Marvel: My Dad Is Galactus

Chapter 189: Breaking Through The Peak

If he wants to absorb Tai particles, Thrall must use the swallowing power of the nebula particles.

The swallowing power of nebula particles can even swallow the entire planet, but it is not known whether it is of use to the reality teacher who existed at the beginning of the universe.

If the power of Mind Gem is added at this time, the probability that the nebula particles can be swallowed will be much greater.

Thrall is constantly calculating the energy of the nebula particles and the limit they can absorb now. What happens if the limit is reached?

These must be continuously calculated, but the Mind Gem collected in the early stage allowed Thrall and other nebula particles to continue to grow, but they have actually reached their peak.

Because the nebula particles serve as carriers of infinite raw stones, the extent to which they can absorb is actually limited.

"Can the Mind Gem also be used as a nebula particle, a carrier and container?" This is a question that Sal must think about.

He wanted to ask Odin this question, because Odin is also one of the gods.

Thrall closed his eyes, hoping to use the power of the Mind Gem to chat with Odin subconsciously.

Closing his eyes, Sal entered a realm of nothingness. This realm of nothingness was surrounded by a vast sea of ​​stars. The surrounding planets and nebula dust seemed to be blowing in the wind.

Nebula particles were constantly floating in it, and Sal also saw Tai particles floating nearby, emitting red light.

These Tai particles also seem to have entered a realm of nothingness, but Thrall must find Ondine.

Odin felt very strange, because he was already in Asgard just now, but why did he leave again at this time?

It seemed that a very powerful force summoned him to this realm of nothingness.

"Who on earth can use such a powerful power, so I have to accept this summons!" Odin was very shocked.

After all, although he dare not say that he is the most powerful god in the vast universe, he is naturally not too weak to be able to rule Asgard.

Now, an unknown person has used this powerful force to summon this realm of nothingness. What does this mean?

.........Please give me flowers 0

Thrall laughed twice, and Odin soon noticed someone laughing behind him, and the voice was extremely familiar.

Seeing Thrall's appearance, Odin was a little surprised, and at the same time he didn't understand how Thrall did it.

This realm of nothingness can only be used by the Supreme Creator God. How did he bring him to this realm of nothingness now?


"Sal, how do you know about this realm of nothingness in this place? It's hard even for me to discover it!"

Because Odin falls into Odin's eternal sleep every few hundred years, he himself knows very well where this realm of nothingness lies.

Every time Odin went to sleep, he would come to this realm of nothingness, but this time he never thought that Thrall would come too.

"Did something happen to you? I promised your father, Planet Devourer, to take good care of you."

Odin frowned, because every time Odin went to sleep, he would come to this realm of nothingness. How could it happen so soon now?

Sal shook his head, that was not the case. .

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