Marvel: My Dad Is Galactus

Chapter 153: What You Lose Must Be What You Gain

Chapter 153: What you lose must be what you gain

"Master, I'm sure!"

Now that the decision has been made, Magneto will not regret it and said firmly at the moment.

"Very good, in that case, from now on, Sebastian Xiao will be the commander of the Mutant Legion, and Erik will be the deputy commander.

Thrall's voice rang in the ears of a Mutant soldier, and Xiao's face showed a look of ecstasy.

Immediately, a ray of light containing a lot of divine energy erupted from Sal, and before Magneto could react, it had been injected into his body.

This is Thrall's reward for Magneto.

An excellent leader will never be stingy with subordinates who perform well.

With the divine energy injected by Thrall, Magneto's momentum increased and he took a giant step forward.

Moreover, the real role of divine energy is not to immediately improve Magneto's strength, but to develop in the future.

With this 970 trace of divine power, the entry of Magneto's power will become extremely fast.

I believe that it won't be long before he can control the earth's magnetic field, and his strength will at least reach the peak of the planet level.

Feeling the indescribable huge changes in his body, the originally faint disappointment in Magneto's eyes suddenly turned into incomparable excitement and surprise.

"Okay, you guys can go back too."

When Magneto was excited, Sal ordered calmly.

At this point, the two large legions all left from the teleportation portal, and the two teleportation portals also disappeared.


Seeing Thrall commending the two Mutant legions, the starry beast flying in the sky suddenly let out a joyful cry.

How can this guy endure it when he gets benefits from seeing others?

"Your performance is average and you still need to practice more, but don't worry, there will be many opportunities in the future."

Sal glared at this guy who was showing off his skills angrily, and said something indifferent.

The starry sky beast suddenly stopped.

"Bruce, you passed my postgraduate entrance examination. From now on, I will not interfere with your freedom. If you want to continue to follow me, I have no objection."

Sal's eyes fell on Bruce, who had returned to his normal form, and he said with a slight smile.

"Teacher, I want to follow you!"

Bruce was delighted that he had passed Thrall's test, and he made the decision without any hesitation.

Before meeting Sal, Bruce only felt that his life was like a joke played by God on him. Not only did he have a father who did not even care about family ties for the sake of research, he also faced the pursuit of "Thunderbolt General" Ross all day long.

It wasn't until Sal appeared that his life embarked on a wonderful path.

With this choice, Bruce naturally has no hesitation.

"Okay, you guys go too. There will be new things in every battle. You can settle down. 17

Thrall was not surprised by Bruce's decision. After nodding, he asked the starry sky beast and Bruce to leave together.

The disappearance of three teleportation portals that changed history has also affected the nerves of countless people.

Now the battlefield has been cleared, leaving only a ruined wall and the corpses of countless Chitauri warriors, which looks a bit desolate.

When the Avengers saw Thrall, they were all in awe (cfbh) and curious. They wanted to come up and chat with him, but they were a little timid.

Thrall also noticed everyone's performance, but didn't care. He focused on the building where Loki was buried.

Tentacles transformed from nebula particles surged out from Thrall's body, and in an instant, they were transmitted into the ruins.

Under the shaking of the ruined walls, an extremely embarrassed figure was pulled out by many nebula tentacles and hung in the air.

"Thor, do you still remember our agreement?"

Thrall did not pay attention to the embarrassed Loki, but asked Thor.

"Definitely, Lord Thrall, if it hadn't been for your help this time, Midgard would have inevitably fallen. Even if Midgard was finally recaptured by God's Domain, countless humans would have died as a result. On behalf of Asgard, I would like to express my highest gratitude to you!"

Thor spoke loudly, with a lot of joy in his voice, and he also gave Thrall a godly courtesy as he spoke.

Nodding slightly, the nebula tentacles dropped Loki, who had no power to fight back, in front of Thor. Thor looked around, smiled slightly, and flew towards the top of the Stark Building.

Although the battle is over, Thrall's most valued Space gem has not yet been collected.

The closer he got, the more intense the vibration of the nebula particles in Thrall's body became.

The Tesseract at the moment has been activated, and the energy aura it emits is strong, stimulating the nebula particles in Thrall's body.

Standing in front of the light pillar formed by the Tesseract, Thrall's eyes became a little fiery.

According to the settings of this strange instrument, if you want to shut down the Tesseract, you can only use Loki's scepter to penetrate the barrier built by the Rubik's Cube energy and successfully block the transmission of energy.

But for Sal, it doesn't have to be that troublesome at all.

This burst of energy barrier is a delicious meal placed in front of Sal.

The nebula particles rioted, and in an instant they had wrapped the entire energy barrier together with the energy beams that stimulated the space channels, and they couldn't wait to start devouring them crazily.

Powerful forces of space were transmitted to Thrall's body along the nebula particles, and the energy barrier formed by the Tesseract was also disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a few breaths, the nebula particles had shrunk into a ball.

In the center of the nebula particle package is one of the Infinite Gems that exudes rich space power.

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