Marvel: My Dad Is Galactus

Chapter 29 Second Provocation

"Sir, it is a monster of huge amounts, and this may be its territory!"

"Your Excellency, Commander, when we were fighting the Accuser fleet, an energy attack hit the monster, and now it is enraged!"

On the largest motherships of the two fleets that had temporarily ceased fire, there were soldiers reporting to the higher-ups.

Through the battleship's detection system, huge amounts of images of the starry sky beasts were clearly displayed on the motherships of both sides.

While the warships on both sides were observing fiercely, Thrall's powerful perception also spread out, completely covering the two fleets in huge amounts.

Although the battle between the two fleets affected him, Thrall would not take action immediately until he understood it clearly.

Under Thrall's powerful perception, everything about the two fleets quickly appeared clearly in his mind.

"Ronan the Accuser? On the other side is... the Nova Fleet of Xandar."

Through perception, Sal 'saw' an acquaintance.

This person is none other than Ronan, the accuser of the Kree Empire who appeared in the movie Guardians of Galaxy. He is a bloody executioner wearing a black strange metallic cape and a lot of black paint on his face!

Among the other forces, although there was no one familiar to Thrall, the eye-catching bright yellow irregular six-pointed star logo on the French warship represented the Nova Alliance.

Although they were acquaintances, it was only Thrall who knew Ronan well, and Ronan did not know Thrall. Similarly, the Nova Fleet only noticed the starry sky beast for a while and did not see Thrall.

"Since this monster has gotten involved, let's destroy it together. Anyone who dares to confront the accuser, whether he is a human or a monster, deserves to die!"

On the battleship of the Accuser Fleet, Ronan, who was holding the Kree war hammer, had murderous intent in his eyes and gave the order without any hesitation.


A Kree Empire soldier nodded respectfully, and then conveyed Ronan's order. The battleship restarted its powerful charging, and had completely locked the starry sky beast.

Feeling the lock of the Accuser fleet, Thrall frowned slightly, and his eyes became completely cold.

The aura on Thrall's body was sensed by the starry sky beast. The starry sky beast was unhappy and let out a roar, and its ferocious giant eyes gradually turned scarlet.

Its temper is much hotter than Thrall's, and he is also a fool who is not afraid of anything.

When I first met Thrall, the Starry Sky Beast attacked Thrall without any hesitation. Now not only did he receive an energy attack inexplicably, but the other party dared to lock it, which even aroused the starry sky. The ferocity in the bloodline of giant beasts.

The starry sky beast is ready. As long as Thrall orders it, it will pounce directly and tear the Accuser fleet to pieces.

On the Accuser fleet mothership, huge amounts of cannon muzzle blazing energy was charged. Following an order, a dazzling energy beam as thick as a bucket shot directly towards the ferocious head of the starry sky beast. Obviously Prepare to kill with one hit.

This energy impact was much more terrifying than the one that accidentally fell on the starry sky beast just now. It was at least hundreds of times more powerful than the normal energy bombardment of a battleship.

Just the trajectory formed by passing through space caused some distortion in this area, which shows the high energy intensity and strong destructive power.

Facing this attacking beam of light that was about to arrive in a blink of an eye, the starry sky beast also showed a trace of caution in its eyes.

Although it has become a lot crazier after following Thrall, due to its instinctive response to crisis, it deeply knows that if this attack is not dealt with carefully, it will definitely cause a lot of damage to it.

"Let me do it."

Feeling the tightness of the starry sky beast's body as he sat down, Thrall's voice rang in the starry sky beast's ears.

At the same time, the nebula particles surpassed the body of the starry sky beast in the blink of an eye and solidified into a barrier in front of it, standing directly between the energy attack and the starry sky beast.


The terrifying energy beam hit the surface of the barrier constructed by the nebula particles, immediately triggering an explosion of huge amounts. The dazzling light illuminated this side of the sky, and the destructive power was huge amounts of wanton aftermath.

The aftermath of the explosion and impact spread in all directions from the point of intersection of the two, like a hurricane, causing many warships that were approaching to be slightly pushed away.

"Continue to attack the Nova Fleet and destroy them all!"

Seeing huge amounts of energy exploding from the projection screen, Ronan felt no fluctuation in his heart.

In his opinion, although the starry beast that suddenly appeared was powerful, this attack was enough to shatter it into pieces. It was just an insignificant monster, and Ronan would not take it to heart at all.

What he is really concerned about is the Nova Fleet surrounded by fleets. With the grudge between him and the Nova Alliance for generations, Ronan will never let go of such a golden opportunity.

After receiving Ronan's order, the person in charge was about to adjust the battleship and continue to encircle and suppress the Nova Fleet, but when the screen was switched, he was slightly startled and the movement of his hand stopped.

The behemoth in the starry sky that should have been shattered to pieces was charging towards the fleet with great momentum at the moment. There was a golden red blood-colored light condensing on its body, making it appear to be extremely powerful.

"Sir...sir! The monster just now is still there!"

After rubbing his eyes to make sure that he had read correctly, the person in charge spoke hurriedly and reported to Ronan.


Ronan's eyes fell on the projection, and he was also slightly stunned, looking very surprised.

Even Ronan would not be able to take the attack launched by the main ship unscathed just now. How could this monster be possible?

However, Ronan didn't have much time to think. On the starry sky beast, a group of nebula particles had condensed into a slender spear. The dazzling golden light on the tip of the spear was aimed at a medium-sized ship of the Accuser fleet. Battleship.

It's not disrespectful to reciprocate. Facing the two attacks from the accuser's fleet, Thrall had an indifferent smile on his face and slowly raised his fingers.

Just in time, let Ronan's Accuser fleet test the nebula particles that have unparalleled sharp properties after devouring a large amount of strange golden energy.


The slender spear turned into a dim light, with a bit of gold on the tip of the spear, piercing the space directly, and in an instant it crossed the distance between the spear and the battleship, and sank into the Accuser medium-sized battleship that Thrall was targeting.

Compared to the huge warship, the attack launched by Thrall was very inconspicuous. Even the medium-sized warship being attacked did not notice anything before the attack came.

But, the next second.


A terrible explosion surged out from the inside of the medium-sized battleship, and the bursting fire directly engulfed the medium-sized battleship completely.


When the medium-sized battleship exploded, the quiet sound of a pindrop could be heard in the command hall of the Accuser's mothership.

The first reaction of the accuser fleet was not shock, but confusion.

What exactly is going on?

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