Marvel: My Dad Is Galactus

Chapter 38: Convincing People With Virtue, The Dilemma Of The Dwarf Tribe [3Rd Update]

"King Dwarf, when I first arrived in Nidaville, I discovered that the energy source used in the area you live in should be the huge amounts of Fixed Star core in the distance, right?"

Thrall smiled slightly and deliberately did not answer the dwarf king's words. Instead, he changed the subject and talked about the dwarf clan.

"Yes, our dwarf family has been thriving here for countless years. This Fixed Star has always been the only source of energy for our life and casting. Only by using the huge energy and special heat of the Fixed Star core can we Forge some special artifacts.”

Speaking of the Fixed Star core, the dwarf king's face showed a hint of glory. This Fixed Star core is closely related to the glory forged by their dwarf family.

"However, if my perception is correct, even if it is a normal consumption, this Fixed Star core can only provide Nidaville for a thousand years at most. If you cast the artifact and mobilize the huge star core energy, it will accelerate The failure of the star core, once the star core energy riots, or the energy is exhausted, the result will be..."

After saying this, Thrall listened and looked at King Dwarf whose expression gradually changed.

If the life of a Fixed Star comes to an end, there are only three possibilities.

White dwarf, neutron star, black hole.

No matter which one it is, it is a huge disaster of genocide for the dwarf country Nidaville.

Thrall sharply pointed out the crisis facing the dwarf clan, and the dwarf king's face was filled with worry.

The dwarf family had discovered this matter several generations ago, but they had no way to solve it.

The dwarf family living next to the core of the Fixed Star are like moths compared to this planet, constantly extracting energy from the Fixed Star and accelerating its aging and death.

However, without the energy of the Fixed Star core, how could the dwarf family create powerful artifacts that are famous in the universe?

Stopping the creation of artifacts can indeed extend the life of the Fixed Star core.

But in this case, without the ability to create artifacts, will Asgard, the divine realm, still protect these worthless wastes?

Every time he thought about this, King Dwarf felt his heart tighten and he couldn't breathe.


For a moment, King Dwarf was speechless and could only let out a long sigh.

After Thrall saw through the crisis of the dwarf clan, the dwarf king no longer needed to hide it, his face was full of sorrow.

Seeing this, Sal smiled slightly.

"Chief Ai Cui, this is why I came here this time."

Thrall spoke unhurriedly and said something that shocked King Dwarf.

"Lord Sal, what did you say?"

Shocked by Thrall's words, King Dwarf looked up at Thrall in disbelief.

"You heard me right. I can change the current situation of the dwarf clan. Not only can I save you from crisis, but I can even make the dwarf clan prosper and become a powerful race in the universe."

Sal spoke calmly, with undoubted confidence in his tone.

Feeling Thrall's strong belief, King Dwarf felt a little more hopeful, and his eyes when looking at Thrall changed slightly.

If this mysterious young man named Thrall can really help the dwarf family, then he must seize this opportunity!

"Lord Sal, what can you do?"

King Dwarf asked expectantly.

"Chief Ai Cui, there are two crises facing the dwarf clan. First, energy depletion. If the Fixed Star core energy is exhausted within a thousand years, the dwarf clan will not only be unable to continue to forge artifacts, but will also die due to the decay of the Fixed Star core. Genocide.”

"Secondly, no race in the universe can match the dwarf clan in terms of casting, but their true strength is far from powerful. There must be a powerful force to protect them to ensure the survival of the dwarf clan, otherwise they will be destroyed in a matter of minutes. Those jealous forces will eat up all the bones."

"Am i right?"

Facing King Dwarf, Thrall had a faint smile on his face, and his thorough analysis surprised King Dwarf.

Thrall's words undoubtedly touched King Dwarf's heart.

The Fixed Star star core energy source is on the one hand, the protection of strong strength, and it is also a very important factor.

If it weren't for this, the dwarf clan wouldn't have worked as coolies for God's Domain for so many years without any reason.

Although dwarf is upright, he is definitely not stupid.

Regarding Thrall's analysis, King Dwarf could only nod helplessly.

"Very good, now let's talk about the first point. The Fixed Star core cannot be taken away no matter what. The Fixed Star in the final stage is a time bomb. It may run out of energy at any time and affect the area where you live. The dwarf family wants to To continue to develop, we must find another energy source that can provide sufficient casting conditions, right?”

Thrall asked.

The dwarf king nodded helplessly.

Seeing King Dwarf like this, Thrall laughed a little. It seemed that the things he said really troubled King Dwarf, and he only responded with such an expression now.

With a slight smile, Sal turned his palm slightly, and a dazzling golden light suddenly shone.

In Thrall's palm, a new energy battery unique to Sovereign suddenly appeared.

" this?"

The golden light of the energy battery was extremely dazzling, making King Dwarf unable to open his eyes. However, the special and vast energy fluctuations of the energy battery made King Dwarf feel shocked.

Even without seeing it with the naked eye, standing in front of the energy battery, King Dwarf has the illusion of facing a sun.

"The dwarf family will next forge the energy source of the artifact."

Sal spoke confidently.

For his familiarity with energy, Thrall can be called the authority in the entire universe.

All kinds of energy are like pieces of food in front of Sal.

No one is unfamiliar with their food.

Compared with the energy battery produced by Sovereign, the energy level of the Fixed Star star core is several levels behind.

Star core energy can be used as the energy source for casting, and the energy battery is naturally more than enough!

Although he couldn't see clearly what the energy battery looked like, after some careful perception, King Dwarf had a look of wonder on his face.

The energy contained in this energy battery can definitely support them in casting powerful artifacts.

Its effect is much more than that of Fixed Star core.

In fact, King Dwarf immediately came up with a hypothesis.

If this golden energy can really be used as a casting energy source, the dwarf family is sure to break through the existing casting level and create a super powerful artifact!

"Lord Thrall, this energy battery..."

"As much as you want!"

As soon as the golden light faded, the energy battery had been put away by Thrall.

If he didn't put it away, the dwarf king would have to keep his eyes closed the whole time he was talking to him.

"Lord Thrall, are you willing to provide this battery to the dwarf family?"

King Dwarf suppressed the excitement in his heart and thought of a question.

"That's the next thing. King Dwarf, now let me tell you the solution to the second problem I just raised."

Seeing King Dwarf's face turning red from excitement or nervousness, Thrall spoke.

"As long as the dwarf clan follows me, no one in this universe will dare to touch a hair of yours!"

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