Marvel: My Dad Is Galactus

Chapter 128 Magneto’S Shock! ! !

"What did you say?"

Magneto looked up and asked in disbelief.

He is a Mutant himself, and has studied mutant Ability for most of his life. Now someone actually told him that he can easily control mutant x gene Awakening?

Sal's words made Magneto feel like a fantasy.

"Among the members of my club, as long as they contribute enough and are promoted to the high level membership level, they are qualified to perform x-gene Awakening."

Thrall had captured Magneto's psychology. This conversation first caused Magneto's mind to collapse with the blow of failure, and now what he was throwing out was a temptation that Magneto could not refuse no matter what.

Naturally, you need to use smart methods to communicate with smart people like Magneto.

It is easy for Thrall to completely control the rhythm and let the other party's thoughts follow his own direction.

Slowly, Magneto's gray eyes gradually revealed an indescribable light, and the look in Sal's eyes also changed by huge amounts.

" are you going to prove that what you said is true?"

After a long silence, Magneto finally couldn't help but test the 753 import.

Although what the other party said was too shocking, deep down in his heart, Magneto actually believed most of it, but it was just hard to accept it for a while.

"Erik, do you think it is necessary for me to lie to you?"

Thrall smiled.

Magneto was stunned.

Yes, the terror shown by the other party has penetrated deep into his heart. As long as the other party wants to, he can kill himself easily, just like crushing an ant.

Does he need to deceive himself?

Thinking of this, Magneto's eyes became brighter and brighter.

"Can you tell me your identity?"

After completely believing in Sal, Magneto could not calm down his thoughts, and his eyes were fixed on Sal.

"You will know my identity after you make your decision. Next, you will have the opportunity to witness with your own eyes whether what I said before is true.

At this point, Thrall doesn't need to do anything more (cfaj). As long as Magneto witnesses everything he said, Thrall will give him a chance to make a choice.

After giving some simple instructions, Sal asked the staff to take Magneto to the core genetic modification area of ​​the club to see for himself how the high-level members of the club have various mutant abilities after genetic modification. of.

This process took a lot of time, and Thrall left it all to his staff. He appeared in front of a group of X-Men who had settled down temporarily.

With the majestic energy he bestowed upon her, the Rakshasa girl who was unconscious due to excessive consumption has now come to her senses.

After what had happened before, everyone had a look of awe on their faces when they saw the Saar District war police again.

"Sir, thank you for taking action today. Not only did you save all of us, but you also saved a catastrophe. If it weren't for you, the world would be in chaos now."

Among the crowd, Storm was the first to speak, and the others immediately expressed their gratitude to Thrall.

Thrall's eyes swept over everyone, stopping briefly on Wolverine and Phoenix.

From Wolverine, Thrall can feel an unruly wildness. It is this wildness that allows him to display super fighting power in the most desperate moments. Even when facing Magneto, he can He pounced on him resolutely.

As for Phoenix Jean Grey, the Phoenix force hidden deep in her body made even the nebula particles in Thrall's body tremble.

It's just a pity that with Qin Gray's mortal body and will, something like the Phoenix Force is still too high-end for her and is really difficult to control.

"Whether the world is in chaos or not really has nothing to do with me, but I am interested in meeting the founder of your college."

Sal spoke calmly.

"If I'm not mistaken, the founder of your college should still be awake because of the mental toxin specially developed by Erik, right?"

In the surprised eyes of everyone, Sal said something like this.

The problem of Charles mentioned by Sal is also troubling everyone.

Originally, even if Sal didn't come, they would leave after a brief rest. They didn't expect that Sal would even know such a secret thing.

Considering that Thrall easily controlled Magneto, who almost annihilated their entire army, it was not surprising to get news about the academy from Charles.

"Yes, Charles's brain has been damaged by mental toxins. We are still looking for a way to revive him. Your Excellency, you..."

Everyone was focused on today's events, and Storm was polite and courteous, but when she took a closer look at Thrall's appearance, she was stunned for a moment.

"Auroro, what's wrong with you?"

Storm stared at Thrall so impolitely, Cyclops Scott was a little embarrassed and quickly spoke up to remind him.

"Sorry! But did you ever appear in the desert mountains on the border of Afghanistan more than a year ago?"

After being reminded by Cyclops, Storm finally reacted, with a hint of disbelief in his voice.

More than a year ago, when Thrall first came to the earth, Charles's mental detection came and he saw Thrall's true face through the eyes of Tony Stark, and then used a computer to make a simulated picture [solemnly informed] All district war police.

Before, because of the fierce battle, no one paid attention to Thrall's appearance. Now that they realized it, Storm couldn't help but exclaimed.

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