light group expanded, causing panic and fear to spread in the summit meeting venue.

Seeing the terrifying expansion speed of the light group, everyone understood that it was definitely not a good thing to let this unknown thing wrap themselves up.

Feeling the terrifying and chaotic energy fluctuations above their heads, the faces of the imprisoned X-Men and others also became more and more anxious.

...Please give me flowers...

"Find a way quickly, otherwise it will be too late!"

The anxious people were struggling desperately, but the steel bars that Erik imprisoned them would be difficult to break free for a while. The abilities of Cyclops and Wolverine were restricted by Magneto and could not be activated for a while.

"It's a good idea, but there's something wrong with the core. It's a pity."

Standing high in the sky, looking at the large area illuminated by the energy storm, Sal sighed slightly.

With his strong mental perception, he can easily find the key problems of the radiation instrument designed by Magneto.

However, this "small problem" in Sal's view is not only impossible to overcome with the current technology on earth, it can't even be discovered.


At this point in a good show, it's time for Sal to appear.

With a calm smile, Sal moved slightly and disappeared from the sky. He penetrated the expanding energy storm without any hindrance and stood in front of Magneto who was sitting on the radiation instrument.

Magneto's face was a bit ugly as a large amount of energy had been drained from his body. It wasn't until Sal appeared in front of him that he realized it. Erik was shocked when he saw the strange young figure standing calmly in the air in front of him in the raging energy storm.

"Who are you? I have never heard of a person like you in the Mutant world, how come you are here?!"

Magneto has enough confidence. The energy in his body is transformed by the Rakshasa and the amplified radiation of the instrument. I am afraid that even a powerful fourth-level Mutant cannot stand in front of him unharmed.

According to his design of the instrument, the huge energy extracted will independently build an indestructible barrier to resist physical and energy attacks. No one should be able to stand in front of him silently until the barrier is destroyed.

"Erik, it's over. Stop it."


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