Marvel: My Dad Is Galactus

Chapter 182 Damaged Bifrost

Soon Thor took them back together, and Bifrost opened the Bifrost's light.

The light within the Bifrost showed a golden light, releasing Thrall and his party back to Asgard.

At the moment they came back, Asgard's Frigga and Volstagg were really happy, but as soon as they came back, Asgard felt something was wrong.

It seems as if there has just been a struggle here, and the traces of fighting around it are also very obvious, and the Bifrost is also damaged to some extent.

"Did there just happen to be a battle here?"

Frigga asked this question in confusion, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that the only thing they could see in this place was Bifrost.

Volstagg at the moment was also confused. If he really experienced the battle in Chapter 970, then everything Loki said was correct, but what about Odin and the palace?

"Thor, let's go back to the palace and take a look. We also need to confirm with Odin whether he is really safe?"

At the moment, Thor also understood that something really seemed to be happening in Asgard now. Why on earth were people fighting here?

Soon he took Jane back with him. Now he was very worried about what happened in the palace, and even Bifrost was damaged to a certain extent.

These things are very rare in Asgard. If there are signs of fighting, it will only be domestic animals, and absolutely no one else will be able to come in.

"Saar, thank you very much for these things. Please follow us back to the palace. If anything happens, you must protect Jane."

Thor said anxiously, "You looked at Sal with your words. In fact, he also trusted Sal very much that's why he handed Jane over to Sal."

After all, Thrall has nebula particles in his hands, so it is difficult to get close to Thrall, and Thrall also has enough strength here.

Although no one knows that Thrall has the Mind Gem in his body, and that the Time and Space gems are constantly intersecting in his body, everyone knows that he is so powerful.

"Don't worry, Miss Jane will leave it to me (cffb) and you can go and do your work.

Thrall didn't say that much. After all, these matters were matters within Asgard, and it was not convenient for him to take over. If he got involved in Asgard's affairs, many parties would be offended.

Emma also picked up Jane from the side. He understood that something big must have happened in Asgard now, but he just didn't say it out loud.

But everything happening in front of me is too problematic. I don’t know if what happened here is because of the ability to swallow up space now.

"Master, do we also want to go to the palace together?"

Emma glanced at Sal and the surrounding situation at the moment. She felt that something very big had indeed happened here, but she didn't know how to explain it.

Did any other invaders come in? Or is it what it is now due to internal disturbances?

Dark elves and frozen giants are originally the number one enemies in Asgard. After all, if the dark elves can help, it will be very easy for them to find the other half of Tai particles at the moment.

But whether the dark elves can help is also a question. .

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