Marvel: My Dad Is Galactus

Chapter 160 Another Accident

Thrall's consumed mental power was also quickly restored.

"Master, countries around the world have recently formed the Earth External Alliance, and have sent many representatives one after another. They all want to win over you, and they have brought a lot of benefits...

Thrall's combat effectiveness seems to be much stronger than before.

"It's expected. Don't worry about them for the time being. As for the benefits, don't be polite to them. When the Chitauri invaded, I worked hard."

Sal smiled indifferently. Standing at his current height, everything was like watching a fire from afar, and he could see the whole situation clearly at a glance.

Sal "Zero Six Seven" knows the human heart very well. Before the incident happened, he had already understood the psychology of various countries clearly.

"Well, I know the master won't be polite. The club has already received all these benefits, which has almost doubled the overall strength of the club. In addition, Wakanda has been connecting with Sovereign very quickly. Now all The Vibranium rough stone has been mined and fully invested in the scientific and technological process."

Emma smiled slightly, knowing Sal's character very well. She knew how to operate these benefits delivered to her door without Sal's instructions.

"Very good, you can send the latest information to my transmitter when you have time, and I will take the time to read it."

Sal nodded slightly, quite satisfied with Emma's work efficiency.

After becoming her own woman, Emma made Sal impeccable in every aspect of her work.

"Master, do you...want to continue to retreat?"

Emma was slightly startled when she heard Sal's words.

It has been almost half a year since Thrall went into seclusion to absorb the power of space this time. Emma originally thought it was almost done.

"There are still some things to do. Just take care of the club affairs with peace of mind. If... you can also say hello to me in advance. I can still spare a little time for my cute little maid. "

Seeing Emma's somewhat resentful eyes, Sal smiled evilly."


"You hate it!"

Emma also knew that Sal's retreat must be important, and left immediately.

After calming down, Thrall's face calmed down. In front of him, the scepter brought by Loki appeared.

The original material of this scepter is not bad. It uses a special alloy material that is not found on the earth. It has a strong conduction and amplification effect on energy. In addition, the Mind Gem inlaid on the top of the scepter can show the power. No less than an ordinary artifact.

However, whether it is an artifact or not, whether it is ordinary or not, has no meaning at all to Thrall.

After being covered with nebula particles, the entire scepter had disappeared without a trace. In front of Sal, there was only a bright yellow gem shining brightly, revealing waves of strange fluctuations.

This fluctuation is like a tide, with rhythmic strength and weakness, which is very strange.

In Thrall's perception, there was a slight sense of resistance on the Mind Gem held up by the nebula particles.

You must know that Infinite Gems were born at the beginning of the universe. Logically speaking, they are only carriers of several powerful powers in the universe, and will never have any wisdom.

However, because of its special nature, this spiritual gem in front of me has acquired some kind of intelligent emotion after countless years.

"It's a pity that if the plot continues to develop, the Mind Gem will fall into the hands of the Avengers and eventually create Ultron..."

Sal smiled slightly. Although he was feeling regretful, there was no emotion in his voice, only excitement and excitement...

"As long as I swallow the power of the soul and understand it, I can verify my guess about the power of the world!"

Thinking of this, Thrall had no hesitation, and the nebula particles completely enveloped the Mind Gem and began to devour it crazily.

As for the weak resistance in Mind Gem, it was completely defeated in the blink of an eye when faced with the overbearing nebula particles.

Having had the experience of swallowing and absorbing two Infinite Gems, Thrall was very familiar with swallowing the Mind Gem, and he could increase the power of swallowing to the limit without any hesitation.

Wave after wave of strange bright yellow energy surged out from the Mind Gem. Even though Thrall continued to increase the power of devouring, the power of the mind that followed did not show any weakness. Each wave was more majestic than the other, almost destroying the nebula particles. It was rendered into bright yellow, and all of it was injected into Sal's body.

Mind Gem contains the highest attribute of the power of the soul. The so-called power of the soul is the power of the soul and spirit.

These 3.9 kinds of power do not exist in entities, but are illusory and cannot be pried into or controlled by ordinary people.

The power of the soul, transformed into bright yellow energy light, did not merge into Sal's body as soon as it entered Sal's body, but instead rushed to Sal's brain to gather.

The brain is the spiritual sea of ​​living things, and the ethereal soul also exists in the spiritual sea.

Under the crazy injection of these bright yellow energies, Sal was shocked to find that his soul and mental power were improving at a terrifying speed!

ps: The author is traveling far away and will be home on the 19th. I will continue to update in the evening. Please forgive me!

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