Marvel: My Dad Is Galactus

Chapter 155: Absorbing The Space Gem

Chapter 155 Absorbing the Space gem

"Don't bother me for now if there's nothing important."

After returning to Hellfire Club, Thrall just told everyone and entered his private area.

Now that he has two Infinite Gems in hand, Thrall has no intention of releasing them without Awakening these two ultimate attributes.

Although everyone was a little confused about Sal's actions, their trust and respect for Sal made them consciously perform their duties and not disturb Sal.

In a quiet room that belongs to Sal alone, a misty blue light blooms.

In front of Thrall, the Tesseract is floating in front of Thrall with light.

Among the two Infinite Gems, Thrall has absorbed a little space power before, and has a lot of vague feelings. Now he is preparing to work hard to completely Awakening the strongest attribute of space.

However, this blue-rayed cube is not the true face of the Space gem.

A cloud of misty nebula particles filled the air from Thrall's palm, wrapping the Tesseract, and the power of annihilation advanced, constantly corroding and impacting the surface of the cube.

Under the impact of extreme attribute annihilation, the structure of the entire cube was quickly destroyed, making a crisp explosion, and then completely shattered.

The entire blue cube suddenly shattered into countless transparent crystal-like particles. Among these particles, a blue crystal-like gem was suspended in Sal's palm.

Without the outer layer of cover, the strange space power suddenly diffused from the Space gem. The entire gem seemed not to exist in this space, giving people a dreamlike feeling of nothingness.

Threads of nebula particles turned into tentacles, tremblingly covering this small gem, and the devouring power exploded, and the whale began to swallow it.

The powerful space power was like a tide for a while, all using the nebula particle tentacles as channels, surging out crazily towards Thrall's body.

For a time, countless dense nebula tentacles all expanded a lot, reaching the limit of swallowing.

Feeling the surging power, Thrall slowly closed his eyes, devouring it crazily while perceiving the mystery of space.

During this process, Thrall was focused on the ever-improving understanding of space, unaware of the loss of time. If it weren't for the extremely huge amounts of movement, he would not have emerged from this state before he completely devoured and comprehended the power of space. Awakening among them.

In the process of continuously absorbing the power of space, the aura on Sal's body became more and more powerful. In the end, even Sal's body was the same as the Space gem, as if it did not exist in this space at all and stayed in the quiet room. It's like a phantom.

Time is like water, and it means nothing to Sal, but in the outside world, there are huge waves.

The Chitauri invaded, coveted by civilizations from outside the earth. After a battle, almost the entire New York City was reduced to rubble. Such shocking news was beyond the control of the government and the country.

The Battle of New York has just come to an end, and the news of the battle seems to have grown wings and has spread throughout the planet through countless channels.

For ordinary people on earth, alien civilization is simply a fantasy and only exists in science fiction movies.

But this time, something extremely real happened right next to them, which has alerted countless people. Huge amounts of uneasiness were like clouds, completely shrouding everyone's mind.

I am afraid that even the top leaders of various countries have not thought that even if they win this difficult invasion battle, the impact of foreign civilization has just begun.

In the entire human society, whether it is a large country with strong national power or a small country with marginal poverty, when panic strikes, the country's political system and economy are on the verge of collapse in a very short period of time.

Not to mention the credibility of the government, even ordinary people have no sense of security at home. After learning the truth about some of the New York incidents through various media, everyone will inevitably think about one question... ....

If the invasion of foreign civilization is right above their heads next time, how should they deal with it?

“What should we do?” This has become the biggest headache for governments around the world.

How to ensure the safety of the earth and the peace and stability of society has broken the minds of many politicians who think they are wise.


After brainstorming again and again, there is only one final conclusion.

Today, all countries on the earth are doing their own thing. When external threats come, no country in the world can resist them.

Not even the United States with Avengers!

Facts have proven that when ordinary armies face powerful foreign civilizations, they have no other meaning than becoming useless cannon fodder.

In less than a month, nearly 200 File size countries around the world have held more than ten joint global summit meetings. Each meeting has only one topic: "That is


Although human beings have a lot of bad traits such as greed, selfishness, etc., 4.2, like all intelligent life, faces a crisis that may destroy the race. This powerful pressure will also promote its unprecedented unity!

"Unite the world and form an alliance to jointly resist extraterrestrial threats!"

Within a period of time, a new alliance was quickly established under the urgent desire of all countries. According to the alliance outline, more than 80% of the core technologies of the countries in the global alliance need to be shared. Moreover, when a crisis strikes, the world must act as one. Overall, jointly facing the outside world.

Definitely, in addition to the sharing of core technologies, the unique resources of countries around the world must also be shared to a considerable extent. It is necessary to achieve the fastest development of overall technology and civilization in the shortest possible time!

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