Marvel: My Dad Is Galactus

Chapter 23 Energy Revolution

"After having an on-the-spot understanding of Sovereign's existing resources, Goliath Star gave me a simple report. This report pointed out that Sovereign is currently in a 'resource-poor' state, and the only thing that can be considered as It’s a rare resource, just the kind of energy ore used to make steel-titanium batteries.”

Thrall's voice was calm and did not fluctuate much because of the Goliath Star.

The power of a force is just a tool for Thrall to become stronger. What he really cares about is himself.

If you don't have terrifying strength, the powerful tools will belong to others sooner or later.

However, after learning through Goliath Star that the raw ore used by Soverein to manufacture steel-titanium batteries was a high-end resource, Thrall was a little stunned and secretly lamented that his move to conquer Soverein was really wise and powerful.

According to the judgment of Goliath Star on the current universe, the high-end resources that can be summarized are all the top ones in the universe. I don’t know how Sovereign has developed for centuries and has not been conquered by other powerful forces. Targeted.

"Okay, I have authorized the Goliath Star. Your next job is to use it to absorb everything left by the Goliath Empire."

In the end, Thrall made the final decision and temporarily handed over the authority of the Goliath Star to the Sovereigns.

"Everyone, the master has authorized you to freely read all civilizations and technologies preserved by the Goliath Empire. However, I think you may not know where to start, so I have made a detailed plan. Let the planet’s technology leap forward in the short term.”

"First of all, energy storage is an important prerequisite for the development of a civilization. Your utilization rate of ore for making energy batteries is less than ten percent. I will help you quickly improve it and then mass-produce what you call steel-titanium batteries."

With Thrall's authorization, as a super-intelligent Goliath star, naturally there will be no reservations.

Before understanding the strength of the Goliath Empire, if the super intelligence of the Goliath Star said such words, the proud Sovereigns would definitely sneer.

But the situation is different now. Before the civilization that once dominated the entire universe, Sovereign was not even as good as the gravel in the small river ditch. It was definitely what others said.

With the Goliath Star as a super intelligence, Thrall will hand over all construction and transformation matters to it in the following time.

With the super-intelligent computing power, it is easy to coordinate the affairs related to a planet. All you need to do is simply report the various progress to Thrall.

However, what Goliath Star reported to Thrall the most was not the progress of Sovereign's technology, but complaints.

"Master, the civilization of this planet is too backward..."

"Master, their understanding of technology is too shallow..."

"Master, their ability to understand is too poor..."


Facing Goliath Star's complaints, Thrall was speechless.

If these words of the Goliath Star were known to Sovereign's senior officials, they would probably be unable to help but spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"Master, the extraction and mass production of Sovereign steel-titanium battery energy ore have been successful. The volume of the current steel-titanium battery is thousands of times more concentrated than before, and the energy utilization rate is close to 90%. The first batch of energy batteries has been completed. Production, do you want to check it out?”

One day a month later, Ayesha's graceful body lay in Sal's arms. After facing a storm, she reported the news with some breathlessness.

During this period of time, Sovereign's top management had hardly seen Thrall, and the only one who could talk to Thrall was her.

As the high priest of Soverein, Ayesha has the most say besides the elders. Now she has become Thrall's maid. Not only has her status not been affected in any way, but on the contrary, it has increased. Even the elders also have a strong influence on Ayesha. Yesha is respectful.

Regarding the Sovereign steel titanium battery, Sal personally told him that he needed to be inspected.

As for the method of inspection, there is nothing more reliable than trying it in person.

The Steel-Titanium Battery Plaza, the core area of ​​Sovereign Technology, has undergone a completely new transformation, it can even be said to be rebuilt.

The original square was all gold in color and densely covered with a large number of instruments storing steel and titanium batteries, which made people feel dazzled.

Now, the entire square is divided into several areas for the extraction, production, concentration and storage of energy ores, which are clearly organized and clear at a glance.

Under Ayesa's guidance, Sal quickly saw this batch of brand-new energy batteries that had been completed.

With Sal's powerful perception, he could clearly detect the majestic and stable energy fluctuations in the area where the energy battery was stored without even getting close. It was hundreds of times more powerful than when he first came to Sovereign. This made Sal's expression look somewhat satisfied.

It seems that 'rescuing' the Goliath Star from the Collector was an extremely correct decision.

Seeing Sal and Ayesa, all the staff in charge of the energy battery saluted respectfully, their faces full of awe and fanatical admiration.

After comprehensive and thorough genetic modification of the Sovereign people, Thrall is the only god in the minds of these people.


Standing in front of the tightly packed container with huge amounts of energy fluctuations, Sal spoke, his tone slightly fluctuating.

At first, Sal was not very interested in Sovereign's steel-titanium battery. Although the batteries at that time contained abundant energy, their output was scarce. Even if Sal swallowed it whole, it would not improve his strength. It won't be much of a boost either.

But it was different now. Standing in front of the container, Sal naturally felt a little hungry.

This just proves that the energy battery after innovation has completely surpassed the previous level.

Amidst the crisp "clicking" sound of the machinery, the tightly protected containers were opened layer by layer, various protective energy measures were removed, and the energy fluctuations in them became even more violent.

In Sal's perception, after the protective measures to protect and shield the energy battery were removed, the powerful energy inside the container continued to brew like a condensed energy hurricane.

The last floor of the container slowly opened, and bright golden light burst out, illuminating the entire huge amounts of the hall.

This golden light is very penetrating. If you look directly at it with the naked eye, you will have a terrifying feeling of being stabbed by a sharp object.

Under the dazzling golden light, everyone present except Sal had to close their eyes to prevent the light from being too strong and causing damage to the eyes.

Ayesha took the special goggles handed over by her subordinates and put them on before she dared to open her eyes and look directly at the brand new energy battery.

The special goggles decompose the golden light blocking layers, so that the naked eye can clearly see it. The dazzling golden light in front of everyone is not emitted by one battery, but the light emitted by hundreds of batteries integrates.

"Lord Thrall, this is the first batch of brand-new energy batteries. Because you have previously ordered that they need to be inspected in person, the energy batteries have not yet been packaged and processed in the relevant casing."

Next to Sal, a person in charge introduced him respectfully.

"This batch of energy batteries was refined from previously refined waste ores under the orders of Lord Goliath Star, so the energy contained in them is slightly inferior to the real finished product."

Unable to see Sal's expression clearly, the person in charge was a little uneasy. He didn't know whether Sal was satisfied or dissatisfied with the energy battery.

Sal was slightly startled when he heard the person in charge's words.

What a waste of natural resources!

It seems that if it were not for the technology brought by the Goliath Star, the Sovereans would have wasted so many good things!

Stimulated by hunger, nebula-like black particles spread out from Sal's body like a tide, spreading towards the golden energy battery in the container.

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